I’d like to go A8L but in the 11,500 range. Is that too good of an offer?
Probably. This dealer looks like they are giving you pretty good pricing right off the bat (IE... no wiggle room.) Never hurts to ask. However, the Envoy NXT and the A8's were always pretty close in price. BF was a bit different since it has a lot of factory installed options, so I am not sure how they are quoting you (with or without circ... with or without the EO3.)
I wouldn't consider an A8L offer at $11.5 even without those two options. Just not worth it to me.
It's also worth noting that while your jet pak count goes up with each model increase... your jet pumps do not.
Bullfrog uses the same pumps for each one of those models. So the more Jet Paks, the less Jet pressure (unless you individually turn them off.) My point is, those hot tubs under the hood are so darn similar, you are literally just paying for more size and an extra jet pak choice or two.
It sounds like the OP was originally looking at an Envoy NXT. I'd still test one out. If you are considering an R Series, I'd at the very least consider a standard Envoy if you don't want to pay the NXT price