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Author Topic: want to buy a inflatable spa anyone know of a place in So Cal?  (Read 2124 times)


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Hi, I'm looking to get a usable inflatable hot tub (IE cheap)  I'm in Riverside CA, and the places I'm checking are coming up wth nada. And I can't have any of the one's I'm finding shipped, due to some weird So Cal restriction I can't even find info as to why. (zip code 92503)

I checked on Offerup & Craigslist. found a couple for sale 3 days ago. but neither has gotten back to me. If anyone knows of a shop in So Cal where I can get a $400'ish basic inflatable hot tub I'm all ears. Or even can explain to me what's the stupid reason I can't have one shipped.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 07:13:01 pm by quebert »

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Re: want to buy a inflatable spa anyone know of a place in So Cal?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2018, 01:23:36 am »
I don't know about the shipping. But if you are willing to drive up to Ventura, I have a friend who is a Softtub dealer, and he has a couple of used ones in stock. I think you're talking more like a $1000, but if he doesn't have to deliver and set it up, he might give you a break. You'll get far more life out of a Softtub than an inflatable, by far.

Jim - at Coastal Softtub, again, it's in Ventura.



Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: want to buy a inflatable spa anyone know of a place in So Cal?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2018, 01:23:36 am »


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