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Author Topic: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!  (Read 13195 times)


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Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« on: April 29, 2018, 08:05:41 pm »
Hey all!
Wet tested a few tubs today, including a BullFrog A7, D1 Reflections Series, and a Vita Monarque.

We actually liked the Vita tub the best! Comfortable seats, powerful jets, great jet placement, cool features) While we weren't pricing out the A7 or the Reflections series, that's all those dealers had available for wet testing. That being said, we weren't crazy about them anyway, especially that we'd be dropping down a level in models respectively, which were still higher than the Vita.

We did get prices on certain models though:
Vita Monarque $7150 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del., UV and Ozone, Bluetooth speakers)
Bullfrog R7 $8500 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del.)
D1 Sojourn $8000 (incl. Ozone only, everything else is extra)

We plan to take a peek at a Hotspring tomorrow. There is such limited info on Maax/Vita on here. What are your thoughts guys??? Reliability is my top priority here and it's our first tub!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 07:15:29 am by jtd1216 »

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Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« on: April 29, 2018, 08:05:41 pm »


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Re: Vita (Maax) Monarque??
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2018, 11:24:55 pm »
Hey all!
Wet tested a few tubs today, including a BullFrog A7, D1 Reflections Series, and a Vita Monarque.

We actually liked the Vita tub the best! Comfortable seats, powerful jets, great jet placement, cool features) While we weren't pricing out the A7 or the Reflections series, that's all those dealers had available for wet testing. That being said, we weren't crazy about them anyway, especially that we'd be dropping down a level in models respectively, which were still higher than the Vita.

We did get prices on certain models though:
Vita Monarque $7150 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del., UV and Ozone, Bluetooth speakers)
Bullfrog R7 $8500 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del.)
D1 Sojourn $8000 (incl. Ozone only, everything else is extra)

We plan to take a peek at a Hotspring tomorrow. There is such limited info on Maax/Vita on here. What are your thoughts guys??? Reliability is my top priority here and it's our first tub!

I still think Maax/Vita is a pretty good tub.  In the past I've had some issues with the skirt floating ahead of their steel frame, which creates a small gap between the frame and the skirt.  Rodents seem to be the biggest issue I've had with them.

Outside of the tub being pretty good (insulation is lacking) the company has been a pain (as a dealer) for me to deal with.  If the spa is greater than 3 years old... tech support is useless.  I had a powerpool that we were trying to service, and tech support sent us the wrong parts 3 separate times.  It's only 4 years old or so.

I'd look at the skirt closely.

I think the other three in terms of being a high quality hot tub are up there, and their service departments are certainly more robust.  With pricepoints so close, I would go with the dealer that makes you feel like they can take care of you long term. 


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Re: Vita (Maax) opinions??
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2018, 02:18:08 pm »
Hey all!
Wet tested a few tubs today, including a BullFrog A7, D1 Reflections Series, and a Vita Monarque.

We actually liked the Vita tub the best! Comfortable seats, powerful jets, great jet placement, cool features) While we weren't pricing out the A7 or the Reflections series, that's all those dealers had available for wet testing. That being said, we weren't crazy about them anyway, especially that we'd be dropping down a level in models respectively, which were still higher than the Vita.

We did get prices on certain models though:
Vita Monarque $7150 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del., UV and Ozone, Bluetooth speakers)
Bullfrog R7 $8500 (incl. steps, cover lifter, install/del.)
D1 Sojourn $8000 (incl. Ozone only, everything else is extra)

We plan to take a peek at a Hotspring tomorrow. There is such limited info on Maax/Vita on here. What are your thoughts guys??? Reliability is my top priority here and it's our first tub!

If Vita was the best of the 3 for you but you're still not sure then check out a couple others (Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Caldera, Sundance, Marquis...) and if you're still sold on Vita after seeing what else is available then you haven'y lost anything but some time and in the end you need to be sure.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Vita (Maax) opinions??
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2018, 03:26:19 am »
Thanks guys. So, I wet tested a Caldera Marino yesterday. Liked it, especially the price, but liked the Vita better. I'm so torn. Help!

Caldera Marino ($6400 + tax)
Hot Spot Relay ($6400 + tax)
Vita Monarque ($7200 + tax) 

I like the Vita Monarch the best for comfort, features, and price is good too. It's got a lot more "bells and whistles" but I'm trying to not let that get in my head. It has more jets (50 vs 35), BT speakers, ozone AND UV (as opposed to just ozone), lighting looks great. My ONLY concern is the lack of feedback I can find on Vita (owned by Maax). The dealer is wonderful and they say they've had great luck with them since bringing them on in 2012. Again, that's only 6 years though


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2018, 08:31:30 am »
You should probably be looking at the Caldera Vanto / Hot Spot Rhythm as a comparison to the Vita Monarque since they are all non-lounger spas and the Marino/Relay have loungers. 

