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Author Topic: Introduction and a question  (Read 2058 times)


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Introduction and a question
« on: June 27, 2018, 01:44:57 am »
Hello everyone, I would like to thank everyone for the assistance they have given my wife and myself over the last four weeks. Unknowingly as it may be, many threads from this forum aided in our final decision to purchase our D1 Amore. It was a tough decision, but not due to tub choices or cost (we had cost and tub narrowed down essentially from the beginning, thanks to your willingness to share knowledge. The sticking point was the dealer, they just gave off a wstrange vibe, but on our way to another dealer out of market we stopped to look at the floor model and were made an offer we could not refuse, 12.5 k out the door with all options, for a tub that had never seen water. To make a long complex story as short as possible...

The tub was delivered on Friday, when no one was home, due to the dealership not following simple instructions. After the wife and I got home that evening we realized there was a hole in (about the size of a forklifts fork) in the black base or pedastool the tub sits on and a torn handle on the spa cover. The dealership is not open on Saturday, so the wife called on Sunday to express her dissatisfaction, and was asked to send photos of the damage, and they would discuss it with the owner. After no call most of yesterday,  lithe wife called 5 minutes before closing time and was told the information had been forwarded to D1 and they would let Ed know when they heard from the manufacturer.

Is this typical? Is the fork hole in the sub-structure critical? Does it take D1 this long to get back with there dealers? Should we insist on a new tub? Sorry about the long read and thanks for any advice you could share.

Hot Tub Forum

Introduction and a question
« on: June 27, 2018, 01:44:57 am »


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Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2018, 07:43:55 am »
Not 100% sure because I'm not a dealer, but I would assume the dealer would take care of you in this instance, since they were the ones who caused the damage.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2018, 03:32:11 pm »
  It's not normal but does happen.  Hard to believe the dealer did not know about it, or the kid in the whs loading the spa said nothing, as well as the delivery guys.    Kicking it back to D1 doesn't help.  That said it either happened there, en-route to the dealer or at the dealer, before delivery to you.    If it was signed for, it's hard to nail on the trucking company or anybody that touched it prior to that.   D1 is a good company, but this may rely on your dealer as it can't be proven it came from the factory that way.   

  Be patient, don't get angry, yet!  If he is a good dealer it will get taken care of.    Pretty sure the base can be replaced, it's just a PIA for you and the dealer.  Most likely will need to be ordered in. 


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Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 10:37:07 pm »
The tub was delivered on Friday, when no one was home, due to the dealership not following simple instructions. After the wife and I got home that evening we realized there was a hole in (about the size of a forklifts fork) in the black base or pedastool the tub sits on and a torn handle on the spa cover.

Really?  The tub was delivered with no one there?  Am I the only one who thinks that is weird?  How did they know that it was in the perfect spot? 


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Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 11:52:30 pm »
I myself thought it was bizarre, my company has a service department that does a little material sales, I can imagine one of our people dropping off a 85 $ piece of equipment without getting a signature, we have a word for that, unemployed. However they did know exactly where to sit it due to photos I had textthe dealer with questions in regaurds to the sub-terraninian electric. I was some what impressed as to how well they centered it up without being asked. I will be patient for the time being and try to keep the DDW on her best behavior. I have heard nothing but good about D1 even from some of there competition, it is just very frustrating. Thanks for the insight.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 12:53:57 am »
We have probably done over 100+ spa's deliveries with no one home.  It's not rocket science, with proper communication!

   They can't possibly say it was their fault in this case, I doubt the home owner has a forklift.  ;)

  The fact they set it there and hooked it up without calling the dealer first, or taking pictures to cover their ass when unloading it is beyond stupid on their part!  Specially if they are not part of the actual company and a sub. 


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Introduction and a question
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 12:53:57 am »


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