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Author Topic: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?  (Read 4004 times)


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Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« on: July 17, 2000, 09:57:43 pm »

Direct e-mail response OK.  Thanks!

Related link: http://www.as-apinc.com/

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Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« on: July 17, 2000, 09:57:43 pm »


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Re:Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2000, 04:21:51 pm »
never heard of them, how many dealers do they have?


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Re:Re:Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2000, 07:35:54 pm »

They're factory direct.  I spoke with them and the owner sounded just like a lot of the more knowledgeable -- and opinionated -- regulars on the message boards (which I liked). I asked if they included a circulating pump (as if I was looking for one) and he went off on how useless they were (good answer!). I did the same thing with full-foam and he again went off on how he'd never make a full-foam spa. Pumps sounded like a priority to him and he took a lot of pride in their construction overall (2" piping, 1" redwood skirt, fiberglass-backed shell, hard cover, et cetera). In general, I liked his attitude. Also, he made it clear that the spas were put together so that almost anyone could replace the major components if needed. Can't explain the 800 number thing, though....

How much weight should I put in attitude?


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If you are a shopper ReadAny Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2000, 11:03:49 pm »
Well,,,, Why dont you buy it!  The truth is, there is more to a spa than shell, pump, and water.  If thats all they speak about, thats all they have.  The salesperson on any product will knock everything they dont offer.  Things that are MOST important, which you (he) didnt mention are: Water management, chemical usage, operation cost guarantees, service and warranty work how long they have been in business, why they do not insulate.(keep in mind finding a leak in a partailly insulated spa is just as hard, but if thats hie selling feature, it only means he has a lot of leaks.For the price, what do you get? Cover, Delivery, Start-Up, Steps, Cover Lift, Chemicals? What is the price range? If its such a well built spa with a great price, why have I been in the industry 8 years and never heard of it? All i am saying is that when you have a small no name company ripping on the big well known brands and all he speaks of is pumps and shells, they all have that Go buy at home depot.  There is a sucker born every minute and there is anotherone born to take his/her money.  These companies that are well known have a good reputation, and if there technology was not superior, they wouldnt be where they are today.  Bad experiences travel faster than good ones.


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Re:If you are a shopper ReadAny Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2000, 02:05:43 pm »

Wow, these boards are getting less and less helpful....

First all I hear is that pumps and construction are the two most important things to look for, then when I find a dealer that values them I get water management, chemical usage, and operation cost guarantees (who guarantees operating costs?!).  What should I be looking for?


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Shoppers PUMPS HORSEPOWER SHELLSwith American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2000, 05:46:18 pm »
I am not saying pumps and shells are not important, merely stating that most companies use the same pump brands. Which pumps do they use, All shells in the industry are made by two companies, Lucite, and aristech.  If thats all a company talks about, thats all they have.  Fact is that all pumps have practically the same power.  If someone tells you they have a five horsepower pump, ask the how many amps it is.  The formula for finding horsepower is voltsxamps=watts.  So if a guy says his pumps are 5 horse, 12 amp. Then you multiply 240volts by 12 amps and you can see its a 2.6 horsepower pump.  Same goes with the breaker, I mean if you have 2 7 horsepower spas drawing 30 amps a peice, your electrical would have to be seventy amps, not to mention the 25amp draw on the heater. There are a lot of lies in the indusrty about pumps, just pointing a few easy ones to catch salespeople in. All shell have about the same life, no matter how you back them. Most of my customers buy from me because the spa is easy to maintain and not another hassle to own, plus they do not want to spend 60 a month operation it, thats where my spas are different and others I mentioned share the same qualities.  All of the spas out there have a good shell and pump, where they differ is in every other aspect.  I hope you didnt take my comment as rude, I take it you are shopping for a spa and I wanted to give you the best information to make a decision.  I could care less what spa you buy, Im only telling you why the salespeople you are dealing with are saying what they are saying...


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Re:Shoppers PUMPS HORSEPOWER SHELLSwith American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2000, 03:41:28 pm »

If that's the case, then I'm back to buying a Blue Ridge from Lowes -- 2x4 cabinet construction, 2 pumps @ 2HP each, same shell as everybody else apparently, plus it's over $1000 cheaper than anything else out there.  Is that a bad plan?


