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Author Topic: Amore Bay water question  (Read 2607 times)


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Amore Bay water question
« on: January 26, 2018, 11:25:15 pm »
So i have had my amore bay for 2 weeks now.  Loving it.  use it pretty much everyday and so do kids.  I was told chlorine should be kept low.  My water is perfectly clear and no smell but with test strips i get 0 ppm.  i never trust the for my pool so used my taylor industries kit to do a full water check and even that goes down to .5 and showed 0.  everything else was great. Do i add small amounts before i start to smell anything in the water?  or just wait and keep it there.  i use replenish once a week.  Just want to stay ahead of the water curve.  My pool doesn't matter cause it is 44,000 gals, compared to 500


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Amore Bay water question
« on: January 26, 2018, 11:25:15 pm »


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2018, 08:39:41 am »
Add about a tablespoon of dichlor when you get out. it should bump you up to 5ppm or so and by the next day you will be down to 1 or 2ppm.

IMO most people are overly afraid of a little chlorine in the water and try and maintain too low of a level. I know I did when we first got our tub.

Sounds like you are up on pools and hot tubs are quite different as with the greater water temp and less water things can change really fast. They are also covered most of the time and don't get sunlight. Sunlight lowers stabilizer and it will build in a tub. For that reason I switch from dichlor to Clorox bleach after my stabilizer reaches something like 50ppm.     


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2018, 01:08:08 pm »
i have a spa vision mineral so should i bring it to 5ppm?  seems kinda high.  dealer said to keep it .5-1 I have added a capful and it still won't read.  I use bleach in  my pool to keep CYA down. 


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2018, 02:16:14 pm »
i have a spa vision mineral so should i bring it to 5ppm?  seems kinda high.  dealer said to keep it .5-1 I have added a capful and it still won't read.  I use bleach in  my pool to keep CYA down.

My spa has an inline system also the frog system. The dealer talked up the mineral cartridges as well and how they like the ozone helps lower the sanitizer level to almost nothing. I tried it all and keeping levels super low and had the same problems you are seeing. It would all go along fine at super low levels and then I would wake up one morning and the tub would be skunked.

I’m not a chemist just a guy with a spa but I started treating it more like a pool and gave up on the minerals and have had much better luck and the water coming out of my city water is 2ppm sometimes. I don’t think a little chlorine is going to hurt anyone. When you go in a gym / public tub or pool my guess is it is 20+ppm.

What do you keep your pool at?   


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2018, 03:03:34 pm »
i have a spa vision mineral so should i bring it to 5ppm?  seems kinda high.  dealer said to keep it .5-1 I have added a capful and it still won't read.  I use bleach in  my pool to keep CYA down.

My spa has an inline system also the frog system. The dealer talked up the mineral cartridges as well and how they like the ozone helps lower the sanitizer level to almost nothing. I tried it all and keeping levels super low and had the same problems you are seeing. It would all go along fine at super low levels and then I would wake up one morning and the tub would be skunked.

I’m not a chemist just a guy with a spa but I started treating it more like a pool and gave up on the minerals and have had much better luck and the water coming out of my city water is 2ppm sometimes. I don’t think a little chlorine is going to hurt anyone. When you go in a gym / public tub or pool my guess is it is 20+ppm.

What do you keep your pool at?

Most overused statement in the entire industry....BATHER LOAD & USAGE dictate the amount of sanitizer that needs to go into the spa.  Ozone, UV, Mineral Cartridges, Super Duper Exclusive Filtration Systems, etc. etc. have no bearing, they may help a little but you'll still need the appropriate amount of sanitizer based on the above.


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2018, 03:34:14 pm »
still 5ppm seems high to me.  My pool is kept 5-7% of cya so around 1-3ppm. also depending on how hot i have the pool at the time. But pool has more sunlight on it then hot tub covered most of the time. Also most are talking about FC(free chlorine) most public pools are around 20% of cya but depends on the state. Each one has regulations for public pools and spas. of course cya does not matter if bromine is used.  Water seems perfect just trying to stay ahead


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2018, 12:47:38 am »
You go in your 44,000 gallon pool of cool water for a few hours and you might sweat out a couple ounces of sweat and it is diluted in 44,000 gallons of water. You go in your 400 gallon hot tub at 103 degrees and in a hour you might sweat out a quart of water per person and it is diluted in 400 gallons of water. Along with sweat you dissolve body lotions and skin oils. You get laundry products from swimsuits etc. you do this every day for 3 months. What I have found happens in a hot tub is it takes off really fast once the sanitizer hits zero and it has a little time on the water. When I was trying to keep my level very low all the time with a feeder. With dosing the tub after using it in the evening, I found if I bring it up to 5ppm let it breath for a few minutes running the clean cycle and then closing it up the next day it is 1ppm and crystal clear and ready for use. Let the sanitizer work over night kill the stuff filter it out and then get in low chlorine water.

When I see how small amount of Clorox I add to 500 gallons of water to get 5ppm and then I think about how much Clorox people will put in a bucket of water when cleaning and not worry about it.

Once your water goes south and you try and correct it and find no amount of shocking will correct it and you end up draining and flushing. You will see staying ahead of the curve is exactly what you need to do you are right.

For me the margin of error trying to stay at .5 ppm is just too thin and you will get a day where you have 6 people in the tub rather than the normal 2 and maybe high pollen count in the air or a million other things and there isn’t enough wiggle room when you are trying to run it so perfect.

I’m sure for a dealer in an indoor showroom with hardly anyone in the tub it is not hard to hit and maintain .5 – 1.0 ppm. I just never was able to work it so close. I don’t have any issue with getting in a 5ppm tub I actually feel safer than someone’s tub that is at zero worries me more.       


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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2018, 08:28:47 pm »
thats funny i see people pour about 1/4-1/2 gallon of bleach to 1 gallon of water to mop a floor. I will try and keep FC to around .5 and total to about 3 ppm and see how that goes for a bit.

thanks for the replies

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Re: Amore Bay water question
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2018, 08:28:47 pm »


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