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Author Topic: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-  (Read 3136 times)


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New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« on: October 29, 2018, 05:14:51 am »
Thanks in advance for any comments or input here:D

Just set up and filled the tub, a new to us 2005 Marquis. I'm getting the chemistry going and just today (Sunday), my wife and I got in for a first time soak.  ;D  After filling the other day, I noted the high side had a jet nozzle mostly or at least half out of the water line and wondered if that would be an issue. I O W, does air get in the system this way and if so is that a problem ?
I call it the high side because the tub is on a patio and as I understand it, perfectly level isn't a problem. A slight slope from the far left corner to the right and toward the front but nothing dramatic.  :-\

This question came up because with 2 of us in the tub, I realized the water level is higher and the skimmer / filter cover wants to almost float up off it's base. I guess what is obvious to me is the neck jets will not be submerged though-  they are well above the water line.

TEMP control / energy;
Set up currently as "Standard" and 102* , it will maintain by sampling water a few times every hour or two on a slow speed pump cycle.  It's ready at any moment now whereas 95* would need to be bumped up 2-3 hours prior to use. What do you do to be energy smart or efficient ?
We will soon figure out if we are tubbing every day or not and can manage as we figure out the use frequency I guess.

ECON setting = 2 x per 24 hours, the pump cycles and hits the target temp. I suppose temp drops could mean the energy to regain isn't saving anything.

SLEEP / vacation setting = 80* as set back

~ bachman

« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 05:16:34 am by bachman »

Hot Tub Forum

New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« on: October 29, 2018, 05:14:51 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2018, 02:40:49 pm »
  As long as you have enough water height at the filter well, it should be fine.   Temp wise leave it where you want.


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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2018, 05:32:53 pm »
Neck jets are sometimes higher and above the water line. On my tub the headrest hides them and keeps water from spraying around the tub when using them.

Water temp is an individual thing in the summer we have ours 98-100 and sometimes use a setting where the heater stays off during daytime hours. In winter the temp goes up in the tub as the temp outside goes down. Your body controls its temp by how much of you is out of the water. When it is zero out just your head alone will let you enjoy a 104 tub. If you tried 104 on a hot summer day you would be ready to get out in 5 minutes.

The only time we turn ours down is if we are going away for a couple weeks or know we wont be using it. It doesn’t pay to ramp it up and down all the time. 


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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2018, 02:02:34 am »

Appreciate the input guys.

I was looking for a strategy that is effective and efficient but kept thinking the temp we want and daily/near daily use really leaves no strategy.
"Leave it where you want it."   really is the simple truth.  :)
I'd seen plenty of evidence that ramping up the temp for 5 - 6 or more hours at time to establish gains needed is not an effective means of saving anything unless possibly having unused for weeks at a time. 
Definitely will use the other settings as per vacation times or planned down time as that fits plans.
Our 'cold snap' here is typically a few days of teens and nights near zero or just below but not a big stretch of that normally.

Could have used today as a perfect one for taking the cover apart to clean it inside out and air out / dry and see how its made. We had low to mid 70's but I was too preoccupied with other tasks. I'll bank on getting another mild day to do so soon though. Not  Tues or Weds, as we'll see cooler damp weather and possibly rain/snow mix.

Not sure I recall ever being in an outdoor tub in colder weather or winter months but there is no avoiding that situation now. Been used to shoveling a path to the backyard grill so now it'll be even more worthwhile.



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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2018, 07:52:40 am »
Using a hot tub outside in the cold winter is the best part of owning a hot tub!


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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 11:47:35 am »
Using a hot tub outside in the cold winter is the best part of owning a hot tub!

No argument there although mine is off limits for a short while.  :-\

* At 2 am, my wife heard a loud noise and got up to peek out the back yard window.

Snow on neighbors huge tree limb versus hot tub.
Hoping the length and angle it's setting at minimized damage. Cover might have some injury but leaving sit until advised by my agent. Plenty of pictures though.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 01:48:09 pm by bachman »


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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2018, 07:41:53 am »
Using a hot tub outside in the cold winter is the best part of owning a hot tub!

No argument there although mine is off limits for a short while.  :-\

* At 2 am, my wife heard a loud noise and got up to peek out the back yard window.

Snow on neighbors huge tree limb versus hot tub.
Hoping the length and angle it's setting at minimized damage. Cover might have some injury but leaving sit until advised by my agent. Plenty of pictures though.

yikes!  If I were you, I would cut that tree back...You have every right to do so if it hangs over onto your property!


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Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 08:58:55 am »
Using a hot tub outside in the cold winter is the best part of owning a hot tub!

No argument there although mine is off limits for a short while.  :-\

* At 2 am, my wife heard a loud noise and got up to peek out the back yard window.

Snow on neighbors huge tree limb versus hot tub.
Hoping the length and angle it's setting at minimized damage. Cover might have some injury but leaving sit until advised by my agent. Plenty of pictures though.

yikes!  If I were you, I would cut that tree back...You have every right to do so if it hangs over onto your property!

Can't explain how fortunate we are other than to call it Mother Nature's perfectly executed Prank.  :o

Been here 13 years and those trees next door have been little other than a nuisance with their weepy limbs and thin leaves that are a pain to clear and rake.
This issue will definitely start the conversation with our neighbor's trees though. He stopped by last night and today, we will do some clean up. It's all my mess in my yard but I'm not/wasn't bashful about asking for some help. It's all his tree !!  ;)
My insurance contact said neighbors are not liable (or their insurance isn't) on something like this ….   Must be due to some automatic coverage of my own personal property / home owners coverage then ? I thought I'd heard of exceptions where the owner is negligent or irresponsible though.

* I'm not making any claim because Mother Nature's Prank was this soft limb- a 30 foot long monstrosity likely a snap and slow motion teetering to the top of the tub at such a low pitch angle and extending to the ground on the far side, the impact must have been minimal. I might have a slight tear in the cover enough to glue almost like a finger nail scratch. THAT's IT !!  :D

I won't kid you , it was heavy and cumbersome still attached at the break point 15 feet up and a few feet over the fence/property line. After realizing I'd likely not get any immediate help and being Halloween, I took my time, some level of patience I didn't know I had, ropes and wood to protect the cover and pivoted it to one side. Ropes kept me a safe distance while I could motivate the tree limb without too much worry. I didn't want this to be my 'final' project.  :-X
My only interest was investigating the cover, making sure the tub under was intact, water level, service panel area etc...  Pumps and heater sounded like everything was cycling properly and after all the checks, found nothing amiss. After looking at the corner and other side of the house where the branch top ended, I was again relieved at the good fortune inspecting the 240V GFCI to see the box itself was narrowly missed and easily could have been ripped from the side of the house.
It's a long story and sorry about that but I wish you all a happy day-after Halloween and although not typical luck for me, I hope everyone else's future trials and challenges are met with similar good fortune !

~ bachman

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New to hot tubs, temp setting and water level questions-
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 08:58:55 am »


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