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« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2000, 04:19:14 pm »
I do not want to offend you, but once again you are only comparing shells and pumps, to answer your question, yes, if it was me I would buy from lowes.  The problem is that it is a low end spa, same as what else you are looking at.  You get what kind of warranty coverage? You haven't got a copy of a written warranty have you? Dont listen to a guy tell you the number of years, read the fine print! If a company doesnt want to supply you with a copy of the written warranty, it means they do not want you to read it!!!!!! Filtration, operation costs, chemical usage, warranty coverage, dealer support, and value for your dollar are all the elements more important to a spa OWNER (not Shopper) than a Spa Shell, Pumps.  If you shop for price, you WILL get burned, if you put price a side, you will get VALUE! There is a difference in spas. I tell my customers shopping for a spa is like shopping for a diamond, they all look similar but are priced differently and some are worth a lot more.  To get a good deal, you have to be able to tell me exactly what the product costs to make, and costs the dealer to buy.  So when you say you got a good deal (50%off) you really dont know if you got the best price. How much money did the guy that bought ahead of you pay? how much will the guy who buys after you pay? To get a good value, compare every feature of the spa.  When you look at a companies "TOP OF THE LINE" it can not always be compared to another companies "TOP OF THE LINE".  The way you defend the products you are speaking of leads me to belive 1.YOU HAVE ALREADY ORDERED ONE! 2. YOU ARE ACTUALLY AN EMPLOYEE OF ONE OF THE COMPANIES! 3. YOU ARE SHOPPING FOR PRICE, KNOW ITS NOT A GOOD VALUE, AND ARE GETTING A BIT FRUSTRATED IN THE WHOLE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE. Regardless of which one of these describes you, i am happy to answer any other questions you may have!


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« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2000, 10:22:14 pm »

Actually, I haven't ordered a spa yet, don't work for any spa company, and have been trying to put value ahead of price since I started the shopping process (otherwise I wouldn't be considering spending over a thousand dollars more with ASAP to get what I thought might be a better spa than the Blue Ridge at Lowes).  I simply can't get a straight answer from the sales people about what makes a spa a good value.  It seems like everybody has a favorite brand (or a brand they sell), and to them everything else sucks.  I'm in sales myself and know the "price versus value" routine backwards and forwards (plus I'm an engineer and can appreciate the technical differences between units), but I'll have a hard time spending literally twice as much money on one spa versus another if nobody can give me a consistent or credible reason why I need to.  Bottom line is you can buy two Blue Ridge spas and keep the second in reserve in case the first one blows up and still have spent less money than buying one of some other brands.  I think that really bugs the sales people.


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Re:Shoppers PUMPS HORSEPOWER SHELLSwith American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2000, 03:20:06 am »
Lucite and Aristech or ICI are the only companies that make Acrylic.  They are not, however, the only molders of spa shells.  There are many different manufacturers who use different methods of fiberglass and combination layering techniques for insulation value and strength.

I know you were only trying to drive the point home about spa manufacturers using the same components, but thought this portion of your post should be clarified.  The difference in molding processes does make an enormous difference in strength and durability, so please understand I am not trying to be petty.


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Re: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2004, 01:44:58 pm »
Did you buy from American Spa?


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Re: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2004, 08:29:45 pm »
Lots of guests in this thread. I had a customer in my store today who purchased a spa on-line from a company about 5 hours away. Has had the spa approximately 30 days. Came in looking for a part. We asked what kind of spa he had. He told us what a great deal he got for a spa "just like this one" and then proceeded to explain he has had 3 leaks, drunk deliverymen, and a broken cover. So infuriated that he is now doing his own service even though he has a "great" warranty. But he got a great deal ,
didn't he? There are very real differences between high and low end spas just as there is a difference between a Rolls and a Kia. What do you sell, Anthony? Good luck.


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Re: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2004, 03:43:57 pm »

Sounds like you'd need to be Ballsie to buy from American Spa.




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Re: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2004, 06:50:05 pm »
A good way to shop for spas is to search out what unbiased 3rd parties who have done research say about this screwy industry and specific brands.

Consumers Digest Best Buy
Spa Search
Pool & Spa Living Magazine

Also, look at the warranty.  What does the fine print exclude from coverage?  If a sales person won't provide you with a copy of the complete warranty, there is something to hide.

Any company boasting of horse power and jet count is grossly misleading you as a consumer.  

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Re: Any Experience with American Spa and Pool?
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2004, 06:50:05 pm »


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