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Author Topic: jacuzzi j345  (Read 6589 times)


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jacuzzi j345
« on: August 17, 2004, 09:52:30 am »
I am receiving new jacuzzi j345 today.  After reading all the forums and seeing all the advice, i feel like I may have made wrong decision.  What is wrong with this tub?  Is it or is it not a good tub.  I have read that the jetting is not as good as sundance, does anyone beside johnny thunder have some good comments or advice on what I can expect

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jacuzzi j345
« on: August 17, 2004, 09:52:30 am »


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 10:09:36 am »
Assuming you wet tested and liked the spa at purchase time, don't worry about other opinions.  Look forward to enjoying your new spa, don't worry about the ones you passed up.


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2004, 10:15:19 am »
Nobody said Jacuzzi Premium was a bad spa, but there are better spas out there at the same price.  In my opinion, I would buy a Sweetwater before I would go near a Jacuzzi Premium.  I am probably the only regular on this forum with this opinion. (remember opinions are like a**holes everyone has one)

You can purchase a Bahia for the same price as a J-345 and you get 3 more seats, and all Jacuzzi Premium models use the same components as the Sweetwater (this includes pumps, motors, heater, and control box).  Sundance uses a different control box and heater.  

You will think the spa is great, but if you did not try others out you really will not know what great is…


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2004, 01:09:41 pm »
Geez Chris, give the guy a break!

Woulda, coulda, shoulda?  He already forked out the bucks, how about NOT making him feel so bad about it?

Liam, a little advice.  Fill the tub with water.  Bring it to heat.  Turn it on and get in with a Corona in your left hand and a phone in your right (carefully, mind you).  Call three of your friends who DON'T own spas and tell them what you are doing.  You'll feel much better in 20 minutes and forget about all this crap.


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2004, 01:20:44 pm »

If your tub was not an ordered tub, ie, you bought from his inventory, there should no problems cancelling your order.  Or at least delaying your purchase.  Then you can wet test some more and make a better buying decision.



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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2004, 01:30:14 pm »
In Chris' defense the guy did ask. It wasn't like he came here to say he was getting his spa and Chris ambushed him. Chris and Wisoki have an opinion on Jacuzzi and if you ask they'll tell you it. Others have a JP and like it; there are always 2 sides. He could have swallowed his tongue knowing the guy was getting his spa today but I know that if I ask a question I want an honest answer, not someone simply telling me what I want to hear.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2004, 01:52:41 pm »
Hi Spatech t.u.o.:

Ya, your right, he DID ask.  STILL, his post had the sound of finality to it and when Chris said "you really will not know what great is…," it kinda BOTHERED me.

I don't know, but after forking our several thousand bucks for something and (obviously) having "buyers blues" about it, I just can't make him feel worse about it.

Curiously enough, a friend of mine just got one of these tubs as well and he's waiting on delivery.  He's been in my Artesian several times and now wants to rent a room from me until his tub gets delivered so I hope he's NOT disappointed.

Anyway, as Chris mentioned, everyone has an OPINION.  In MY opinion, I'm going to finish this Corona and go back to soaking.

Did I mention my wireless (and waterproof) Hammerhead Tablet (by Walkabout Computers) that I'm writing this e-mail on while in my tub? Ahhh, life is good...

Take care friend...


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2004, 02:24:19 pm »
 Hey guys, I can take the critisism, but I really would like to talk to and hear from some actual j345 owners, if there are any out there.  Anyway thanks for the posts. Liam


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2004, 03:58:01 pm »

We just received our J-365 last Thursday and I'm planning on posting about everything once I get a little more time.  

It sounds to me like you didn't wet test the tub.  I can tell you this - Any opinion (mine included) regarding "jetting" or massage shouldn't be worth a pint to you ~ unless it's your own opinion.  There are owners out there fiercely defending their purchase decision buy trying to tell you that you won't like chocolate because vanilla is the best.  I understand that there are very different levels of construction, warranty, features, etc. that should also play heavily into spending thousands of dollars on something, but when it comes to how one message  is going to feel on your back compared to another message, it's just as personal a decision as picking your ice cream.  I just don't think that the statement "the jetting is not as good as sundance" has any merit whatsoever.  

