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Author Topic: Buyer needs advice second phase  (Read 11792 times)


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Buyer needs advice second phase
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:45:15 pm »
Looking to purchase tub from out of state dealer but only 35 miles away and my questions regard contract. After reading many horror stories contract seems pretty vague price delivery steps cover lift chems. No mention of set up even though assured they will. No mention of warranty,service,service charges,time frame of service,compensation for tub down time if excessive. Seems contract and not just this one others as well, intentionally vague but when an issue arises it's the first thing they reference in their best interest because they do it so often. Any help on specific issues to have addressed in writing before signing and making payment? Also are a good blanket over water worth it to preserve cover and insulation? Thank you

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Buyer needs advice second phase
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:45:15 pm »


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 07:24:41 pm »
Looking to purchase tub from out of state dealer but only 35 miles away and my questions regard contract. After reading many horror stories contract seems pretty vague price delivery steps cover lift chems. No mention of set up even though assured they will. No mention of warranty,service,service charges,time frame of service,compensation for tub down time if excessive. Seems contract and not just this one others as well, intentionally vague but when an issue arises it's the first thing they reference in their best interest because they do it so often. Any help on specific issues to have addressed in writing before signing and making payment? Also are a good blanket over water worth it to preserve cover and insulation? Thank you

I think that’s how most contracts read. Warranty is from manufacturer not the dealer. Dealer just performs warranty work. I usually add no service charge on warranty for x a
Punt of time depending on how negotiations go. Compensation for down time I don’t think you will get any dealer to give you. I wouldn’t put that on paperwork. I try to stock as much as I can parts wise but I have had a time or two when a part I need under warranty has been on backorder for a few weeks. Can’t really blame the dealer for that. Maybe get something in writing about timeframe to perform warranty service.


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2018, 07:37:23 am »
Thanks for your response it was very helpful. I believe you to be a man of integrity and would buy from you in a heartbeat.I find it interesting you were the only one to respond.  after viewing numerous posts on benefits of buying local it seems that after purchase responsibility for problems falls to manufacturer. All comments on buying from big box stores or master are hollow when local dealers put nothing in contracts about their responsibility after purchase.as long as their is good local service and have a tub that doesn't. Have proprietary parts I should be fine. Going to buy a master spa and feel very comfortable about it. Thanks again


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 08:22:25 am »
Hottubguy is correct that the warranty is from the manufacturer and not the dealer.  Maybe I am misunderstanding your response to his reply.  The dealer is the one responsible for performing any service, not the manufacturer.  If there is an issue, you contact your dealer, not the manufacturer.  The manufacturer typically only gets involved if you as the customer contacts them because of an issue between you and your dealer.  Never underestimate the importance of a quality reputable dealer. 

Typically, your big box retailers sell low quality and offer no after sale support, which is why most here suggest to avoid them.  Company's like Master Spas and Cal Spas for example, have earned their reputations which is why they receive little if any positive thoughts here. 

I have sold hot tubs for over 17 years and always worked for a reputable dealer that performs their own service work, warranty or not.  The only time I have specifically put anything in a sales contract regarding service is if the hot tub will be located a significant distance from my store, then I would put in what the mileage fee would be.  On the rare occasion I had a customer who needed it in the sales contract stating we service what we sell, etc, etc, etc, then I would include the requested information. 


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 10:16:15 am »
Thanks for your response it was very helpful. I believe you to be a man of integrity and would buy from you in a heartbeat.I find it interesting you were the only one to respond.  after viewing numerous posts on benefits of buying local it seems that after purchase responsibility for problems falls to manufacturer. All comments on buying from big box stores or master are hollow when local dealers put nothing in contracts about their responsibility after purchase.as long as their is good local service and have a tub that doesn't. Have proprietary parts I should be fine. Going to buy a master spa and feel very comfortable about it. Thanks again

