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Author Topic: WET TESTED Sundance  (Read 3529 times)


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« on: August 30, 2004, 02:49:05 pm »

I wet tested the Sundance CAMEO last Friday.  Unfortunately the site was down so I could not report my findings until today (again I took notes so I can report factually.)

As you may recall I tested the Marquis first... here goes (in the same order as before AND for those interested you can refer back to the previous post.)

1)  Salesman not as friendly and more hands-off (perhaps because my original salesmanwas not working.)  He left me alone much of the time (the Marquis stayed the entire time but was not obtrusive.)  Apparently the Cameo has changed some of the jetting in the recent update and the salesman was not familiar with the changes.  I found the answers as I fiddled with the controls (and he learned from me!!!!)
2) the lounge was more comfortable than the Marquis (though not as good as DRY)
3) Footjets were just as powerful as the M and accessible from more seats
3) sound of jets could not be determined because the salesman really didn't talk to me BUT I think they were quiet
4) the chairs I likes the most were the ones that I was submerged (as opposed to the M where I liked the ones where my upper body was out of the water.)
5)  the JETS...  here is where I was utterly shocked...  the jets were VERY powerful as compared to the M :o
6) the whirpool action mirrored the M and in some respects better!!
7) the headrests were more comfortable on my neck than the M.

OVERALL:  Ergonomically the Sundance fit me better then the Marquis.  I felt the the jets were much more powerful.  The aesthetics of the tub itself was nicer on the M than the S.  The salesman at M is better.

Here is the dilemma:
I want to WET TEST the Optima to compare the seats with the CAMEO.  I wonder if the seating and jets are different.  The problem is that the local dealer has only the cameo and not the Optima.  Is it appropriate to have the salesman call a dealer (about 25 miles away) to set-up a wet test though I would buy local?

I will test the Marquis again to make sure of the jets and the comfort...  Again I realize how important it is to wet-test.

Have many of you tested more than two lines?  I am thinking about Caldera and perhaps Hotsprings.  OR should I limit it to the above two and not complicate the issue ???

Again thanks for your responses!!   ;D ;D ;D

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« on: August 30, 2004, 02:49:05 pm »


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2004, 03:06:10 pm »
Have many of you tested more than two lines?  I am thinking about Caldera and perhaps Hotsprings.  OR should I limit it to the above two and not complicate the issue ???

Again thanks for your responses!!   ;D ;D ;D

We tested Jacuzzi Priemium, Caldera, Sundance, Dimension 1, and finally Hotsprings. We ended up with a Hotsprings Vista. I would encourage you to test as many as you can. We were all set to get a Jacuzzi, and then a Caldera, and then a D1. Anyway,you get the picture. :)


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2004, 03:27:54 pm »
Here is the dilemma:
I want to WET TEST the Optima to compare the seats with the CAMEO.  I wonder if the seating and jets are different.  The problem is that the local dealer has only the cameo and not the Optima.  Is it appropriate to have the salesman call a dealer (about 25 miles away) to set-up a wet test though I would buy local?

I will test the Marquis again to make sure of the jets and the comfort...  Again I realize how important it is to wet-test.

Have many of you tested more than two lines?  I am thinking about Caldera and perhaps Hotsprings.  OR should I limit it to the above two and not complicate the issue ???

Again thanks for your responses!!   ;D ;D ;D

We wet tested several although it became clear to us which were our favourites and we went from there. Total wet tested were, Sundance 3 models, Beachcomber 2 models, Hotsprings 2 models, sweetwater 2 models, jacuzzi, 2 models, Marquis, and a few others. wet test as many as you are able or willing, that tells you exactly what you need to know.  

As for the other dealer, absolutely, if your dealer does not have an Optima on the floor then he should arrange with another dealer for you to wet test.  If he has one one ht efloor then he should refill that tub for you to experience. It is very quick and easy to move the water and the elctrical.


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2004, 03:29:50 pm »
If you are interested in an Optima, you should definitely wet test one.  They are different.  I would also check out the other manufacturers, especially HotSprings.


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2004, 03:48:39 pm »
I agree that you should wet test the Optima somewhere before buying.  We went to Sundance to test the Cameo and thought we'd try the Optima just for kicks as it was sitting there with water in it.  We liked the Cameo but were very surprised that we liked the Optima better.  We thought we wanted the lounger in the Cameo but ended up buying the Optima.
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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2004, 05:08:43 pm »
This one is easy to answer. You're right on target but yes, you should continue to wet test the other choices you have even though the Sundance and Marquis spas you've wet tested so far are good options. It will either show you a spa that is better for you than the  current Sundance/Marquis options or it will solidify the Sundance as Marquis the best two to choose from. Buying a spa is a marathon, not a sprint. You want years of enjoyment so take your time and your chances of hitting the right spa can only increase this way.
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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2004, 07:15:55 pm »
We wet tested both the Cameo and Optima, had to drive an hour and half in another direction to do so.  I told that dealer that for the most part that was what we wanted to but of course if his prices were any good we would have bought from him.  As for the 2 models - they are different.  We didn't like the way we sat in the optima, water level seemed low to us compared to the Cameo.  Definitly get in one to see for yourself.  If you have another Sundance dealer in the area give them a call and see what they have available, whats the worst they could say, no?  Just my 2 cents.


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2004, 10:18:33 am »
Remember that a lounger robs you of an extra seat which may become important if you like to have lots of people over.  Some of the bucket seating on other tubs, like the optima, can give you a lounger-like feel and might get you more room, too. I read alot on here that people often get a lounger with their first hot tub and don't get a lounger with their second hot tub. Don't know if that is true or not...

Also, and this has been discussed quite a bit in previous threads, more power, as odd as it sounds, does not necessarily equate to a better massage, a better soaking experience, or a better tub. To some people it does, to others it does not. Don't fall for the "Tim the Toolman" dealers who push power exclusively.

That power may mean *alot* to you, or you may find that you run the jets throttled down most of the time. Either way, jet power shouldn't be a silver bullet when picking a tub.


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Re: WET TESTED Sundance
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2004, 10:18:33 am »


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