If you've wet tested, and liked the tub, it's going to be the same thing when you get it in your back yard - just more convenient.  Jacuzzi makes a great tub, has a great warranty, and is a very reputable company.  My wife and I wet tested this tub, Sweetwater and Sundance each twice before making our decision.  I didn't have any doubts at all about what the massage would be like when I got the tub, so needless to say having that tub on my deck is awesome.  We loved it in the dealer's showroom and we love it alot more in our backyard!   ;D

Good Luck,


Ps - I put more detail into a former post of mine regarding my/our opinions on the Sweetwater vs. Jacuzzi Premium vs. Sundance wet test experience, but like Chris said "opinions are like" ....


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2004, 04:29:27 pm »

You certainly have the right to ask whatever questions you want, but why now?  Your tub is on the delivery truck, and by now quite possibly in your yard.  
Are you looking for someone to tell you they like their J345, or that they don't like it?  
If you get some negatives, are you going to use that information to cancel your installation?

If you don't intend to cancel your delivery, then what good is knowing what other people opinions are this late in the game.  Buckeye was right on the money when he/she said that the decision on what spa to get is very personal.  I bought an Optima, yet there are many who dislike that tub for whatever reason.  
All opinions are just that- opinions.  You need to be the final judge on what is best for you.  

You did wet test the spa, didn't you?

Whatever you decide, best of luck.  :)



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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2004, 07:28:28 pm »
Dang!  I'm scared to say it but here goes--I love my Jacuzzi J-375!  We wet tested Hotsprings, Marquis, Coleman, Jacuzzi, and HS lower line which I just forgot.  When we compared warranty, price, massage, dealer, and everything else we could think of, the Jacuzzi was the right choice for us.  Nobody else can tell you what feels right to you.  If you liked it in the showroom--I hope you wet tested???, you will love it at home!


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2004, 08:50:24 pm »
I am sure you will be very happy with your spa,it has 5 years parts and labor not like Sweetwater unless the dealer throws it in..As you see there are others that are very happy with their Jacuzzi and so am I.I am only letting you know that the J315 -J-345 use a few of the Sweetwater parts like the Control Board,look at the higher model and the lower models and you will see a difference.And the upper Jacuzzis has a few sundance parts in it.I have seen the J345 and it looks like a very nice spa and not cheap looking at all.Good luck with it and have many many many hottttt nights with it in the winter.JohnnyT :D


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2004, 09:11:10 pm »
Hi Liam!   Can't tell you alot, but I do know this - My wife has been interested in a hot tub for several years.  (I was "so-so.")  Last summer, we rented a private home at a "touristy spot" and among the amenities was an in-ground pool and a Jacuzzi 345.  I was in that tub every morning/night for a week and loved it.  Without doubt that was the turning point in my getting serious about a hot tub.

I was pretty keyed about Jacuzzi when it came time to seriously shop this year.  We looked at them but my wife had it as #3 on her list.  What can I say, it was after all her great idea to get a hot tub!  Let us know what happened today and a "blow-by-blow" of the filling, heating, and first "ahhhhhh!"


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2004, 09:30:39 pm »
Jacuzzi they didnot make the J-345 last summer.......JohnnyT


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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2004, 10:11:59 pm »
When we got ready to shop spas this year I contacted the people we rented from & asked about their tub.  They told me it was a couple years old & gave me the model # - which the local dealer told me is comparable to the 345.  When I went to see the 345, the seating & jets were the same, no waterfall feature on the one we had used.  I assume the model numbers change each year w/minor feature changes?  So I assume it was a prev. year version - maybe yes, maybe no?  Anyway, I thought it was great!

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Re: jacuzzi j345
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2004, 10:11:59 pm »


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