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Author Topic: almost new hot tub owner needs help  (Read 4571 times)


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almost new hot tub owner needs help
« on: May 07, 2018, 11:47:48 pm »
Hi to everyone on this forum :) I am looking to pull the trigger on a new Sundance Aspen. this weekend might be the best decision (I'm hoping) or not the best.  I am tall (6-7) so that is a main concern of mine with hot tubs.  We wet tested the Aspen.  From what we could tell, it fit me the best out of the other models (Sundance) at Aquaquip. I am hoping for the most bang for the buck so I regularly try to swing deals. lol.  It might get annoying but a lot of times it works.  Aquaquip is set on a price so I wanted to make sure we are getting a great deal as they are advertising. Has anyone recently purchased this model or had it for a couple years with any information on what would be a great price to pick one up for?  Any owners have positive/negative experiences with Aquaquip or Sundance or the Aspen in particular?  Does any hot tub owner recommend trying out another brand before we pull the trigger keeping in mind I am very tall  ;)  I just wanted a feel good feeling about this decision as I am seeking any/all help/support I can get.  We are very active which I feel the use of a hot tub will benefit.  It will get frequent use.  I was told by the sales person it would be around $20-25/ mos extra to run/use it on average.  Is this figure close?  I wanted to weigh all the factors from experienced hot tub owners. If I could get some love out there, that would definitely be appreciated. I would like to throw at the salesman any tactic I can to get the best deal so if anyone knows of any.. feel free to share! :)  thanks for your time and I will definitely raise my glass to you when/if I pull the trigger.  Have a great week as I'm trying not to stress too much.  I live in Washington State for info purposes. Also, anyone have info on how Costco hot tubs are made?  Worth looking at or stay away? Also, has anyone had experience, personal or other by selling a home with an above ground hot tub installed?  Just looking at down the road if situation arises. Thanks
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:59:52 pm by Minisoda »

Hot Tub Forum

almost new hot tub owner needs help
« on: May 07, 2018, 11:47:48 pm »


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2018, 05:05:40 pm »
Check out Hot Spring at Olympic Hot Tub.  Envoy?  Grandee?  Both big spas that should fit you.Olympic and Aquaquip are the biggest dealers in Seattle area.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 06:13:26 pm »
I was told by the sales person it would be around $20-25/ mos extra to run/use it on average.  Is this figure close?  I wanted to weigh all the factors from experienced hot tub owners. If I could get some love out there, that would definitely be appreciated. I would like to throw at the salesman any tactic I can to get the best deal so if anyone knows of any.. feel free to share! :) 

I know you're in a moderate climate but that monthly figure seems a low to me, especially on a very large spa, but in the end would you drop the idea of a spa if it was $40 a month?

If I wanted a better deal I would:

1) tell the dealer I am shopping around (and I would) because unless they know you have options they'll think they're just negotiating against themselves or the chance you'll skip the entire idea and not buy, competition is what keeps prices in check.
2) When I decided on a tub and got their "best" deal I would counter and be firm yet polite that I needed a still better deal. I'd even be very willing to leave and say "let me think about it" because dealers don't want you to leave to think about it because they know often you won't return, especially if you've let it be known you have options.
3) If you really feel they won't lower the price further you can ask them to add certain items or even maybe $200 store credit for you to use on future chem needs. If I'm a dealer I'm much more apt to give you $200 store credit than to lower the price $200 yet it works for the customer because they'll need things after the sale, chems at a minimum.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2018, 08:55:08 pm »
Thanks for your inputs.  Sound advice.  I know it’s the song and dance with negotiating and I’m pretty sure they can come down if I ask and when they say they can’t and throw around reason this and reason that, I lose the trust factor.  We will check out the hot spring brand at Olympic to to have a ledge to stand on.  Thanks again.  Have a great evening


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2018, 10:28:25 pm »
To add to the recommendations, I called the manufacturers to see if they had any promotions coming and I was provided with upcoming information that was helpful in my negotiation.

