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Author Topic: Has anyone owned a portable tub?  (Read 4308 times)


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Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« on: August 26, 2004, 05:37:23 pm »
I really don't want to deal with what it would take to add on to my deck and as such have been looking at the better portables like freeflow spas and softub.

I know the portables are less reliable and generally break down quicker than the hotsprings of the world but what I really want to know is how the portables feel in relation to the more expensive tubs.

After lurking around a bit I've discovered the pros and cons of all the different tubs, but I've only been in a tub once in my entire life and you can't wet test a portable.  

So any advice guys?  Do any of the portables stack up in terms of the feel of the soak?

Hot Tub Forum

Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« on: August 26, 2004, 05:37:23 pm »


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Re: Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2004, 07:16:06 pm »
Well,.. lets start off with a quick vocabulary review...

Most spas that are being discussed and reviewed here are 'portable'...Whether they are an 8'X8' 12 person spa or a 4 person, 6' round Softub they are all portable because they are a self-contained appliance that doesnt require special building permits or plumbing.

Non portable spas are usually 'fixed' location spas like inground acrylic, gunite, or traditional coopered hot tub... they are dependant on equipment that is not self contained or a part of the water bearing appliance.

That said, smaller spas are no different than their larger counterparts in that they heat, filter, and move water. They often use the same or similar componentry, such as jetting and electric pump motors.

If youre looking for an economical entry level spa you really cant go wrong with the rotationally molded spas from Freeflow or Tuff Spa- They both have digital control systems and genuine heating elements-- (as opposed to cogeneration heating, which relies solely on the waste heat from the jet pump motor to heat the spa water.) And you can practically put them anywhere as long as its flat and level.

The shortcomings for spas of this size primarily is in layout- so wet test to see if they will fit your needs.


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Re: Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2004, 11:42:54 pm »
Good advice from spa tech.  If a dealer doesn't allow you to test soak, that's a red flag.

What ever amount of money that you spend, it is still alot and hard earned.  A little more will usually ensure a longer lasting, more trouble free product which translates to better value.


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Re: Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2004, 09:49:59 am »
Thanks for the advice.  I guess when I say "portable" I mean "able to be lifted by two men and not a forklift when there's no water in the tub."  

Has anyone owned the models Spa Tech talks about?  Do the freeflow and tuff models offer a good soaking experience?  I'm looking at ordering off the internet and owning the tub for three years or so.


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Re: Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 12:08:40 pm »
I own a Softub. I like it. I also sell D-1 and Coleman. I definitely prefer the experience in the hard tubs, but I have a modest buget and young family. The Softub gives me what I need. When I become a home owner I will get a hard tub (just include it in the mortgage!)

Linclon, if three years is all you want out of it, consider Softub. One of the benefits of the spas that SPATech is talking about is the heater. Those tubs will HOLD their heat while you are soaking, longer.

What I find amusing about the jet discussions in stores and on the forums is this: HOT WATER THERAPY.

No one ever talks about this anymore. 15 years ago, 9jets was alot in a tub. The people that owned those tubs loved them! They enjoyed numerous health / theraputic benefits.

Dont get me wrong, I love the pounding I get in Lotus Bay here at the store, but I also enjoy the Softub.
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: Has anyone owned a portable tub?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 12:08:40 pm »


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