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Author Topic: Opinion Please  (Read 6196 times)


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Opinion Please
« on: December 08, 2005, 11:07:21 pm »
I know I am the one that has to make this decision but I'd like some "logical" advice.

I interviewed for a job in Denver in April 2005.  There were 2 openings and I was their third choice.  No biggie.

The company I work for is in bankruptcy and at that time things were starting to look up.  

So I went ahead and bought the tub and a new deck.

Fast forward 8 months - the folks in Denver called me yesterday saying they expect a position to be available within 2 months and wanted to know if I was interested.

The picture with my current employer, in my opinion, doesn't appear to be that good and the latest news didn't make it better.

Pros - My wife and I would like to settle in that area once the kids are gone. I would still be able to give 20 years to them. Top of scale pay is 10K more than what I can currently earn here.  Better 401K. Work schedule would allow for commuting.  4 on - 2 off - 4 on - 4 off.  More growth opportunity.

Cons - a 20K reduction in pay initially, bottom of the seniority list, kids not real thrilled about possibly moving/losing friends/having to start over, may have to be a commuter for up to 6 years. Might have to move into a smaller house.  Loss of tub. Have to rent/share something in DEN/COS area.

Personal Notes -

We have no reason to stay in central Indiana.  Closest family is 7 hours away. No offense to this place, this state was not one in which we envisioned ourselves in retirement.  I enjoy my work and who I work for just not where it is.  That doesn't mean this state is boring - it's just not for us.

Some reasons for keeping the family here would be the chance of a full ride scholarship at one of the state universities.  The school system is great.  I've seen to many kids in the military have to move in their junior or senior year of high school and I really don't want that to happen to my kids.

Currently I am leaning towards taking it if it is offered.

If any of you might see something I maybe missing for either cause let me know.


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Opinion Please
« on: December 08, 2005, 11:07:21 pm »


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e: Opinion Please
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2005, 08:27:09 am »
Some things I'd consider:

What is the job market like for you and your spouse (if applicable) in your current area vs Denver?  Say you do pull up roots and move, and the new job doesn't work out so well.  Would it be easier to get a new job here if you current employer goes under, or in the Denver area?
What type work do you do, if you don't mind sharing.

What is the cost of living difference where you are now vs Denver?  In the area I live, real estate is relatively expensive- and taxes are relatively high.  I'm willing to be you can get a lot more house for the money in central Indiana than you can in this region.  You'd probably need a 20K raise just stay above water moving from where you live to here- how about Denver?

If it is a financially "backwards" move, are you truly prepared for that?  Do you have sufficient cash on hand if necessary?  

What is the real estate market like in your area now, if you have to sell your home, how far in advance of the move would you need to list the property, and what would happen if your home sold really quickly and the new owner wanted quick possession?  What if your property doesn't sell quickly- how flexible would your current or potential new employer be?  Could you afford to move to Denver if you had to accept that position and start but your existing home hasn't sold yet?

Does this new employer offer any re-location assistance?

Those are all things I'd be mulling over if I was in your shoes.  But I tend to worry about that kind of stuff, probalby too much.  I would probalby have made a rotten pioneer.

What ever you chose to do, best of luck.  


« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 08:28:49 am by Brewman »


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2005, 09:31:43 am »
I  think Brewman makes some excellent points; Taking a look at the entire economy of both areas and not just the specifics of one particuliar position.   The $ is another big issue  and need to really take a look at the cost of living too,

Is Denver offering any relocation help? Would they?

good luck in what you decide.

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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2005, 11:13:53 am »
For me one of the biggest questions would be whether I should be comparing this potential new job to my current job or whether I should be comparing it to the unemployment line.

I had an inside scoop regarding a job opening earlier in the year at a large company nearby and figured it was perfect for my neighbor who had been working as a temp for the past year. He looked into it and found it was a good fit for what he does but in the end didn't take it as he was making about 30% more at the temp job (no benefits of course) and hoped it would roll over to regular status. Well guess what, the temp job disappeared and now he's looking and was wondering if I knew if that comapny was hiring again.
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Re: e: Opinion Please
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2005, 11:16:14 am »
Some things I'd consider:

What is the job market like for you and your spouse (if applicable) in your current area vs Denver?  Say you do pull up roots and move, and the new job doesn't work out so well.  Would it be easier to get a new job here if you current employer goes under, or in the Denver area?
 What type work do you do, if you don't mind sharing.

What is the cost of living difference where you are now vs Denver?  In the area I live, real estate is relatively expensive- and taxes are relatively high.  I'm willing to be you can get a lot more house for the money in central Indiana than you can in this region.  You'd probably need a 20K raise just stay above water moving from where you live to here- how about Denver?

If it is a financially "backwards" move, are you truly prepared for that?  Do you have sufficient cash on hand if necessary?  

What is the real estate market like in your area now, if you have to sell your home, how far in advance of the move would you need to list the property, and what would happen if your home sold really quickly and the new owner wanted quick possession?  What if your property doesn't sell quickly- how flexible would your current or potential new employer be?  Could you afford to move to Denver if you had to accept that position and start but your existing home hasn't sold yet?

Does this new employer offer any re-location assistance?

Those are all things I'd be mulling over if I was in your shoes.  But I tend to worry about that kind of stuff, probalby too much.  I would probalby have made a rotten pioneer.

What ever you chose to do, best of luck.  

Thanks for the information.

