I have a Bullfrog R6. Hindsight is 20/20 and when I bought this about three years ago, I was concerned my extensive travel would make it difficult to keep the spa maintained. Bromine in a floater seems to maintain the water well enough but above the water line, I've got issues.
The underside of the cover has pretty extensive black mold. I'd sprayed it with bleach more than once, which made it look nearly as good as new, but it comes back. I'm fairly certain the mold is on the inside of the cover and that's why it returns. I'm willing to replace the cover to nip this in the bud.
But even with a new cover, my concern is all of the nooks and crannies above the waterline on the top of the Jetpaks and all of the related hardware that also have black mold. I'm draining the tub as I type this and will give it a through cleaning but there are just too many crevices where I can't simply wipe the mold away.
What can I spray on these areas that will kill the mold but won't wreak havoc on the water chemistry once refilled if any residue remains?
The arrow below is just one example of the places I'm concerned about. I'm afraid if this mold isn't killed, it will flourish when the spa is refilled.