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Author Topic: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off  (Read 3547 times)


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Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« on: September 02, 2004, 12:57:26 pm »
On our Optima the circ pump / ozonator shut off if the temperature get 2 degrees above the set temperature and won't turn back on until the water gets back down to the set temp.

For us we have it set at 98 and with the pumps running the water temp always seems to rise a bit and we quite often hit the 100 mark even though it's still set at 98.  When it gets that high and the circ pump shuts off it can take a long time for it to cool off enough for it to come back on.  This is happening enough that the circ pump / ozonator only run probably 1/2 to 2/3 of the time.  

Anyone have any idea how I can get around this?  I'm assuming that as winter rolls around the temp will not rise as much when we run the pumps and it'll cool down a lot quicker due to the colder temps outside.

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Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« on: September 02, 2004, 12:57:26 pm »


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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2004, 01:39:52 pm »
Raise the lid daily. Maybe I should say 'nightly.' Let the tub breath a bit. You just want it to cool a little, not a lot.

Letting off that little bit of heat will help with the overheating issue in warm weather. The heat is coming as a byproduct of the circ pump, so letting it out shouldn't raise your cost of operation.

I know it's a hassle, but if you want the circ pump to keep running, you'll have to allow an outlet for the heat. Another way to look at it: if the lid isn't getting opened on a regular basis, one would assume you aren't using the tub on a regular basis. In that case, there's really no need for the circ pump and ozonator to be running constantly.
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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2004, 01:55:48 pm »
During a hot summer, I have programmed my spa to run the circ pump and the low speed filter times only at night because the temp would run too high.  This summer has been cool in the NE, so it has not been a problem but last summer I couldn't keep the water temp down with any pumps running during the daytime.


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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2004, 01:55:52 pm »
I can try that... It's not for a lack of use though.  We're in 1-2 times a day since we've got it.  Last night for example it was 98 when we got in and 100 when we got out.   I checked this morning and it was still 100.  I'll try leaving the lid open for some periods of time when it's not in use and see if that makes a difference.

I guess I was just hoping that there was some way to change that to even 3 degrees instead of 2.  From what I've heard it's not configurable but didn't know if anyone had any other tricks up their sleeve...

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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2004, 02:17:15 pm »
Unfortunately there is somewhat of a tradeoff here. When you get a spa that is very well insulated this happens during warm peiods of the year. Your summertime problem does however indicate your spa will be well insulated in the winter so there is a plus. For now, try to set the spa so the circ pump is off from 10 am to 4 pm (or so).
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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2004, 02:26:33 pm »
Bulmer -

I've had the same problem.  One morning, I woke up to green tinged cloudy water because the circ pump and Ozone was off all night.

Isn't 6 hours to long to turn the circ pump and ozone off.  I'm worried about keeping the water clean?  The night my water turned green it was off for only about 9 hours.  I believe the filter cycle will also shut off when the temp is 2 degrees high.  Anyone know for sure?  

Anyway - sorry can't help you Bulmer, but I'd love to hear how others are dealing with this without keeping the water at 99/100 in summer, or having to partial drain and add cold water to cool it down everday.  Ideally, I'd like the temp to be around 95 for kids during the day, and around 98/99 for me at night.

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Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2004, 08:02:50 pm »
I don't know if there is any way to keep the water at 95 diuring the summer.  You can keep your water clean with the ozone and circ pump turned off during the day.  You may have to increase your filter time at night to make up the difference.  Any time you use it during the day you will be filtering also.  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Optima Circ Pump Emergency Shut Off
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2004, 08:02:50 pm »


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