If I lost my job in either city, I do have sufficient skills, training that I could have a new job within a week but I would take about the same hit financially.  Wife only works part time and here skills are easily transferable to anywhere.

The good news about the DEN job is it is a replacement position not an expansion one.  So there is a bit more of security.  The bad news is - it's still the airline business.  To work for a different company in my profession you have to move or commute and most work schedules do not allow for commuting.  That was one reason I took this job here.  The schedule was 4 on - 4 off and I commuted for about 6 months.  We actually had someone commute from Hawaii to Indy for awhile.
If I wanted to work for United, I'd have to move to Chicago.  American or Southwest - Dallas.  Delta - Atlanta.  And so and so on....

I know real estate is more expensive in CO than IN.  In 6 years we would be downsizing anyway.  So ending up in a smaller house is not a big deal.  Plus at this point, presuming I still work for them, I would be making 15k more than when I started plus most of my expenses will have been reduced.  I should be able to keep my IN residency so my taxes won't change.

As far as liquid assests - I could survive approx 2 years without a job. Really don't want to do that.  Also  doesn't mean there may not be a garage sale or two during that time but we'd have one anyway if one downsizes or moves.

Yeah right, I wish relocation assistance was available.

I am still doing the research, but again thanks for the info.



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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2005, 11:16:57 am »
didnt mean to quote your whole reply Brewman



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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2005, 11:48:03 am »
Good luck with that decison.  I have a freind who lives just outside of Denver and works in downtown Denver.  Housing is very expensive and they purchased a much older home than I have for much more money.

He does not make a good living ($28,000) by Colarado standards but his wife does make about $100k.  I can't imagine living in that area if you could not make a combined household income of at least $80k.

That being said, my freind just loves it.  He tells me that he never feels like he has to travel to go on vacation becuase he is living in it.  

I know this doesn't answer your questions but my point is if you know you are going to love the place than it may be worth it to you.  As for me, I just don't like driving in traffic anymore.


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2005, 11:51:31 am »
I moved to Denver a year ago the economy is great and the  and there is so much to do here, I dont think I will ever move again, I love it here! ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2005, 12:09:48 pm »


sounds like you have really thought this out, and have your bases covered.
If your family is on board with the decision, maybe this is the right time to open up a new chapter in your lives.

If you do chose to re-locate, you can always hook up with spaman, and go on a crusade to make sure that only spas that are correctly listed with a recognized, independent testing organization are sold in the Denver area.   ;)


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2005, 12:37:41 pm »

sounds like you have really thought this out, and have your bases covered.
 If your family is on board with the decision, maybe this is the right time to open up a new chapter in your lives.

 If you do chose to re-locate, you can always hook up with spaman, and go on a crusade to make sure that only spas that are correctly listed with a recognized, independent testing organization are sold in the Denver area.   ;)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 8)


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2005, 06:28:58 am »
Yeah - there is always that.  

But then again driving around the country in a pickup truck with some kind of camper thingy in the bed (something from the 70's) - pulling a trailer loaded to the hilt with spas (reminds of some cartoons) just might be for me.    ::)    

Then again -- NOT!!!!!!!!!

I could go into spa sales - but I'd probably have to shave my head and get an assault rifle.  Yet the "fringe" benifits seem well worth it.



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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2005, 06:36:12 am »

That being said, my freind just loves it.  He tells me that he never feels like he has to travel to go on vacation becuase he is living in it.  

I know that feeling.  I lived out in Ogden UT for several years.  It was great.  30 min east your in the mountains - 30 min west your in the desert.
Another good thing about UT (not to offend anyone) at least with so many people from the church of the big M you didn't have to worry about the Jehovah Witnesses coming to you door.    ;)


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2005, 04:10:29 pm »
It is never an easy choice to stay put or move.  But in either situation you still have some amount of uncertainty.  I moved some in the Army and since I have been out. (I grew up in Ohio so I understand your statements about Indiana).  My Dad moved a few times in his job as well.

Can you go visit the area in Denver with the family/kids?  Perhaps there are better or more school programs or opportunity there.  The kids today have e-mail, text messaging, IM etc so staying in contact with others should not be too hard.  Besides, after they graduate High School they may never see some of their current friends again.

Maybe you can find a house with a spa!  Or a place to put one and move yours..

I moved from Alabama to VA and taxes, housing etc were higher so I didn't really make any extra money and things were tight.  Five years later I had an opportunity to move back to Alabama and due to more experience I gained it was a great move at that time.  Maybe the Denver position will give you more experience or more networking and open up something later you couldn't do now, down the road.

Like the other poster stated about the temp worker, my Dad always said the best time to get a new job is when you don't need one.  It seems like later when you want one,  there aren't any to be found.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2005, 04:13:17 pm by spaceguy »


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2006, 04:46:08 pm »
Update - I was offered the job in DEN, with a start of the first week of Feb.  I accepted and provided all the required other paperwork comes back satisfactorily (which it should), I'll be working in DEN and commuting to IND. Not on a daily basis!!!

Wish me luck as it will be a rough couple of years.



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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2006, 04:49:38 pm »
Update - I was offered the job in DEN, with a start of the first week of Feb.  I accepted and provided all the required other paperwork comes back satisfactorily (which it should), I'll be working in DEN and commuting to IND. Not on a daily basis!!!

Wish me luck as it will be a rough couple of years.


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Re: Opinion Please
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2006, 04:49:38 pm »


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