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Author Topic: new member, Jacuzzi j365 FL1 issue after installing new flow switch.  (Read 3959 times)

Benny C

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I have a 2012 J365, with clear-ray UV light, I got a FL1 diagnostic a week ago when both jet pumps were turned on high. Tub was heating correctly and maintaining temperature in spite of ambient being below freezing.
I removed the filters, killed power and turned back on, FL1 stayed up when both jet pumps on high speed.
I opened the control box up, pulled the flow switch plug out and jumpered the pins on the board, resulted in FL1 diagnostic disappearing when the jet pumps were running, but an FL2 diagnostic up when the jets were off, no diagnostic up if pumps were turned back on.
Local dealer (80 miles away) suggested it was almost certainly a faulty flow switch.
I bought a new flow switch, installed it this am (minimal water loss) and the problem still persists - FL1 diagnostic up only when both pumps on high speed.
I checked flow switch operation of each flow switch prior to installing with a meter, zero ohms when paddle is moved close to the tube, open when at rest - and I got an idea what distance the "switching point" was.
I'm not understanding something, if the flow switch isn't closing, how does the tub heat" (I read 23.6 amps with the thermostat calling for heat and the circulation pump running)
I am suspecting I have an obstruction somewhere that is preventing adequate flow, can anyone give me some pointers on how to clear an obstruction in the filter/heating plumbing?

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