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Author Topic: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?  (Read 29124 times)


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2018, 05:54:52 pm »
I don't own one (yet...) but I don't see how people can steer away from the engineering (from a fellow engineer) of the Bullfrogs!?  100% wood free and jet packs to change out. 

I looked at Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Bullfrog (and threw in Viking).  I own an old Sundance, but right now, Bullfrog, IMO, is where it's at, and the others are going to have a tough go for the next few years keeping up.

LOL, drink much koolaid? I can give you 3-4 reasons the engineering is flawed.

Well, I for one would be interested in your opinion (because that's what it is) on 3 or 4 reasons why the engineering is flawed.

I guess we will see. Mine hasn't been delivered yet, but I pulled the trigger on a R6L last week for a great price, but decided to put down another 2K and get an A7L. Bigger, more jetpaks, the color I like (titanium shell), ozone and circulation pump. Still a great price.

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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2018, 05:54:52 pm »


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2018, 06:06:43 pm »
Vita and Maax are the same company.  At $6k, I think a Vita is probably equal to anything else out there.  Not the greatest insulation and I assume steel frame, which I don’t care for, but I think it would be a solid hot tub at that price.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2018, 06:10:11 pm »
I don't own one (yet...) but I don't see how people can steer away from the engineering (from a fellow engineer) of the Bullfrogs!?  100% wood free and jet packs to change out. 

I looked at Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Bullfrog (and threw in Viking).  I own an old Sundance, but right now, Bullfrog, IMO, is where it's at, and the others are going to have a tough go for the next few years keeping up.

Opinions are just that, opinions.  Bullfrog makes a quality product, but plastic frames and jet packs don’t make them engineering marvels.  I sell Hot Spring and Caldera and used to sell Marquis.  They all acknowledge the push Bullfrog is making, but I don’t think anyone is afraid thinking they need to play catch-up.  Everyone has their own thing, jet packs are bullfrogs thing.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2018, 07:25:37 pm »
I don't own one (yet...) but I don't see how people can steer away from the engineering (from a fellow engineer) of the Bullfrogs!?  100% wood free and jet packs to change out. 

I looked at Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Bullfrog (and threw in Viking).  I own an old Sundance, but right now, Bullfrog, IMO, is where it's at, and the others are going to have a tough go for the next few years keeping up.

LOL, drink much koolaid? I can give you 3-4 reasons the engineering is flawed.

You say that, but you never actually provide any good reasons.  Bullfrog spas are very well engineered. 


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2018, 07:29:08 pm »
I just purchased a Bullfrog R5L for $5800 which is more in line with your price range. I have had it a few months and love it. It isn't a real large tub. I actually just downsized from a 6 seater to this one. It would be a perfect size for you and your wife. They say you can seat 3. There are 3 seats but it would be a bit crowded. I also love the jetpacks and power of the jets. As a matter of fact I have to turn them down because I find them too powerful.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2018, 11:26:43 pm »
Awesome, lots of great input here. Thanks again guys. We're no longer discouraged and going to start visiting dealers. I'll report back what we find and hopefully we can pick one that fits our budget!


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2018, 07:19:59 am »
Here's one good reason. And I have asked several questions of BF folks and never gotten any answers either so...... But anyone who says I never provide good reasons I will be slow and precise. As a 30 year plumber water movement has been close to me for a long time.

1. Cavitation is an important part of all plumbing. It is designed out as much as possible because it is noisy and it reduces volume pressure. The most common place for cavitation to occur is in the distribution manifolds, all tubs have them to disburse the water. Where are the distribution manifolds on a BF spa? Yes, that's right in the jet pac's next to your ears.

As a long time tub owner and repair guy I have looked at and serviced many BF tubs and recently had a chance to soak in a 2017 big BF, loved it. Great tub, not by any means an engineering marvel. Been in tubs that felt better, been in quieter tubs.

Want more reasons or should we not? All I was doing is letting our posters know there was BS a float.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2018, 07:27:01 am »
Are there brands that require less maintenance than others ( within the options I have, Bullfrog, D1, Hot Springs)? Approximately how much can I budget for ongoing operation costs for a hot tub? I'm assuming water conditioning, electric costs, etc.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2018, 11:34:01 am »
Here's one good reason. And I have asked several questions of BF folks and never gotten any answers either so...... But anyone who says I never provide good reasons I will be slow and precise. As a 30 year plumber water movement has been close to me for a long time.

1. Cavitation is an important part of all plumbing. It is designed out as much as possible because it is noisy and it reduces volume pressure. The most common place for cavitation to occur is in the distribution manifolds, all tubs have them to disburse the water. Where are the distribution manifolds on a BF spa? Yes, that's right in the jet pac's next to your ears.

As a long time tub owner and repair guy I have looked at and serviced many BF tubs and recently had a chance to soak in a 2017 big BF, loved it. Great tub, not by any means an engineering marvel. Been in tubs that felt better, been in quieter tubs.

Want more reasons or should we not? All I was doing is letting our posters know there was BS a float.

