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Author Topic: FIXED!!! Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help  (Read 9115 times)


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Hey guys I could use some help! I bought a flooded 2015 HS Envoy NXT. It was priced well enough to put some time and money into making it work again. I know that I have to replace pretty much everything! I've already bought a new heater relay board and the main control board. I'm about to buy a new Wavemaster 8200 and a 9000 pumps. Along with a silentflo E5 pump and a Freshwater III ozonator.

My first question is is their any programing that needs to happen to the main control board? I have replaced the boards/ IQ2020 box flipped the 20AMP and 30AMP breakers and I don't see any LEDs coming on?? I have left the tablet controller in the charging bay over night and nothing powers on?? So I don't know if I'm missing a step?

Next question is I have found a guy that sells new HS parts online. He has a lot of parts just not everything. He doesn't have the Wavemaster 9000 but he does have a new WM8000. Looking at the specs it looks like it should work. Since I'm new to Hot tub repairs I just wanted to double check that I'm not missing something. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 01:16:00 pm by fboyles »

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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2018, 02:43:24 pm »
Yes, you will need to flash, or install new software via a usb drive for the circuit board.  If the 8000 and 9000 are the same size, speed, and horsepower rating, I don't see why not, but I don't know for sure. 


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2018, 09:35:31 pm »
Any idea where I can find the flash update file? The only thing that I can find are instruction on how to add the file to a USB drive. The site that I was looking at for pump specs was incorrect. Turns out their is a difference between 2 AMPS and .5HP. The WM 9000 (10AMP,2.5HP, 1speed)  and the WM8000 (8amp,2HP,1speed). I wonder if I will notice a deference not having that extra .5HP?


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2018, 11:38:50 pm »
PM me your email.  Also your Serial number.  I'll send you the right file ;)

Only HSS dealers have access to it.  Get a formatted flash drive (a good one... not a cheap one)  Place only the software file in a freshly formatted drive, and you should be good to go!


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2018, 01:00:01 pm »
Thank you Doonut. I just PMed you.

Thank you so much!
My Hot Springs is a 2015 Envoy NXT with the wireless tablet and Bluetooth audio system.

I have been really stumped on this Hot Tub rebuild. I have tried two different IQ2020. The first one when it didn't power up I thought it was DOA. The seller told me that these boards were plug-in-play. So I swapped it out with another and it did nothing! Very anticlimactic! I had prepared myself to replace everything but didn't want to replace unnecessary parts. I also had the idea to plug the spade connectors of each of the motors directly to the heater relay board to test them out. Both Wavemasters were seized but I was able to free them up by hand turning them with a screwdriver. But they are both noisy and I'm thinking will need to be replace. The silentflo E5 pump just trips the GFCI so I assume that one is shorted out and will also need to be replaced. Do you know if I can use a WM 8000 instead of the 9000? it's a difference of .5HP?


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2018, 03:19:15 pm »
Doonut was great and emailed me the firmware file. But still no power. I don't know if I'm missing a step? I put the file on a USB thumb drive just as instructed. But the little green led (arrow pointing) never lights up. I have no idea what is going on with the board. I can check with the multimeter that I’m getting correct voltage to the heater relay board. Correct voltage coming out of the heater relay board to the main circuit. 220v from red to black and 110v from black to white or red to white. But from there I have no idea?? Any more ideas? I only have the line in’s, panel buttons, and the hot tub led lights connected. I just want to make sure the control boards are working correctly before connecting the rest of the components.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2018, 01:52:22 pm »
I just heard from Doonut again and gave me a few things to try but I still don't think that the new board is powering up? So I went ahead and tried the original flooded IQ2020 board/box and only plugged the line in’s along with the remote dock plug. This board seems to power up. I get a solid green led on the raised circuit board. A red Led on what looks to D21. And a slow blink green on PWR ON. The remote powered on and said searching for spa “found!” Wait while loading graphics. But after 30min the screen has gone to black but I think it still charging as the back-light lights up when I press on the screen?? The original flooded iq2020 might still be good?? But I still don’t understand why the other 2 iq2020 are not powering in the same way? Now that I know what to a powered up board looks like. And that also confirmed that I ran the power correctly. But I was 99% sure of that. Now I guess I will just wait till the remote has had time to completely charge up and see what’s what. One other question I assume that I want that PWR ON led to go solid green?? Any help would be really appreciate it.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2018, 04:19:04 pm »
I've gotten a bit further. I went ahead and connected the heater. Once I did that the remote continued doing it's "start up". Now I can l get into the software configuration by holding the SW1 button for 3-5sec on the control board. I continued connecting the pumps and the bluetooth audio system. Which brings up another problem, Even though I have the Music System installed but I don't get the music note on the remote?? I have gone through the confirmation setting and can see either a 485 or a 12 option I'm not sure what those numbers mean. I need to find a service manual for the Music system. The music system is another one of the components that I have replaced since it was flooded?? I can see two blue lights on the side of the music system box so I know its getting powered.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2018, 04:26:11 pm »
While connecting the pumps I found that the Wavemaster 9000 is seized and I can't get the leverage to hand turn in the the spa compartment. But I was able to the Wavemaster 8200 to free up. But it sounds really loud! I'm guessing that the bearings are shot. I have to assume that water is pumping through it as water is coming out of the jets. I'm not sure if the heater works or not? Seems to me that I need the circulation pump to work to have the heater working? But again I don't have much experience with hot tub operations. It would be great if someone would chime in with some help or ideas??


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2018, 07:50:22 pm »
While connecting the pumps I found that the Wavemaster 9000 is seized and I can't get the leverage to hand turn in the the spa compartment. But I was able to the Wavemaster 8200 to free up. But it sounds really loud! I'm guessing that the bearings are shot. I have to assume that water is pumping through it as water is coming out of the jets. I'm not sure if the heater works or not? Seems to me that I need the circulation pump to work to have the heater working? But again I don't have much experience with hot tub operations. It would be great if someone would chime in with some help or ideas??

Circulation Pump is what controls the heater in that tub


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2018, 08:47:15 pm »
That's what I was kind of thinking. Thank you for confirming that.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2018, 08:29:11 pm »
(Completely off topic) whats the Shell Color? I really like the inside!


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2018, 11:31:37 am »
Thank Edunn we really liked the color as well. I even think if we had had the choice in the show room we still would have chosen the combination. The shell is Creme and the cabinet is Teak.


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2018, 03:31:02 pm »
That is the Tuscan Sun shell


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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2018, 04:03:23 pm »
That is the Tuscan Sun shell

Wow... This color on the website way off...  :-\

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Re: Bought a flooded 2015 Hot Springs Envoy NXT trouble shooting help
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2018, 04:03:23 pm »


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