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Author Topic: FIXED!!! Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help  (Read 9113 times)


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2018, 10:07:49 pm »
Thanks Castle. I was just going by what the invoice said. The previous owner gave me all the paper work from the original sale. I will update my file. I like the name Tuscan Sun better then Creme any ways.

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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2018, 10:07:49 pm »


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2018, 01:33:18 pm »
Good afternoon, well I'm still not in the tub yet :0(. I have had some success and some losses. I the guy that was going to sell me the new replacement 2-Wavemaster pumps, E5 circulation pump, and Freshwater III Ozone flaked on me. I ended up getting my money back (Yah!) but it was a loss of a couple weeks. During that time I decided to partially rebuild of the two Wavemaster pumps by installing new bearings in them. That was a nice $8.00 success! I ordered a new E5 Pump installed it but I'm not getting any power out of the Circulation connectors on the IQ2020 control board. I do have power from the Ozone connection which I plugged the E5 pump into and it powered on worked as normal. So I know the pump works. Question #1 is does the circulation connection on the IQ2020 control board supply full time power? Or does it cycle on and off? When I test it with a multimeter I get zero voltage. I would think that it would be full time power? Question #2 is could their be a setting that I'm not aware of that is not giving the circulation pump a signal to turn ON? While testing the circulation pump I found out that my Watkins "No Fault" heater is leaking from the back rear cover. UHG!!! Now it looks like I'm either going to need to see about new seals in the heater or replace the heater. I just feel that I'm very close to getting the tub running again!!!
Thanks again for your time and help!


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2018, 08:34:11 pm »
I have installed pumps from Aquaflo in place of the official Watkins units (Only in non-warranty repairs) and I have saved hundreds of dollars, and they have worked just fine. Watkins uses a mix of pumps, but if you end up with one of the Chinese models, well, just don't.

If you want to order, use your pump type (Aqua Flo XP2) and the number of speeds (I think one of yours is a two speed and the other is a single speed, but check) and then voltage and amperage. You only need to be close on the amps.

Also, you might consider taking your pumps to a motor shop: I used to take them apart and put in new bearings in the case of a noisy motor. Easy peasy - I would usually just get a 'wet end' so I had all new plastic pump components.

Final thought: you may or may not get the exact same motor, so the cooling air duct may not fit onto the new pump. Not really a problem (I'm sorry, did you say you live in Death Valley? ;D) Just put the duct near the end of the motor and you'll be fine. Many tub makers don't run cooling ducts and it's fine. If it matters to you, either ask your supplier for the same motors, or just go ahead and pay close to double for pumps from Watkins. But as mentioned above, do NOT install them if they show up 'made in china.'


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2018, 09:53:36 am »
Thanks Chas for your input. I did look into the Aquaflo XP2 pumps as an option too but decided since my motors operated (just noisily) I would attempt to replace the bearings myself. I ordered the bearings from Amazon, used my HF bearing puller, cleaned up all the parts and reassembled. Wah-Lah 2- working pumps! WooHoo!!

I would like to know if the Control board sends out full time 110V to the Circulation terminal? Or if it has a predetermined cycle? If the control board send out full time 110V is their a setting or component that would not tell the control board to power up the Circulation terminal? I know that the Circulation pump and the Heater both work together.

Please help if you can! I feel that I'm getting close to getting this tub up and going again.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2018, 10:19:05 am »
Good deal on getting your jets pumps up and running - I used to do that all the time!

Circ pump runs constantly, so yes, power should be on that terminal pair constantly. In fact, if the heater overheats, the control system shuts off the heater, flashes the power icon, yet keep the circ pump running to hopefully cool the system down.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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FIXED!!! Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2018, 01:15:20 pm »
WHOO HOO!! the tub is up and going again!!! the problem with the circulation pump turned out to a super easy fix. The problems turned out just to be a blown glass fuse. I had pulled and tested the fuse when i first got the tub, so I knew it was good. But in-between times I had been trouble shooting the circulation pump and must have blown the fuse. I had a buddy come over and when I was walking him through all that I had done to the tub he suggested we test the fuse again. Hallelujah!! And I just happen to have that fuse. POP it in, turned the breakers back on, and we now have circulation!! Over the weekend we had two incredible soaks in our HS tub!! And I have to saw that having the bluetooth speakers added a lot to the experience. Now the tub still isn't 100%. I still need to replace the heater as its leaking from the end cap and the internal temp sensor is dead. But it sure is a relief to know that the tub does work!! Thanks guys for all your help getting me into some "Hot water". Probably the only time that being in "Hot Water" is a good thing.


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Awesome. Great to see the kids enjoying it!


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So cool. Glad to hear. 8)
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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