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Author Topic: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle  (Read 9422 times)


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My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« on: August 24, 2018, 02:19:17 am »
My wife has been wanting a hot tub for years now and we finally decided to go looking seriously.  We live about 40 miles west of St. Louis, MO.  After much research online I decided to find all the local dealers of the big brands.  I was really looking for a dealer I could trust first, but ultimately I wanted to wet test.  Below is a list of my experiences that I’m hoping could help another St. Louis buyer.
Watsons: Buillfrog
This was the first place we went mainly because my brother has a Bullfrog spa that he likes.  Watsons is a big store that’s been around for a while so we felt very confident that service would be there to help.  We looked at the A7 and I wasn’t that impressed.  The JetPacks seemed gimmicky.  I read some reviews about potential for allagea to grow behind the seats due to a lack of circulation.  Online review didn’t seem to place Bullfrong as a main player, and the gimmicky feeling I had just lost my interest.

Jacuzzi: Pool King (O’Fallon)
We went here second and we were about ready to write a check because we like them so much.  The guy that helped us was incredibly knowledgeable and nerdy about hot tubs.  We really trusted the dealer more than any other.  They had been selling Jacuzzi for I’m wanting to say like 20 years their staff were all really long term, knowledgeable, accommodating.  Their online reviews from Google, facebook, yelp were all outstanding. More than that though we felt impressed by the tub.  The J-365 we were interested in had a foot dome in the middle which really appealed to me, it had UV sanitizing, wifi module, it was a major brand, I was elated.  The quote we got back was for $13,800 new or $12,629 floor model.  This was higher than I expected but it wasn’t out of the question.  We scheduled a wet test, we were very excited but when we got in the foot dome that I was so exited about was awful.  It made my knees feel really high like they were touching my chest.  I’m 5’ 11” so not crazy tall, but it was awful feeling.  This was really disappointing because we liked the dealer and tub features so much.  My wife actually really like the spa, she’s only 5’1” and the seats worked out well for her.  We switched to the J-355 and I like this one, the leg room was better but not great.  I really liked the powerful foot massage.  My wife however was drowning in this tub, all the seats were to deep for her and she floated on the lounger. We wanted to like them but the wet test was worth it’s weight in gold, I would have hated the spa because of the cramped leg room.

Sundance: Mirage
The sales girl was so cute, but I was hear to buy a spa!  The place seemed dated, but it had been around for a long time and they were a longtime sundance dealer.   She was very knowledgeable and nice.  She followed up with me after I left via the phone which to my surprise no other dealer did.  I looked at the Optima 880 and I liked it.  We scheduled a wet test and it wasn’t bad.  I felt overwhelmed with the diverter knobs between air and pressure being separate.  The foot dome on this one didn’t make me feel cramped at all but the tiny jets were so weak on your feet.  It was a spacious tub and we both liked it.  I wasn’t wowed.  I threw away the quote but I’m wanting to say it was around $15,000 new.  She had a red tag special that could bring it down several thousands where they buffered out a scuff or something.

Hot Springs: Baker’s Pool and Spa
   Baker’s held this image in my mind like whoa they are in Chesterfield and they carry Hot Springs.  The salesman I worked with was mellow I wouldn’t say he was the greatest but I really trusted the dealer.  Their online reviews were very high.  They had been carrying Hot Springs for I think 15+ years.  They had decisions on whether you wanted to pay for the composite frame underneath or not, had a the ability for salt water, had fancy LCD topside controls.  You could tell they were a top notch dealer.  We wet tested the Envoy and Aria.  The Envoy was really nice.  I loved how powerful the foot jets were, loved them, however the seat you had to sit in to use the foot jets was really not comfortable for me.  It was very straight up sitting.  My wife liked the Roto Massage, it was something they seemed to push a lot there.  I wasn’t that impressed by it but it wasn’t bad.  The jet’s in general in this tub just didn’t do it for me besides the foot jets.  The foot jets really set the stage for “I have to have powerful foot jets in my spa”.  It was cool that you could turn jets on and off individually by twisting them but I accidently turned them off by accident several times which seemed annoying.  Further I felt like I kept losing the foot power every time my wife would sit in her favorite seat and adjust the diverter.  We liked the wow factor of the floating LCD controller.  I think what my wife loved most was the captains seat, it worked really well for her height and she just liked the feeling.  The Hot Springs was almost $16,000.  It was my wife’s favorite over the Sundance, and Jacuzzi, but we were still on the hunt.

