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Author Topic: Confused shopper  (Read 3322 times)


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Confused shopper
« on: October 16, 2018, 05:28:44 pm »
Hey everyone. I’m a new never but have been reading messages as a guest for quite some time now. I’m in the market to purchase our first spa but can’t make sense here or there from the dealers.

I live in Winnipeg MB Canada. It’s long cold winters and I can’t wait to relax in a tub. Open to suggestions. So far I haven’t wet tested any but trying to narrow choices first. Since it’s my first spa I have some fears. First that it could be a purchase that the excitement wears off and it’s not used as much as we think it will be. For that reason I’m open to floor models, or trade ins that have warranty and have been reconditioned. I don’t want anything too basic and therefor not comfortable enough, but I also don’t want to spend a fortune and not use it enough. Trying to find some middle ground. We don’t want a lounger, but want tonseat 4 comfortably.

I’ve come across what seems like a decent deal on a Maxx 480, ($10,500) Seats look well jetted forna nice massage, but I don’t know a lot about the manufacturer. They also seem to be the only spa that doesn’t claim to be the most energy efficient, which makes me wonder how well it’s built and insulated since every spa seems to be the “best”

I really like the jacuzzi 470, and after talking to the salesman they built it up so much over the 300 series tubs with the better jets and pumps etc I want to avoid the 300’s but the price on a new 470 is close to $20,000! They have a 2012 for $9999 but that seems like a lot for a 7 year old tub.

The bullfrog seems very interesting with the movable jet pack to be in your favorite seat and desired massage, but I’ve had limited success finding reviews for people with tubs for a few years and how they have lasted. Current A7 floor model is ($13,500)

I found a nice 2016 Coast radiance curve for ($9870). Looks nice and I like the sound of their filtration system but don’t know if it’s more of a sales gimmick or actually beneficial. It is the 56 jet luxury package.

I have always liked the sound of arctic spa but the local dealer has their heads so far up tier ass that upon mentioning looking at other spas they began to talk down to me as if I was an absolute idiot. They also feel their 2004/2005 tundra LE packages are worth $9000. Apparently in 15 years this tub hasn’t depreciated much.

I visited hot springs today and they seem to be take what we have on the floor or wait till spring. The motomassage looks great but I didn’t like then2 corner seats taken up by stairs and the filter. Some models seemed quite nice but I couldn’t find a jet package in a seat for my back that seemed to fit the most common areas of pain I have.

Any help would be great!

Hot Tub Forum

Confused shopper
« on: October 16, 2018, 05:28:44 pm »

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 06:13:25 pm »
If you're not sure you'll really use the tub much after the novelty period wears off, I'd recommend looking at used tubs- keep the pricing low- and know that you'll only have it a few years.  This will keep your exposure low on the investment.  After, say, 2 years, if you really like hot tubs, you can buy new, and know exactly what you want and what you *dont* want. 

Just my thoughts.  You're looking into brands that for the most part have the respect of industry insiders.  Thus, if you do buy new, you're on the right track.  I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.


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Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2018, 12:54:16 pm »
I think I have it narrowed down to a 2016 Hot Springs Grandee NXT dealer selling for $9999 with GFCI delivery cover, cover lifter and steps including taxes, or a 2016 Coast Apex B curve, same options for $9870 plus taxes. Both have LED lights, ozone and no stereo. Any opinions on these 2 tubs?

The Grandee has a small crack on the top side of the edge of the shell by the control, he Coast was traded in with a leak that has been repaired and both come with warranty from the dealer. Both dealers have been around for 20 plus years and offer full service afterwords. Is either defect more telling of a future problem then the other?

Thanks for the help!


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Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2018, 11:44:07 am »
I think I have it narrowed down to a 2016 Hot Springs Grandee NXT dealer selling for $9999 with GFCI delivery cover, cover lifter and steps including taxes, or a 2016 Coast Apex B curve, same options for $9870 plus taxes. Both have LED lights, ozone and no stereo. Any opinions on these 2 tubs?

The Grandee has a small crack on the top side of the edge of the shell by the control, he Coast was traded in with a leak that has been repaired and both come with warranty from the dealer. Both dealers have been around for 20 plus years and offer full service afterwords. Is either defect more telling of a future problem then the other?

Thanks for the help!

I would prefer the Grandee as a model and a crack should be a one time thing so if fixed properly I wouldn't be too concerned. The leak may be isolated but I'd fear that returning more or being indicative of others to follow but I'd need to know more on the specifics of what leaked, where and why. Having said that I think there is a lot of room for negotiation on both. You should be able to not only negotiate the price but also the length of that store warranty. I guarantee he/they want to sell those particular spas more than you want to buy them because a lot of people would say "if I'm spending almost 10k I'd rather move up in price to a new one" so they know it takes the right kind of customer. Refrubished spas for $5k go quickly, those at $10K maybe not so easily.  I'd ask for 10% more of and the store warranty to be 1 year (you don't say so I assume they're offering 3 or 4 months) and I assume by "cover" you mean new cover.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2018, 02:55:45 pm »
I think I have it narrowed down to a 2016 Hot Springs Grandee NXT dealer selling for $9999 with GFCI delivery cover, cover lifter and steps including taxes, or a 2016 Coast Apex B curve, same options for $9870 plus taxes. Both have LED lights, ozone and no stereo. Any opinions on these 2 tubs?

The Grandee has a small crack on the top side of the edge of the shell by the control, he Coast was traded in with a leak that has been repaired and both come with warranty from the dealer. Both dealers have been around for 20 plus years and offer full service afterwords. Is either defect more telling of a future problem then the other?

Thanks for the help!

In your previous email you talk about Bullfrog...I bought an X8L for less than 8k brand new.  Please...whatever you do, make sure you wet test before you buy.  We didn't think we wanted a lounger either....Until we wet tested one and LOVED IT! 

Piper Matt

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Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2018, 01:10:40 pm »
Having gone through the process myself over the last year, I can only reiterate the recurring advice from this forum.  Wet test as much as possible.  You may be surprised by the results.  Even if you're not wild about the dealer, the wet test experience is good for comparing with other models.  From there, factor in your comfort with the dealer, his reliability, longevity, etc. 

Since you liked the Jacuzzi, you might consider looking at the Sundance models.  I think they are owned by the same company and apparently the models are very similar but also slightly different.  It looks like Aqua-Tech is the dealer in Winnipeg. 

Regarding the novelty wearing off and your initial investment, I would imagine that a tub you bought new would hold more value after light use over a year or two than a used model with an extra year or two and a physical relocation on it.  A floor model might be a great idea -- essentially new and with all the warranties but with a deeper discount. 

Good luck and enjoy!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Confused shopper
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2018, 01:10:40 pm »


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