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Author Topic: Anyone use a bottled water co for home delivery?  (Read 5279 times)


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Anyone use a bottled water co for home delivery?
« on: January 25, 2006, 11:03:33 am »
My son's dentist reccomended we start using flouridated water.  I called the water co and ours just has 'natural flouride, nothing added'.  So far the only delivery company I have found that offers flouridated water is Sparkletts.  I've never tried their water and the only thing I know about them is that I've seen their trucks in the neighborhood.  That and they are very expensive.  They want just under $10 per 5 gallon container and almost $18/mo to rent the hot/cold dispenser.

So, 1) has anyone used them and 2)does anyone know of another company that offers flouridated water?


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Anyone use a bottled water co for home delivery?
« on: January 25, 2006, 11:03:33 am »


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 11:07:46 am »
We stick to the water coming out of the tap and the filtered water from the fridge. We ran into the same issue with our dentist recommending flouride which our water did not provide adequately but she simply gave us a prescription for vitamins with flouride for the kids. We did that for years at minimal expense.
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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 11:15:49 am »
The pediatrician gave the little guy drops and when I inquired about that for the big guy, she said he brushes with a flouridated tooth paste so that is good enough.  When the dentist reccomended a flouride yesterday I thought that would be something he would provide... I use Gel-Cam when I was a kid.  But instead he started naming brands of water.  I dunno, but this kids teeth are starting to be like my husbands car.  I'm stuck paying on them for the rest of my life.   :-/


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2006, 11:41:09 am »
Culligan also offers fluoridated water... they are about a buck less on the water and on the rental.

I've never had either company so I don't know which water would taste 'best'.


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2006, 11:46:51 am »
      I have well water which has no fluoride in it. When my kids were small our pediatrician gave them fluoride supplements in the form of a vitamin. Their teeth turned out fine. You don't realize, but any prepared juices(like juicy juice, capri sun, etc...) are all made with fluoridated water. Between using fluoride toothpaste and supplements, that should be enough. I don't think I'd go spend a small fortune on water.


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2006, 11:56:13 am »
I will check the ped's office again and see if they will offer me something else.

My oldest has horrible teeth.  By the time he was 3 we spent about $3500 on his mouth.  He has been fine until now... his new permanent molars just came in and they came in with cavities.  His enamel is all f'd up and  his teeth are soft so he is at a real disadvantage.  The dr said there wasn't anything I could have done to prevent it, but that adding the fluoride water would help.  I feel so bad for the kid because he brushes regularly, doesn't eat or drink much he shouldn't... he has tried so hard the past 3yrs and now to have his permanent teeth effected is really devestating to me.

Funny thing is the little guys teeth are perfect... bright white and strong... but he'll need braces for sure.  Guess they get you one way or the other.   :)


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 12:11:06 pm »
kids teeth are starting to be like my husbands car.  I'm stuck paying on them for the rest of my life.   :-/

oh no!! anything but that!!! ;D ive used sparklettes for the showroom, but with going out on calls, we missed deliveries ALOT. ended up just cancelling the thing. floride enriched water (IMO) was much bigger 20+ years ago and now it seems to be less of an issue.
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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2006, 12:18:54 pm »
Brooke, ask your dentist about sealants for the permanent molars. I tried to be so proactive with my kids dental care because I have a mouth full of silver and my husband has many dental problems. I drank florinated water as a child and it didn't seem to matter much (or else I was just a lousy brusher). I also have well water and was given floride tablets by my dentist for the kids. I never pushed the issue and my 15 year old (thank goodness)  has not had a problem or a cavity.  The 13 year old just got his first cavity in December and so I asked that he also have sealants. They are not inexpensive, but they seem to really make a difference. Did your son with the problems take a lot of anitbiotics as a baby?  Some of the tetracycline based drugs can cause enamel problems when teeth are developing.  Good luck
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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2006, 12:40:00 pm »
We are already scheduled for the sealants.  His teeth were just starting to erupt at his last 6mo apt so we were waiting for them to be fully exposed.  Sure enough they are now and with problems.  The dr said that 1)we couldn't have done the sealants earlier and 2) the teeth were formed this way, so it wouldn't have made a difference.

I've called the peds office to see if they offer a supplement and got a real bright employee.  I told her that the dentist reccomended fluoridated water, but after pricing it, I wondered if the ped could just give a supplement instead... her response "we don't offer bottled water here".  DUH!  I ended up leaving a message for a dr... hopefully he's a bit brighter.

Thanks for all the feedback.


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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2006, 02:30:12 pm »
You can get a perscription for a flouride mouth rinse- at one time or another, both of my children were using it.
It wasn't really that expensive, probably cheaper than ordering flouridated water.  Ask your dentist about that.
And check to see if by now it's available over the counter.  Any good pharmacy will carry the stuff- IIRC, ours was Colgate brand.



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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2006, 06:15:46 pm »
We bought a water cooler for about $150 5 years ago, so the rental isn't a good deal in my opinion. We pay $7 for a bottle of spring water.
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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 06:19:09 pm »
I just remembered that when I was getting the prescription flouride vitamins it cost me less to buy them outright than my co-pay so I think it was probably like $7/month.
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Re: Anyone use a bottled water co for home deliver
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 06:19:09 pm »


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