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Author Topic: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few  (Read 3127 times)


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101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:21:47 am »
Greetings from Louisiana - I saw some posts from a lady in Gladewater (Terminator) -- I'm from Gilmer! I bet you know why Gladewater was my favorite place to visit when I was growing up!! :) Because Upshur County is ____.

OK. First question: which brands are the ones to shy away from? Which brands are best quality?

For background: wife and I are looking for a hot tub - we are 50s, kids grown, building a swimming pool and decided to NOT go with built-on hot-tub on the pool because they start at $15K-ish and just go ridiculously up from there. The pool construction including concrete pad extension for our hot tub starts next week. There's not really any space issues here - plenty of room. Getting electricity ran to the tub pad - I need to check and see if 120 vs 240. I'll probably be asking about that here too.

--We don't want a 2-seater.
--We don't want a 20-seater. I've seen some behemoths out  there.
--Probaby 4 to 6 seater - have 2 kids and 2 grandkids (so far).
--We are going back and forth about lounges - and I have noted with interest that first-time buyers want them and experienced spa-owners may or may not - depending on the person.
--I sincerely doubt I could talk my wife into a wet test at a spa dealer.
--What we do want is to sit/lounge in the spa facing the same direction and watch TV --- but it looks like 2 corner seats would work just fine for this -- and that opens the market up a LOT because their are very few tubs that have two loungers facing the same way.

Thanks for helping out us noobs!


Hot Tub Forum

101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:21:47 am »


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Re: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2018, 11:03:37 am »
Hi James, I'm in the market to purchase a new hot tub as well. I have spent over a year doing research and reading a lot of the threads here and have learned a lot. I believe most will say that the following brands are great choices. Bullfrog, Caldera, Hotspring, & Marquis.

There is one model that I know of that all of the seats face one direction which may meet your needs. That is the Marquis The Show.


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Re: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2018, 12:37:46 pm »

--Probaby 4 to 6 seater - have 2 kids and 2 grandkids (so far).
--We are going back and forth about lounges - and I have noted with interest that first-time buyers want them and experienced spa-owners may or may not - depending on the person.
--I sincerely doubt I could talk my wife into a wet test at a spa dealer.


A lounge will take up up couple seats (+) worth of space which you might need if the kids are joining you (and the lounge won't be useful for them until they're grown) plus in general if you aren't going to wet test I'd suggest you go lounge-less plus.

7' square spas without a lounge are very standard in the industry, I'd suggest you start there and adjust as you see what you like.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2018, 04:13:27 pm »
OK thanks for that info.  Im guessing these are the Mercedes and BMWs of the hot tub field?

And here are the nearest dealers:
Bullfrog -             Longview TX
Caldera -             Mena AR
Hotspring -     Longview TX again
Marquis -             Nacodoches Tx

So here's what I have nearby. Longview is not a bad drive.

In Shreveport (nearest to me)  -- Splash Pools and Spas
Platinum Elite
Island Elite
South Seas

Lowes or Home Depot actuall has hot tubs:
Home and Garden
Comfort Line
Sunset bay

So....are any of those...like...a Honda or a Toyota? Perhaps a Volkswagen?
I don't want a Saturn. But I don't want a Maserati either.
I understand quality is good and lasts, and costs related to heat (Bullfrog is good).
Any of those OK? Goodness everyone has their own brand...


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Re: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2018, 04:55:17 pm »
I did a ton of research before I bought my Caldera (Marino Pearl/Coastal). I opted for the lounger myself as it is my favorite seat and I feel like I get the therapy and relaxation I need from it. There is a wealth of info on this forum and a lot of very experienced owners/sellers so take advantage of it! Just whatever you do, no matter how good the deal looks. Don't buy a Costco/Amazon/Wayfair ETC. tub. Go to a dealer and talk to them about your needs. Go for quality/warranty over bells and whistles in my opinion.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 101 Noob questions...but I'll just start with a few
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2018, 04:55:17 pm »


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