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What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
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Topic: What is your cleaning/chemical regime? (Read 4753 times)
What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
August 24, 2004, 04:09:23 pm »
We've had our Optima for one week. We have an ozonator and Nuture 2. W have done daily shocks the first 5 nights them a Tbl of dichlor the last 2 nights. I'm bringing water into dealer tomorrow. He'll test our water then tell us how to treat it ongoing. So far our water has been crystal clear.
Just wanted to know what others are doing. Do you use measuring spoons for dichlor? My dealer says rinsing filter weekly is unnecessary - others here do it weekly. He says monthly soak in cleaner is all. What do you do about foaming? We do get some foaming.
Thanks for sharing!
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What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
August 24, 2004, 04:09:23 pm »
Ultimate Member
Posts: 2331
2002 Optima
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #1 on:
August 24, 2004, 04:33:48 pm »
I add about 1.5 tsp dichlor after each use. I now shock only when needed. I clean filters monthly with filter cleaning solution in a filter cleaning flask. I adjust pH/TA weekly. I use a Nature2 cartridge and ozone. Bright and clear and foam down only when absolutely necessary. 2 oz spa defender every other week. BTW, I haven't used the foam down in a year and a half. I need bright and clear generally once every three months.
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In hot water since July 2004, love our Optima
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #2 on:
August 24, 2004, 04:41:34 pm »
Hi Beth, I'm a new Optima owner too! Here's my regimen:
1. Add 1TBL dichlor nightly after use
2. Add 2oz Spa Defender every Thursday AM
3. Rinse filter out every Friday (not the micron, its in the manual to NOT rinse this filter at all but it gets changed out every 3mo)
4. Shock with 3TBL dichlor on Sunday evenings after use
5. Monthly clean filter with instant spray filter cleaner. Not the micron tho, you do not soak, spray or hose the micron filter.
About once a week I have to move the pH up a bit from 7.2/3ish to 7.6 with 2-3TBL pH increaser. Once monthly we use the spray cleaner on filter (not the micron)
I bought long handled plastic measuring spoons for a dollar at Walmart. Also bought a 50cent plastic measure cup for liquid goops.
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Posts: 237
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #3 on:
August 24, 2004, 05:49:43 pm »
Lotions and Soaps are a couple of the main causes of Foaming...Specifically laundry detergent. I have a lot of new tub customers come in and complain about all of the foam. I usually ask them how often they wash their swimsuits. Most of the time they say after every couple of uses. The best thing to do is just let them air dry. After you get out (and dressed of course) just hang them up in the bathroom. And watch the lotions, leave in conditioners, soap residue.
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Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #4 on:
August 24, 2004, 07:26:47 pm »
That seems likea lot of dichlor Calico. Are you putting in tablespoons or teaspoons?
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #5 on:
August 24, 2004, 08:20:27 pm »
What is spa defender.?
Do you turn power off whenever you rinse filter? when you clean it? Do you rinse micron filter as well?
Thks for all the help!
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Posts: 478
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Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #6 on:
August 24, 2004, 08:53:21 pm »
yes, kill the power on an Optima when you remove the filter. No to cleaning the micron part of the filter - just the accordian (pleated) regular part gets cleaned.
Speaking from observation - I am not the one that does it!
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2002 Optima
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #7 on:
August 24, 2004, 09:38:25 pm »
I agree, kill the power to rinse/clean filters. I differ in that I rinse my microclean filter when I clean the pleated filter.
Spa Defender is a stain and scale product from Leisure Time. It protects motors, heaters, etc.
Last Edit: August 24, 2004, 09:50:54 pm by tony
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Posts: 203
In hot water since July 2004, love our Optima
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #8 on:
August 25, 2004, 11:56:16 am »
kvnlaw: After your comment, last night I tested my dosage of dichlor and you are right: 2tsp a night worked instead of the 3tsp I had been using, and 2tsp got me to 3ppm and maintained it for at least 2hr too.
I think in the first weeks, I was very gung ho on keeping it cootie free since we have 5 ppl in the tub everyday and 3 are my boys. We do shower almost all the time before even getting in, so there isnt really alot of work for the chlorine to do. I will still shock with 3TBL tho, but have decreased my daily by 1tsp and might even look at lowering that when I next have time to stay up till midnight for that 2hr-after-dosing test. Thanks for calling my attention to this, I've been concerned with Cyanuric acid info I just started to research.
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #9 on:
August 25, 2004, 01:12:56 pm »
Just got my water tested. All was good as far as PH & TDS. However, we had chlorine that is not free chllorine. Our dealer told us to shock with 1/4 cup plus 1 TB dichlor. For onging maintenance, He said to put in 3 tsp dichlor each week, 2 oz Activate(potassium peroxymonosulfate) after each use, and 3 TB Stain and Scale weekly. He also recommended Natural Clear weekly - an enzyme product to remove scum. How does this regime sound to you guys.
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #10 on:
August 25, 2004, 04:48:42 pm »
To this newbie, like a lot of work.
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #11 on:
August 25, 2004, 09:32:04 pm »
Thanks Calico for another good idea! I took your advice a couple weeks back on the Walmart test kit. I'm going back for the long handled tsp/tbsp thingies. When I read that, you had me doing one of those "slap my forehead, why didn't I think of that" things.
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Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #12 on:
August 26, 2004, 09:29:18 am »
We are all getting there from the sounds of it.
I have begun alt. b/n 2 tsp. of dichol. and 2tbs. of the mps because we are using the Siberian twice a day. After my cloudy incident, I cleaned the filters with the hose to get rid of the brown junk. The water looks better, but still sl. cldy, so I will get some "bright and clear" ( not to sure of the name?} from the dealer today. I shock once a week with 2 tbsp. with the dichlor.
Like Calico, 3 boys here too and with the temperature at 99, we are in there longer. I have not had to increase PH yet, but I see it coming within the week with all those bodies in there. Thank God for this board! I can get advice 24/7! Thanks to all the spa dealers, sales and users on this board.
Maybe the Hokey Pokey is what's all about?
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #13 on:
August 26, 2004, 07:06:54 pm »
Spoke to my salesman today. Apparently the guy I spoke to at the store gave me the wrong stuff. He didn't realize that I had the Nature 2. Anyway, my chlorine was off the charts this morning. I left the cover open all day, ran blower occasionally. Almost usable
. All I'll need to do from now on is 1-2 TB dichlor every 7-10 days, and maybe a tsp or two after use. He said I only need to maintain about .5pmm not 3-5.
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #14 on:
August 26, 2004, 07:14:31 pm »
I have this on another thread so bear with me, please.
OK, lots of great feed back.
So, I find a pool chem dealer right near my place that I never new was there. I look for filter cleaner and a taylor test kit. guy ask why for what and I tell him.
says tide powder detergent will do the trick and is best for the price to clean my filter as good if not better then filter cleaner he sells. Just streasses to rise really well,da LOL........
also wonders why I want to spend the money on a test kit, I dont trust the strips. plus the fair hair fair skined daughter just broke out on cheek and thigh. ask me to bring in a water sample to test.
I do this and says my ph 8.2 and alk is 60, says go home drop a heeping Tbl of arm and hamer in the tub.
stop using spa 56 (dichlor)because I have a silver cartidge and CD ozone and shock once a week with non-chlor, potassium monopersalfate, thats all I need/ no dichlor.
Oh, and highly recomens spa perfect once a week, I'm thinking he was doing good on the advice then dropped a few nothches for a steady chem purchase??
Would love to get some feed back on this
Hot Tub Forum
Re: What is your cleaning/chemical regime?
Reply #14 on:
August 26, 2004, 07:14:31 pm »
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