Tman - you're actually wrong and using an incorrect term.  Being a P.E. working in the field of fluid dynamics, cavitation occurs at the inlet to the pump, nearest to the impeller, where suction pressure exceeds the fluid vapor pressure.  You are being confused with entrapped air within the positive pressure water stream where microscopic air bubbles gather and create noise.  It's not possible (fluid dynamics-wise) to cavitate in a positively pressurized fluid pathway.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2018, 12:05:17 pm »
I don't own one (yet...) but I don't see how people can steer away from the engineering (from a fellow engineer) of the Bullfrogs!?  100% wood free and jet packs to change out. 

I looked at Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Bullfrog (and threw in Viking).  I own an old Sundance, but right now, Bullfrog, IMO, is where it's at, and the others are going to have a tough go for the next few years keeping up.

Bullfrog being different helps them at the point of sale but nothing about them makes the other brands irrelevant as you've somehow concluded. Its not like they are peddling the new combustible engine vehicle while everyone else is still selling horse and buggies lol.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2018, 07:40:32 pm »
I don't own one (yet...) but I don't see how people can steer away from the engineering (from a fellow engineer) of the Bullfrogs!?  100% wood free and jet packs to change out. 

I looked at Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Bullfrog (and threw in Viking).  I own an old Sundance, but right now, Bullfrog, IMO, is where it's at, and the others are going to have a tough go for the next few years keeping up.

I am a Bullfrog believer as well (just bought an A series).  And yes, the Jet Packs do make a difference.  Buying extra Jetpacks is not practical and does not make sense.  However, we change ours around.  Just put the tub on hold and we swap one from the Lounge to another area.  Yes, I too like the synthetic foundation.  I wanted to steer clear of wood as my last tub had a cedar exterior and wood frame.  It held up pretty good, but, I am a maintenance free guy.  I AM NOT banging on others that have wood frames.  I will just tell you, that given a choice of a soundly engineered extrusion or wood, I would take the extrusion 100 out of 100 times.  Our jets are so powerful we keep them turned down. Lots of other great tubs discussed here.  It's just when all was said and done, technology, comfort, options and design, Bullfrog was the best choice for US. Again, lots of great choices out there, but find what's best for you.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2018, 07:06:03 am »
Here's one good reason. And I have asked several questions of BF folks and never gotten any answers either so...... But anyone who says I never provide good reasons I will be slow and precise. As a 30 year plumber water movement has been close to me for a long time.

1. Cavitation is an important part of all plumbing. It is designed out as much as possible because it is noisy and it reduces volume pressure. The most common place for cavitation to occur is in the distribution manifolds, all tubs have them to disburse the water. Where are the distribution manifolds on a BF spa? Yes, that's right in the jet pac's next to your ears.

As a long time tub owner and repair guy I have looked at and serviced many BF tubs and recently had a chance to soak in a 2017 big BF, loved it. Great tub, not by any means an engineering marvel. Been in tubs that felt better, been in quieter tubs.

Want more reasons or should we not? All I was doing is letting our posters know there was BS a float.

Tman - you're actually wrong and using an incorrect term.  Being a P.E. working in the field of fluid dynamics, cavitation occurs at the inlet to the pump, nearest to the impeller, where suction pressure exceeds the fluid vapor pressure.  You are being confused with entrapped air within the positive pressure water stream where microscopic air bubbles gather and create noise.  It's not possible (fluid dynamics-wise) to cavitate in a positively pressurized fluid pathway.

You better read up a bit. Cavitation happens during fluid split also. You are correct one form of cavitaion happens on suction side during air introduction.

What is the term if it is different? And that doesn't change the premise.

Wrong or using an incorrect term?

90% less plumbing than what tub?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 07:18:10 am by Tman122 »


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2018, 02:21:54 pm »
up to 90% less plumbing than other hot tubs with a similar size and jet count.  What's not to get?  It's true.  There is significantly less plumbing in a 7' bullfrog with 60 jets than aother 7' with 60 jets.

I mean, it makes sense.  In most hot tubs every single jet requires a hole in the shell and a plumbing line.  In a Bullfrog you only need one hole and one plumbing line per seat, rather than per jet.  There is one jetpak that has 42 jets, yet only one plumbing connection.  It's a simple and true concept.  I won't argue the merits of the design, but it is a plain and simple fact that there will be less plumbing on a bullfrog with x jets than another hot tub with x jets.

Also, lol at arguing with an engineer in the field of fluid dynamics about fluid dynamics.


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2018, 11:13:35 am »
Hi all. I am a new person to the hot tub wold as well (Finnish wife so always had saunas). We too are interested in a budget friendly first time purchase. I have recently visited my Bullfrog dealer up in the Great white North and he suggested I look into PASSION SPAS as an alternative to Bullfrog. They seem legit to me. Any thoughts or experiences with this product folks? TIA


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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2018, 04:09:22 pm »
I've seen passion spas and they look super cool, but I cannot attest to quality, reliability, energy efficiency, or therapy.  They have some neat ideas and I'm super intrigued by them.

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Re: New to Hot Tubs: Top Reliable Brands?
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2018, 04:09:22 pm »


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