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Author Topic: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?  (Read 29141 times)


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2018, 11:19:10 pm »
up to 90% less plumbing than other hot tubs with a similar size and jet count.  What's not to get?  It's true.  There is significantly less plumbing in a 7' bullfrog with 60 jets than aother 7' with 60 jets.

I mean, it makes sense.  In most hot tubs every single jet requires a hole in the shell and a plumbing line.  In a Bullfrog you only need one hole and one plumbing line per seat, rather than per jet.  There is one jetpak that has 42 jets, yet only one plumbing connection.  It's a simple and true concept.  I won't argue the merits of the design, but it is a plain and simple fact that there will be less plumbing on a bullfrog with x jets than another hot tub with x jets.

Also, lol at arguing with an engineer in the field of fluid dynamics about fluid dynamics.

And it seems BF is struggling a bit with that one big customer accessible hole in the shell. Those big o-rings seem to struggle.

I think over 30 years of plumbing qualifies me. I have changed many fluid dynamic engineered designs to work in the real world. Installation always trumps design.

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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2018, 11:19:10 pm »


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2018, 02:36:32 pm »
up to 90% less plumbing than other hot tubs with a similar size and jet count.  What's not to get?  It's true.  There is significantly less plumbing in a 7' bullfrog with 60 jets than aother 7' with 60 jets.

I mean, it makes sense.  In most hot tubs every single jet requires a hole in the shell and a plumbing line.  In a Bullfrog you only need one hole and one plumbing line per seat, rather than per jet.  There is one jetpak that has 42 jets, yet only one plumbing connection.  It's a simple and true concept.  I won't argue the merits of the design, but it is a plain and simple fact that there will be less plumbing on a bullfrog with x jets than another hot tub with x jets.

Also, lol at arguing with an engineer in the field of fluid dynamics about fluid dynamics.

And it seems BF is struggling a bit with that one big customer accessible hole in the shell. Those big o-rings seem to struggle.

That's not true at all, at least in my experience and we sell hundreds per year.  We rarely have an issue with the o-ring or gasket.  And if we do, it's a simple easy fix that doesn't require pulling cabinet panels and digging through foam like most jet gasket's.

The simple fact is, Bullfrog builds a great hot tub that has some cool efficiencies not found in a traditional hot tub.  You can pick what jets you want, and what seat you want to put them in.  If you change your mind, it takes 10 seconds to switch.  There are less holes in the shell and less plumbing than a hot tub with a comparable number of jets. Whether or not you think that has merit is fine, but it is indeed true.  When they come out with a new jetpak, you can update your hot tub with it for a nominal fee.  If your therapy needs change, you can change the jetting in your spa to meet those needs.  The jets also have a great feel and very therapeutic.  The oscillator jetpak is my favorite all time jet and I've been doing this for almost a quarter century now.  I've worked with most of the big brands out there over the years, or at least had exposure to them.

Your disdain for Bullfrog is so weird to me.  They make a great hot tub that is unlike anything else out there.  I'm also unbiased enough to recommend other brands because I try really hard to apply my experience objectively, but there is no arguing that Bullfrog are great hot tubs and among the best our industry has to offer. 


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2018, 04:20:25 pm »
Your disdain for Bullfrog is so weird to me.  They make a great hot tub that is unlike anything else out there.  I'm also unbiased enough to recommend other brands because I try really hard to apply my experience objectively, but there is no arguing that Bullfrog are great hot tubs and among the best our industry has to offer.

It's not a disdain for BF. I'll say it again Sam and I will say it slower so you understand, B F  m a k e s  a  f i n e  t u b, nothing special or better than about 10 other brands.

You can puff it up all you want and a ton of people will buy into the BS. But not me and a ton of others who see through the puff.

They don't feel better, they don't have more power, they aren't more efficient, they don't last longer and they don't cost less. They Got Nothing.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2018, 04:48:35 pm »
Your disdain for Bullfrog is so weird to me.  They make a great hot tub that is unlike anything else out there.  I'm also unbiased enough to recommend other brands because I try really hard to apply my experience objectively, but there is no arguing that Bullfrog are great hot tubs and among the best our industry has to offer.

It's not a disdain for BF. I'll say it again Sam and I will say it slower so you understand, B F  m a k e s  a  f i n e  t u b, nothing special or better than about 10 other brands.

You can puff it up all you want and a ton of people will buy into the BS. But not me and a ton of others who see through the puff.

They don't feel better, they don't have more power, they aren't more efficient, they don't last longer and they don't cost less. They Got Nothing.
You are absolutely wrong here.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2018, 08:44:10 pm »
I appreciate the spirited debate guys! It has definitely give me some insight to our purchasing process. TMan, I was looking at bullfrog. What other brand in my selection of dealers should I check out in your opinion? I like to keep all my options open.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2018, 10:36:51 pm »
It's not a disdain for BF. I'll say it again Sam and I will say it slower so you understand, B F  m a k e s  a  f i n e  t u b, nothing special or better than about 10 other brands.
So why, Mister Tman, do you not say why the Jet Packs or other attributes of Bullfrog are 'nothing special than about 10 other brands'?

