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Author Topic: 2003 Sundance Cameo850 circulation pump turns off after heater shuts off  (Read 1708 times)


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I have a 2003 sundance cameo 850 spa.  The circulation pump turns off after the heater shuts off.  My first diagnosis was to replace the circulation pump which I did.  This however did not fix the problem.  The circulation pump still turns off after the heater goes off.  My display does not show any error messages.  The message that comes up after the tub sits for a while is the watchdog "----".  This may be due to the ozone system is running while there is no flow due to the pump being shut off or the heater turning back on and the pump fails too.  My spa is in the standard mode with the pump set to run 24 hours a day.  Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot or what the problem maybe is welcomed.  I did notice that on the display the "Standard"  shows up sometimes and not at other times.  Other than this the spa runs perfect.  Is this a circuit board issue? or display?


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