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Author Topic: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow  (Read 5939 times)


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Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« on: August 22, 2004, 11:44:49 pm »
We are wet testing a Jacuzzi tub J335 tommorow. Looking for any comments on Jacuzzi tubs. One concern is that they have full foam insulation around the tub except on the one side that has all the mechanical equipment (pumps, heater, etc.) They say that the pump will overheat if it is in an insulated area, is this true?

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Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« on: August 22, 2004, 11:44:49 pm »


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 10:07:06 am »
We wet tested the j365. found it very comfortable, good massage from the jets and easy to use. has good warranty. when compared to the sunset which we also tested there was no comparison. sunset is a company in florida that makes shells and the dealer bulds the spa to your spec.

hope this helps


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2004, 01:23:50 pm »
Took delivery of a J385 in July.  Love, it, seats are very comfortable, and jets are very powerful.  Did a lot of research and reading prior to purchasing.  As many have written on this site, purchased because of closeness of dealer and really liked the tub.  I belive you buy what you feel you can afford and enjoy the tub because it is the one you want.  Whatever you buy you will enjoy because it is yours, in your yard and you are in it.


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2004, 11:20:02 pm »
Well the testing is complete, and Jacuzzi is the winner. We purchased the Jacuzzi J335 today. Total cost was $8021.79 Canadian dollars, and that includes all tax a prolifter, ozonator, 30" step, start up kit, and delivery. We will have our new tub in about 3-4weeks.


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 12:39:36 am »
Hi Gus, I'm happy to discover that you are using this forum as I have found it to be among the best sources of unbiased and fair information on the internet for people considering purchasing a hot tub/spa. As a Jacuzzi Premium Spa Dealer, I refer all of our potential clients to this forum through our website because I believe it is important that people get all the information they can when making such an important decision. Thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences and observations about Hot Tubs. Keep it up, as you are providing a tremendous service to people who are new to the Hot Tub shopping experience. Good Tubbin'.


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 01:11:10 pm »
As a Jacuzzi dealer maybe you can help me. I am considering a J365. Have wet tested and liked it so did my wife. She would like to add some water features. The built in waterfall did nothing for her. The dealer didnt think anything could be done. Do you have any suggestions or experiences with this type of issue. Also, I noted that Jacuzzi sells benches etc. for their spas. do you know of anything else for comparison. I live in Jacksonville, Fl and to the best of my knowledge there is only one jacuzzi dealer.



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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2004, 02:36:29 am »
I'm not sure what you mean by "water features", what were you considering?


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2004, 12:59:18 pm »
Mywife would like a waterfall spilling into the spa. this would be on the outside of the spa much like you see in a swimming pool. The water must recirculate from the spa thru the waterfall to avoid overflowing the spa. To do this you must somehow connect the spa to the waterfall pump. this cant be done to a jacuzzi because it would void the warranty. The dealer for the sunset spa can do this because tehy customize the whole spa. Sunset only makes the shell and the dealer does the rest. the problem is that the jaccuzzi felt far superior to the sunset, but unfortunately i think my wife is more concerned about aesthetics than the spa. Go figure :)


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2004, 02:29:21 am »
Sorry I can't help w/that one. Jacuzzi focuses on the spa, so I'm glad you liked it. Good luck.


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2004, 11:19:58 am »
Mywife would like a waterfall spilling into the spa. this would be on the outside of the spa much like you see in a swimming pool. The water must recirculate from the spa thru the waterfall to avoid overflowing the spa. To do this you must somehow connect the spa to the waterfall pump. this cant be done to a jacuzzi because it would void the warranty. The dealer for the sunset spa can do this because tehy customize the whole spa. Sunset only makes the shell and the dealer does the rest. the problem is that the jaccuzzi felt far superior to the sunset, but unfortunately i think my wife is more concerned about aesthetics than the spa. Go figure :)

This is a situation I run into from time to time. I have only had weak results, but I try to recommend a couple of things.

Try to get the dealer to be creative and make you a fountain that will plug or screw into one of the jets. PVC pipe and fittings are very inexpensive, add a little flex tubing and you might like the results. There are many types of fountain heads available for this type of thing:

You will not have the benefit of a carefully designed system here, but you might be able to have the cover open with a nice column of water dancing in the middle - or several dancing around the perimeter - for your wife's next party, and she may be pleased. YOU may get tired of taking them out to use the spa, but hey....

Another idea is to put a waterfall or waterfeature near the tub - behind it, next to it, in front of it - so that the focus is on the waterfeature and the spa sort of disappears. This is best if you have taken the care to incorporate the tub into the design of the yard somehow, or set the tub down/built the deck up around it.

Another angle on the above is to create a waterfall behind the tub that just looks like it falls into the tub. Done that one a lot. It makes life much easier, because the dirt and leaves that land on the waterfeature don't end up in the tub, you don't cool the tub, and the two systems are separate. With this type of design, you can run the waterfall with the lid closed and it still looks ok - for the most stunning look you open/remove the lid and turn on the jets and light. Keep in mind this is not a real good way to keep your operating costs down, and the cover lift has to go away.

I know these aren't great ideas. Doing it well can add to the costs. The whole idea for most self-contained spas is to keep the lid down except when in use, and the whole idea of a waterfeature is to be open and nice-looking at all time. As I said, I have run into this from time to time, and often the couple ends up putting in an in-ground tub instead, just because one partner wants a stunning 'look.'

If your wife wants to truly enjoy the tub and is simply looking for a way to have more water moving around it while you are in it, you could put a waterfall next to the tub that falls into the tub -
but you would want to look for something that empties completely when you shut it off. A 'wall' or sheer descent works here: you will want your dealer's help in connecting to your spa, and you will have to have a valve or other control so it doesn't hit the closed cover and pump the spa out onto the ground.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2004, 03:12:26 pm »
How about considering a water feature next to or near the area -- like a pond or fountain.  This way you can be as elaborate as you want without messing with your spa.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Wet testing Jacuzzi J335 Tommorow
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2004, 03:12:26 pm »


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