OK, Like many we are first time hot tub people and the more I research the more confused I get. Like all products I understand many will get bad reviews but in the hot tub industry it's kind off scary. I see some high end tubs getting some bad reviews, anything from leaks to electronic issues and I still cannot rap my head around a 10k to 18k tub. Speaking of pricing it's amazing to me that no manufactures will post a price so this leaves dealers with ridiculous ranges from 1k to 6k difference in some cases.
OK this has been my experience so far and honestly hard to pull the trigger on a purchase because I really don't want a high price headache

Therefore I am a research bug and found this forum and see many knowledgeable people here and I thank everyone for sharing.
I have two dealers near me one Hot Springs and the other Marquis and my experience so far with them is hmmm well they are dealers

nothing that screams trust and buy as of now.
We are looking at the Marquis Promise at 9,600 (sanitizes, music)and Hot Springs Vanguard at 12,500 (basics).
This is what we are looking at and have no clue of what details we need to know. We ask for warranty offers and they say everything is from manufacturer. Looks like no service travel charge because they are close and I assume they will be available within a day or few days if service is needed. I guess any input will help that experience people learned along the way.
TY in advance