Dimesion One: R & S Pool
This place was a joke. I walk in to two kids (employees) sitting on salt bags eating fast food.  No body acknowledged I was there as I walked around looking at the tubs waiting for someone to help.  The tubs look very cheap, like pieces of junk plastic.  Maybe it was just the limited models they had. The experience was so bad I wouldn’t dare buy a tub from them.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:21:16 am by kackleyjm »

Hot Tub Forum

My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« on: August 24, 2018, 02:19:17 am »


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2018, 02:19:59 am »
Marquis: Prestige Pools
   This dealer made me a bit skeptical.  They had been around for a while but they just started selling Marquis a year ago.  Honestly my wife didn’t even want to look at these because she didn’t like how they looked aesthetically.  I went on my lunch regardless just to see, I didn’t want any regrets.  The tub did look strange.  They told me that Marquis was having some supply issues which made me nervous and when I asked about their service techs it sounded like it was a lot of college help.  It was on the cheaper side of the spectrum but I just didn’t trust the dealer.  Their online reviews weren’t very positive. I later emailed the dealer about my concerns and he sent me a very good and detailed response but I just couldn’t get over my reservations.

Aspen Spas
This was the last place we went.  I actually stumbled upon them from a post on this forum about dealers in St. Louis.  I was pretty brand snobbish and didn’t think I wanted to go because they weren’t one of the main brands I trusted.  However they had really good facebook, google, yelp reviews and they have been in business for like 30 years.  My wife was really skeptical during the drive down because we don’t go to the city that much and it’s pretty industrial.  Walking in we were both very impressed with the facility.  They had tons of tubs on display in comparison to other dealers and they had these really nice custom steps and surround tables for the spas.  The salesman we had was very knowledgeable, he took us on a tour through the factory because they manufacture at the same location. We had our son with us and I actually was a bit nervous to be in the factory with him because the smell was really strong and he was coughing.  I would rather just watch the youtube video of them making a tub which I later found, but it was neat going through the factory.  They seemed a little hippy dippy with the we’re green about this and we support local for this, which is commendable and awesome but sounds like a sales pitch to a millennial for me though I fully support the cause.  He told me they ship to many dealers between US/UK (that made us feel comfortable that it wasn’t a small operation).    We ended up wet testing the Pinnacle tub and wow, wowy, wow, wow.  Love.  Both of us just felt instantly right.  It had the captain seat that my wife really wanted.  The foot jets, oh the foot jets.  It makes the foot jets on the hot springs feel like a trickle.  I was worried because on the pictures online I thought it just had one single foot jet.  So, they are 70gpm jets and one is at the feet of the captains seat and the other is at the feet of the lounger.  Interestingly you can sit on the lounger so your back faces the 70gpm jet and it’s awesome.  So I was afraid of the single jet for the feet instead of the side by side foot jets but this design is way more usable.  You alternate you foot on the jet but it’s so nice that each person has the powerful foot jet.  The seating was so spacious.  We didn’t both just like one seat but truly wanted to trade each other throughout.  My wife didn’t float on the lounger which was unusual.  All of the jets felt so powerful.  We didn’t seem to fight over the pressure with the diverters like we did on the hot springs.  The parts they use all seem to be good name brands.  They use lucite acrylic, gecko XP2E motors and top side controls, waterway jets.  I mean I’m not that knowledgable on the industry but the parts they use seem to get good reviews online (it seems like Gecko and Balboa are the big players).  I’d say the biggest thing I’m worried about is the insulation.  They aren’t full foam like all the big guys.  So I do worry about what my electric bill will be.  I told them about my concerns and they were so willing to work with me.  They said they could do an artic package which would be additional foam (not full foam), but the service guy seemed honest with me.  He asked if I was planning on using it here in St. Louis and then he was asking if I was putting it up on a deck.  He was like we can add insulation, no problem maybe an extra $100, but you’re going to be calling me in the summer because it’s too hot.  He said he wouldn’t on his spa and I believed him right or wrong.  I ended up upgrading the cover to a 6/4 2# density cover ($100) just for some extra piece of mind.  They do foam the tub at like .5” and then they double blanket wrap the cabinet with the foil.  They claim the cabinet is sealed tight and the waste heat of the pumps keeps the cabinet cavity warm.  Perhaps similar to Artic Spas thermal pane design, though I don’t think they foam the tub.  In general I was so blown away by the feel of the shell and jets that I’m willing to risk the excess energy.  I did email some people on craigslist who were selling their old aspen spas and they all seemed very happy with the spa.  They weren’t sure what it did to their bill but didn’t say anything was crazy, but they said the tub and service were great.  We were really pleased with the experience with them so far though, it is being built now but they have been amazing.  The price came in the lowest of everyone, we got an 8’ spa with some really nice custom steps and custom wrap around table for around $10,000.  We are very excited to get the spa.  I plan on taking a video review once it arrives.