Are you purchasing from a dealer or a expo?  If a dealer younshould be fine if from a expo I would want more in writing about warranty. Ultimately it’s a manufacurer warranty but we as dealers are expected to perform the services. Expo sales who is going to do service when they are in another state the following week?  I don’t think Master is a bad spa though I do think there are many better options. If I was to buy a Master it would be from a dealer not a traveling show


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2018, 03:21:26 pm »
I have looked at arctic,artesian,caldera,jaccuzzi,hot springs,sundance,signature,coast,marquis,American whirlpool,bullfrog,nordic, and all are more expensive than master healthy living 7 or twilight 7.25 by 2000. The only ones that even compare are coast,marquis signature,and artesian island elite and all are well over 10k.do not see any better jetting,shell,warranty or insulation in any. Filtration I'll give to coast. Structure to bullfrog.


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2018, 03:22:08 pm »
Also thank you all very much for input


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2018, 04:19:02 pm »
I have looked at arctic,artesian,caldera,jaccuzzi,hot springs,sundance,signature,coast,marquis,American whirlpool,bullfrog,nordic, and all are more expensive than master healthy living 7 or twilight 7.25 by 2000. The only ones that even compare are coast,marquis signature,and artesian island elite and all are well over 10k.do not see any better jetting,shell,warranty or insulation in any. Filtration I'll give to coast. Structure to bullfrog.

If you want to buy on price and specs on paper then go ahead but you won't see people here recommending Master. There are about a dozen companies that you could name that most everyone would say "not a bad choice, just make sure the dealer is good too". Master would not be among them or even among the next few on my list and others here!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 04:30:31 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2018, 06:36:09 pm »
I have looked at arctic,artesian,caldera,jaccuzzi,hot springs,sundance,signature,coast,marquis,American whirlpool,bullfrog,nordic, and all are more expensive than master healthy living 7 or twilight 7.25 by 2000. The only ones that even compare are coast,marquis signature,and artesian island elite and all are well over 10k.do not see any better jetting,shell,warranty or insulation in any. Filtration I'll give to coast. Structure to bullfrog.

Arctic, Artesian, Caldera, Jacuzzi, Hot Springs, Sundance, Marquis, Bullfrog, and Artesian are all quality manufacturers that stand behind their products.  Nordic is super basic, but a quality product and a good company.  American Whirlpool (Maax) and Coast are decent middle of the road company's.  Never heard of Signature.  I place Master along with Cal Spas on my list of brands to avoid.

Warranty means nothing if the company doesn't honor it.  Ask me, Jacuzzi Jim, or anyone else who ever dealt with Cal Spas before.

At the end of the day, buy what you like.  Just don't get into the mindset that brand x at $7k is as good as brand y at $10k just because they have similar number of jets and pumps.  Take it from someone who sold mediocre brands (Cal Spas, Sunrise, Coast, Dynasty) and now sells premium brands like Marquis and now Hot Spring and Caldera, there is a difference in the product and the company behind the product


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2018, 01:44:34 am »
I have looked at arctic,artesian,caldera,jaccuzzi,hot springs,sundance,signature,coast,marquis,American whirlpool,bullfrog,nordic, and all are more expensive than master healthy living 7 or twilight 7.25 by 2000. The only ones that even compare are coast,marquis signature,and artesian island elite and all are well over 10k.do not see any better jetting,shell,warranty or insulation in any. Filtration I'll give to coast. Structure to bullfrog.