You sell all of them, apparently, but I wet tested them, and the attributes that drove me to buy a Bullfrog seem better to me. Isn't that what matters? I'm the customer.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 10:39:21 pm by karismom »


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2018, 10:50:05 pm »
This will be my only comment on this thread.  I think Bullfrog makes a fantastic tub. It might be the right Tub for some and others might find a better choice. To buyers remember it comes down to the hot tub and DEALERSHIP it’s bought from. You could have better luck with a number of brands if the dealer is a stand up dealer.  I guess I’m lucky in the sense that the bullfrog dealers in my area don’t really effect me all that much because they are sub par dealers. Look at the whole picture when shopping for a new tub.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2018, 10:58:00 pm »
I guess I’m lucky in the sense that the bullfrog dealers in my area don’t really effect me all that much because they are sub par dealers.

I'm curious how you know/define that. "Sub-par dealers"? So how are you better and how are they worse? Those kinds of statements mean exactly nothing unless you back them up with facts. Or at the very least, with examples.

But we won't get a reply from you because you said you wouldn't reply. Not surprising, because why would you want to be called out on what you said.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2018, 11:01:25 pm »
The other comment I would make, in response to all these people saying to buy from a "dependable dealer", is that sometimes you don't find that out until after the fact. In my case, I bought from a dealership that has been around for a long time, and worked with a person who I really like and trust and believe will serve me well if there ever come to be issues. But no issues have come about yet, so it's hard to gauge who will really be there when the rubber meets the road, if it ever does.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2018, 11:29:09 pm »
I guess I’m lucky in the sense that the bullfrog dealers in my area don’t really effect me all that much because they are sub par dealers.

I'm curious how you know/define that. "Sub-par dealers"? So how are you better and how are they worse? Those kinds of statements mean exactly nothing unless you back them up with facts. Or at the very least, with examples.

But we won't get a reply from you because you said you wouldn't reply. Not surprising, because why would you want to be called out on what you said.

Because I do what I say I’m going to when I say I’m going to. I offer great products at competitive prices and my companies service is second to none. In my area my online reviews reflect this while a good amount of my competitors reviews reflect on there lack of customer service. It’s pretty easy to do research on the dealer you are purchasing from these days with social media, google, and all the other sites like that out there


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2018, 05:58:22 am »
I appreciate the spirited debate guys! It has definitely give me some insight to our purchasing process. TMan, I was looking at bullfrog. What other brand in my selection of dealers should I check out in your opinion? I like to keep all my options open.

A bunch of good brands were mentioned in this thread. All good brands including BF. I personally think the Marquis HK jets blow away anything BF has to offer as far as feel. I also think the design and engineering of D1 is better. But remember my opinion is just that. I have recently had the opportunity to wet test an A8, it had been a while since I sat in any brand. The things I mentioned are based on that. Water distribution to close to your ears is bad. Most brands bury the distribution in the tubs insulation. They say things like less plumbing, less plumbing than what? And how does less plumbing make it better? They say full power all the time at all pacs, that's impossible. They say no diverters, The way they lay out the tub and the nature of the design that is also false and misleading.

There is only one advantage to BF and that is the ability to choose the pacs you want in the locations you want before you get it home. No one is going to buy extra pacs and switch them around. It's easier and better to just slide over to another seat for a different feel rather than move a pac, all tubs you can do this.

Over the years there have been just as many BF problems on this forum as any other brand. Including o-ring problems.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2018, 03:53:15 pm »
I appreciate the spirited debate guys! It has definitely give me some insight to our purchasing process. TMan, I was looking at bullfrog. What other brand in my selection of dealers should I check out in your opinion? I like to keep all my options open.

A bunch of good brands were mentioned in this thread. All good brands including BF. I personally think the Marquis HK jets blow away anything BF has to offer as far as feel. I also think the design and engineering of D1 is better. But remember my opinion is just that. I have recently had the opportunity to wet test an A8, it had been a while since I sat in any brand. The things I mentioned are based on that. Water distribution to close to your ears is bad. Most brands bury the distribution in the tubs insulation. They say things like less plumbing, less plumbing than what? And how does less plumbing make it better? They say full power all the time at all pacs, that's impossible. They say no diverters, The way they lay out the tub and the nature of the design that is also false and misleading.

There is only one advantage to BF and that is the ability to choose the pacs you want in the locations you want before you get it home. No one is going to buy extra pacs and switch them around. It's easier and better to just slide over to another seat for a different feel rather than move a pac, all tubs you can do this.

Over the years there have been just as many BF problems on this forum as any other brand. Including o-ring problems.

I sell extra JetPaks all the time for customers to switch around....I'm not gonna get involved in some stupid tech argument but for those consumers following along all I will say is 1 thing....go find 3-4 brands you like, wet test, then go into the bullfrog dealer and wet test, best jets in the industry and that is why people buy them, I sold almost 125 of them last year and did dozens upon dozens of wet tests...the results speak for themselves "best jetting in the industry" period, end of discussion, I hear it EVERY SINGLE WEEK from consumers shopping/wet testing all the big brands.  Ok you guys can get back to arguing fluid dynamics and other crap that doesn't matter at all when buying a spa....the jets matter the most to "premium" buyers


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #42 on: March 26, 2018, 05:00:56 pm »
Thanks BFSM, is that your store in Lakeville? Drove by on Friday.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2018, 09:06:52 pm »
Really intrigued to hear the 3 or 4 reasons the engineering is flawed


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2018, 10:26:15 pm »
Really intrigued to hear the 3 or 4 reasons the engineering is flawed

Good luck with that LOL

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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2018, 10:26:15 pm »


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