I know this was long but I hope it helps someone.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:21:40 am by kackleyjm »


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2018, 11:34:58 pm »
Did you consider the Artesian spas? We are looking at them now at Prestige Pools, and they look great. We wet tested the Grand Bahama Elite and really liked it. Haven't been to Aspen yet, but will check them as well. Concerned about the insulation, and using Gecko instead of Balboa. I hear Gecko isn't bad, but if problems arise, techs will  switch to Balboa. Full foam seems to be the way to go, and I don't see how it matters where I 


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2018, 11:36:00 pm »


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2018, 11:37:52 pm »
Thanks for a wonderful insight to your search. Helpful to all searching for the right tub. St Louis or not


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2018, 04:09:25 pm »
Just a quick note.  The issue about algae growing behind jetpaks is a myth and not true at all.  It's fine that you don't like them and I won't try to change your mind, but that particular statement is not true.


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2018, 09:49:31 pm »
Sorry Vektro, I didn't look at the Artesian Spas.  I wish I would have had that line in my line up.  I just didn't realize they were carried at Prestige, and I even went there.  I went specifically looking for the Marquis though so I guess I just had my blinders on.

Sam, thanks for setting me straight on the myth.  I didn't look into too much since I wasn't very interested, but I should have researched it more thoroughly prior to propagating the myth. 


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2018, 02:18:11 pm »
No worries.  It's a common thing that we hear.  Many years ago there was a minor issue but it wasn't algae and it was only seen on spas that weren't properly taken care of.  It was addressed some time ago as well.


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2018, 08:08:56 pm »
No worries.  It's a common thing that we hear.  Many years ago there was a minor issue but it wasn't algae and it was only seen on spas that weren't properly taken care of.  It was addressed some time ago as well.

It’s actually pretty comical the amount of people who sell against bullfrog that way. I’m not even a BF dealer and I hear that once a month when I ask what else they are looking at


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2018, 07:20:59 pm »
No worries.  It's a common thing that we hear.  Many years ago there was a minor issue but it wasn't algae and it was only seen on spas that weren't properly taken care of.  It was addressed some time ago as well.

It’s actually pretty comical the amount of people who sell against bullfrog that way. I’m not even a BF dealer and I hear that once a month when I ask what else they are looking at

I try not to go negative on competitors.  I wish everyone would take this tact. It seems to just create a negative environment for the customer and makes them feel like they can't trust anyone.  We have some pretty bad salespeople in our industry.  I will gladly tell someone if another spa is something I think is a good one and try to just keep my mouth shut if it's bad one.  It can be difficult to do though when they bring up Cal Spa or something.


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2018, 07:41:22 pm »
No worries.  It's a common thing that we hear.  Many years ago there was a minor issue but it wasn't algae and it was only seen on spas that weren't properly taken care of.  It was addressed some time ago as well.

It’s actually pretty comical the amount of people who sell against bullfrog that way. I’m not even a BF dealer and I hear that once a month when I ask what else they are looking at

I try not to go negative on competitors.  I wish everyone would take this tact. It seems to just create a negative environment for the customer and makes them feel like they can't trust anyone.  We have some pretty bad salespeople in our industry.  I will gladly tell someone if another spa is something I think is a good one and try to just keep my mouth shut if it's bad one.  It can be difficult to do though when they bring up Cal Spa or something.

I agree completely. I sell brands i believe in Marquis, Caldera and Nordic but I’m not blind to the fact that there are another dozen or so brands that I think make great tubs. BF being one of them with Hot Springs, Sundance, Artesian, D1 and Jacuzzi being a few others off the top of my head. The only time I say “really you might want to look at something else” is when Dr wellness, Signature and now I have a guy selling Passion Spas comes into play

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2018, 12:39:38 pm »
It was a pleasure to work with you on this.  Thank you for the kind words and I appreciate the endorsement. 


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2018, 01:55:58 pm »
November 7th ,, I live in Saint Louis and just visited Aspen Spas and was impressed with the Pinnicle tub as well. Anxious to hear how your whole expieriance went. I hope it went well. (Your run down on dealers in saint Louis saved me a lot of time. Thank you!!


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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2019, 12:04:23 am »
I finally ended up doing the video review I had previously mentioned.  Hopefully this is helpful to some of you searching:



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Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2019, 03:41:51 pm »
I finally ended up doing the video review I had previously mentioned.  Hopefully this is helpful to some of you searching:


Great video!  Thanks for sharing and congrats on the spa.  I really like that mold.  The lounger is a cool, unique design.  Sounds like you got the perfect spa for your needs after doing a good amount of research.  Awesome!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: My St. Louis Hot Tub Search - Aspen Spas Pinnacle
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2019, 03:41:51 pm »


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