I'm thinking of using bleach, mostly because it saves $ and its easy to pick up and dont have to make a special trip to buy it. I get that it's chemically similar to the chlorine they sell at the spa store, so i don't need a long and technical explanation of the differences, thanks. I just want to get some practical advice on when to use it, and what to consider. here are my specific questions:
- what kind of bleach should I buy? There's a bunch of different kinds at the grocery store. eg, does it matter if it's scented, unscented, splashproof, etc. what is the exact ingredient i should look for? sodium hypochlorite? and what % concentration? 6%, 8.5%?
- what amount is recommended for a 400 gallon hot tub?
- when should i start using it? When stabilizer gets to what level?
- What if stabilizer falls below that level, should I switch back to the regular granulated dichlor.
- can it be used as a shock?