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Author Topic: Service Icon!  (Read 1650 times)


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Service Icon!
« on: June 13, 2018, 07:25:08 pm »
Hi Need help. I replaced the 2" seals that had started leaking on my Garden leisure spa. I drained like normal. replaced the seals. Refilled, then powered up and the service icon is now on. My display is not showing all  the screen due to its failing to show some numbers like it first was doing when new. The manual said call for service and don't get in the water? Does anyone know what this maybe?
Spa information
Garden leisure spa GLCL862-ST    10/29/2012
Aeware Gecko controls

Update 6/19/2018
 The service icon comes on after the spa is powered up and it goes thru its routine. I was told by Gecko to push the light button for 5 seconds and that would clear if there was no real faults.
Update 6/21/2018 Called a Spa company and was told to send the complete control box heater and display to be repaired. Does anyone know if this sounds correct? Any help would be appreciated.

Update: 6/26/18 Called a Spa pool store and they are trying to come by on wed or Thursday. In the mean time. I pulled all the connections except the display connector and still getting the service icon. I then pulled the side cover that houses the two pumps.
One is the primary pump and tuns seemly normal. The other is a circulation pump 1/15 HP. It does not run. After we cycled the spa to flush chemicals thru until we get it corrected the pumps where off and the circulation pump was humming and with a laser temp gun I was getting 205 degrees. This maybe the issue. I will be searching with connector is the one for that motor and try to ohm it out to see if its wasted. I can turn the shaft by hand. More to come.

7/6/18: So I found that the Circ pump was not turning and after I replaced the cap still not circ. I ordered a display and circ motor from SpaCare.com When the new pump cam I measured the ohms and got 44 ohms. the old was 33.9. A Tech from work said that should be 5-6 ohms. So I was worried that the new motor was a waste of money. I installed it and the display and it worked. No service icon. All work correctly. So re leaved. its been a month. No Dnasty spa reps would come work on it since they did not sale the unit. Looks like I will be learning tubs now. A lot less items than the complex the machine I work on in the battery industry. But its really the way they build these tubs and the parts they use that make them complicated. So no its on to the 12 VDC power supply whic I think is the lights issue. Be cool see ya later. haha
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 05:02:11 pm by Tmc »

Hot Tub Forum

Service Icon!
« on: June 13, 2018, 07:25:08 pm »


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