As a Caldera dealer, I will always believe they make a superior product to Maax/Vita.  I believe Watkins to be a superior manufacturer that will better support the dealer and I am not a fan of steel frames and the Maax insulation method.  I would place zero emphasis on the bells and whistles, they are not the reason to own a spa.  I have limited experience with UV, but in the experience I have, it did not provide any improvement in water quality or reduce the demand or amount of sanitizer required.

You indicated to like the Vita better.  Is there a difference in the quality or competency of the dealers?  If you consider the dealers equal and assuming that $800 difference is not a deal breaker, then therapy and comfort should be the determining factor.  Go with your gut.


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Re: Vita (Maax) opinions??
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2018, 04:33:50 pm »
Thanks guys. So, I wet tested a Caldera Marino yesterday. Liked it, especially the price, but liked the Vita better. I'm so torn. Help!

Caldera Marino ($6400 + tax)
Hot Spot Relay ($6400 + tax)
Vita Monarque ($7200 + tax) 

I like the Vita Monarch the best for comfort, features, and price is good too. It's got a lot more "bells and whistles" but I'm trying to not let that get in my head. It has more jets (50 vs 35), BT speakers, ozone AND UV (as opposed to just ozone), lighting looks great. My ONLY concern is the lack of feedback I can find on Vita (owned by Maax). The dealer is wonderful and they say they've had great luck with them since bringing them on in 2012. Again, that's only 6 years though

If you like Vita best then maybe you should go that way BUT please do yourself a favor and get the 50 jets vs 35 jets thinking our of your mind. Taking jet # into account is a old time error and some companies play into it by using a bunch of less effective jets to get the jet count up vs another that uses fewer but gets the same or better results.

You really want to close your eyes when wet testing and just go by feel. If two seats feel equally good why would you care if one had more jets than the other. Plus I could argue that if two seats feel equal I'll take the 6 jet seat over the 9 jet seat ALL day long (fewer jet parts, fewer holes in the shell, fewer hoses ...).
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2018, 11:29:47 pm »
You all bring up some great points. Yes the number of jets thing, I get. The 35 jet tub actually feels just about as good as the 50 jet. In the end, I'm trying to get feedback on Vita or Maax as a brand for reliability. Watkins (Hotspring/Caldera) continuously comes up a rock solid manufacturer and tough to say no to that. I was a little more comfortable in the Vita, but I don't see a long proven track record on them.


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2018, 09:52:07 am »
Vita's history is a little fragmented.  They were owned by DM Industries out of Florida until a bankruptcy in 2007/2008 almost ended the company.  Maax then bought Vita out of bankruptcy.  So pre-2008 Vita are different than Maax Vita (name and shell molds are the only similarities).  Maax has been around awhile.  They used the Coleman name until 2007, then they used the Maax name and now as of this year use the American Whirlpool name.  While I doubt there is any issue of Maax going out of business or anything like that, I am curious why the name change for this year.  You would think that if the name was worth building on, you would keep it and grow the brand.  I'm not going to say buying a Vita is a bad choice, because it is not, but if I am looking at purchasing a brand that is not considered one of the premium ones, I want a strong, reputable dealer that can be there to take care of me if there ever is an issue.


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2018, 03:31:25 pm »
I'm not a big fan of maxx and the way the build and insulate their spas or support their dealers (2nd hand info on that part) , but if it felt best in the wet test maybe that's the way to go. 


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2018, 08:07:15 pm »
Thanks guys for the helpful feedback. Sam, can you elaborate a bit more about "the way they build and insulate their spas"? Thanks!


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2018, 03:08:06 pm »
Steel frame that they sell as being stronger and better than wood or plastic.  The reality is that it's that really thin, flimsy metal that you can twist and bend and it can rust out.  They say it's galvanized so it won't but I've seen it rust firsthand, especially where the connections are made. 

For insulation, they just put these bats of insulation kind of like the pink stuff but made from recycled bluejeans.  It's an interesting concept if you live in a warmer climate but it just doesn't insulate as well as full foam and will cost more to operate in a cold environment.    Also, full foam supports the plumbing and glue joints making it less likely to leak.  Their whole story about them being the only "appliance grade" hot tub is b.s. as well, in my opinion. 

In the end, they are perfectly fine hot tubs.  I just wouldn't put them in the top tier Hot Spring, Artesian, Bullfrog, D1, Sundance, Marquis.  Solid middle tier. 


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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2018, 04:50:07 pm »
Bought a small Vita Amour tub just before they went bankrupt in 2012. Had A LOT of issues...replaced pump, a couple leaks, and finally not one but 2 circuit boards burnt out. It just was not reliable and worth the 7 Grand I paid for it.

Finally not one but 2 circuit boards went and they wanted $1500 to fix. Lucky to have a dealer haul it away and they refurbished but please, don't make an expensive mistake and buy a Vita Spa.

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Re: Vita (Maax)/HotSpot/Caldera?? Need to decide! Help!
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2018, 04:50:07 pm »


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