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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2018, 10:42:30 pm »
  About the only real down fall with that spa or the same Jacuzzi mdl, is the replacement cover is expensive.  Other wise it was a popular spa.  We sell Bullfrog now, but where you at in Seattle?    Our farthest store south is in Marysville.  If your close enough and interested in a possible Bullfrog let me know.   We are running a in store Costco promo this week, pretty good pricing! 


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2018, 12:15:06 am »
I’m in Belfair. I’ve seen some posts mentioning bull frog.  Something to consider.  Calling the mfr is good idea too.  Thanks

Piper Matt

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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2018, 03:08:12 pm »

I am in a similar boat in that I am awaiting installation of an Aspen later this month after a big back yard renovation project.  I'm a first time spa owner, so can't offer much input on the reliability of the brand or your particular dealer.  However, I went into things rather blindly last fall.  After testing a handful of tubs, I realized that they weren't all I was hoping for.  I started quizzing some friends and doing some heavy internet research, which is how I discovered this forum.  The archives and the ongoing discussions have given me a lot of solid background information on the industry and led me to wet test a number of different brands.

The Sundance Optima was the first tub I sat in that gave me a sense of, "Yesss...This is exactly what I've been looking for!"  I'm only 6'0, but I have a long torso and had found some other brands where I couldn't get seated low enough in the tub for good coverage.  Hot Springs was the brand I liked second best, but their Highlife and Highlife NXT series didn't offer the awesome foot dome jets that the Optima and Aspen offered.  You had to step down to a Limelight model for that.  Frankly, I was surprised at how many brands had neglected a direct blast for your feet -- neglected or at least thew it in as an afterthought because they never seemed to be placed in a convenient/natural position when I was enjoying one of the seats. 

I liked the Optima and thought the Aspen model was larger than I wanted.  Once in the Aspen, though, it didn't feel all that much bigger.  What sold me was that the foot dome was powered by a third pump.  My favorite seat in the Optima was powered by the same pump that operated the foot jets, so I couldn't get maximum power on both at the same time.  Problem solved with the Aspen!

Oh, and the jets seemed a lot more powerful than some of the other brands I tried.  I missed out on wet tests on Bullfrog (which I was very curious about) and Caldera, but managed to wet test Marquis, Artesian, Hot Spring, and a local brand.  The dealers all kept talking about how powerful their jets were, but I didn't find them as powerful and soothing as the Sundance jets.

In short, I think I wet tested the Aspen three different times and each time I knew that was the model for me.  I'm excited to finally get it after 9 months of planning! 

I would be curious to hear some feedback from other Aspen owners on how they like it long-term and what sold them on that brand and model over others.  And thanks again to all the contributors on this forum past and present.  You have created an indispensable resource for new or renewing spa owners.  If I hadn't found this forum, I would likely be stuck in a tub that wasn't very well suited for me. 



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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2018, 10:28:45 pm »
Nicely put Matt. I will scrub thru this forum as I can see how it opens a lot of insight.  I’m excited to have opted to join this site as it surely will equip one with more confidence


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2018, 10:09:30 am »
Welcome to the forum.   You said "I am 6'7" and later you used "we".  I'm glad you are able to wet test.  If the other person in that we is under 6', wet test is essential for you.   I went into our last purchase pretty sure what I was going to buy, but at 6'2 and my wife 5'5 that tub wasn't the best for both of us.  Fortunately my main dealer had 7 or 8 tubs for us to try and the one I ended up with was the last one we tried and i wouldn't have suspected it.  It sounds like you are off to a good start. Good luck and come back and tell us how it goes, people here are genuinely interested.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2018, 12:15:10 am »
I sure will. Yes, mainly I have the issues of being tall.  Wife is 5 8.  I have to do some more reading up :)

Hot Tub Forum

Re: almost new hot tub owner needs help
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2018, 12:15:10 am »


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