Filtration to Coast?  I would say Hot Springs has the best filtration (no I don’t sell them), insulation is better on either Hot Springs or Caldera, and why Bullfrog as far as structure?  Jetting can’t really beat a Marquis. Signature is Junk. I would own in no particular order a Marquis, Sundance, Hot Spring, Artesian, or a Bullfrog. Wouldn’t considerSignature, coast or American whirlpool. Master I don’t think makes a bad Tub but the company itself sucks to deal with. Good luck with your purchase. This is the Healthy living warranty. It’s the same as everybody else’s entry level tubs


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2018, 09:07:46 am »
Master seems has four layer foam insulation the big therapy jets especially the 2 foot blasters,a 2.5# 5 to 3" tapered cover, that no other spas at the 8000 price pointf offer.really like marquis celebrity elite but no bench model and mostly small jets and no real foot jets same with artesian.would have to step up to island elite line or marquis signature line to get foot blasters and we'll over 10000 for both. Other tubs such as hot springs,sundance/jaccuzzi, all over priced with proprietary parts. Same with marquis vector


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2018, 09:37:24 am »
Thanks for your input and am referencing master twilight's series 7.25 or 8.25. JuSt haven't seen any other brands that can compare to shell,jetting,insulation,cover specs, at the 7k to 8k price point that don't have proprietary parts that really limit choices for longevity of tub maintenance


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2018, 09:50:29 am »
Have you actually wet tested any spas yet?  If not, then you have no way of knowing what actually feels good. 

I have my bias towards Marquis, Hot Spring and Caldera as I either currently sell them or have in the past, but to say them along with Jacuzzi and Sundance are overpriced, I don’t think is an accurate statement.

I don’t honestly care what hot tub you buy, but your basing your opinion on specs, which mean nothing regarding quality and longevity.  Find me a 25 year old hot tub that still functions without being completely refurbished, it won’t be a Master Spa. 


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2018, 03:54:02 pm »
Yes I have wet tested jaccuzzi,marquis,bullfrog,Caldera,artesian and hot springs.did not see or feel any jetting that was impressive enough to justify prices.bullfrog was good but no feet jets and to replacing spa packs is expensive. Marquis and artesian were also good but not 10 to 12k good.haven't found anything inferior about a master spa compared to the others mentioned. I have read negative posts and reviews of master spas but also have read negative views and posts about every brand I have mentioned. I beleive if spa is well built with good parts that can be easily accessed from anywhere vs a spa that can only use their parts and are not as well built then to purchase would be asanine. Why do these companies build spas with proprietary parts in the first place? It isn't for the consumers benefit and that right there tells me their bottom line is their main concern not quality or customer servic. I have  read many posts and reviews from many dealers who seem to genuinely care about their product and customer service and can't understand why some others would carry a product with inferior build,jetting,insulation and parts except to screw consumer for money. And maybe posting negative reviews and comments about companies that put money into spa and don't use proprietary parts which ultimately screws consumer.


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Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2018, 04:11:08 pm »
Yes I have wet tested jaccuzzi,marquis,bullfrog,Caldera,artesian and hot springs.did not see or feel any jetting that was impressive enough to justify prices.bullfrog was good but no feet jets and to replacing spa packs is expensive. Marquis and artesian were also good but not 10 to 12k good.haven't found anything inferior about a master spa compared to the others mentioned. I have read negative posts and reviews of master spas but also have read negative views and posts about every brand I have mentioned. I beleive if spa is well built with good parts that can be easily accessed from anywhere vs a spa that can only use their parts and are not as well built then to purchase would be asanine. Why do these companies build spas with proprietary parts in the first place? It isn't for the consumers benefit and that right there tells me their bottom line is their main concern not quality or customer service. I have  read many posts and reviews from many dealers who seem to genuinely care about their product and customer service and can't understand why some others would carry a product with inferior build,jetting,insulation and parts except to screw consumer for money. And maybe posting negative reviews and comments about companies that put money into spa and don't use proprietary parts which ultimately screws consumer.

Whats inferior is the company itself and I'd have trouble believing their dealer network is worth much because most long term well schooled dealer avoids them like the plague I'm sure! No on here is going to make a penny off you when they try to give you advice and you have a forum full of pros who are NOT steering you toward a particular brand in a self-serving manner but instead are simply warning you against the one particular brand you seem to have honed in on and that doesn't concern you? Go right ahead, use your experience to tell you what is best out here.

220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Buyer needs advice second phase
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2018, 04:11:08 pm »


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