Greetings from Louisiana - I saw some posts from a lady in Gladewater (Terminator) -- I'm from Gilmer! I bet you know why Gladewater was my favorite place to visit when I was growing up!!

Because Upshur County is ____.
OK. First question: which brands are the ones to shy away from? Which brands are best quality?
For background: wife and I are looking for a hot tub - we are 50s, kids grown, building a swimming pool and decided to NOT go with built-on hot-tub on the pool because they start at $15K-ish and just go ridiculously up from there. The pool construction including concrete pad extension for our hot tub starts next week. There's not really any space issues here - plenty of room. Getting electricity ran to the tub pad - I need to check and see if 120 vs 240. I'll probably be asking about that here too.
--We don't want a 2-seater.
--We don't want a 20-seater. I've seen some behemoths out there.
--Probaby 4 to 6 seater - have 2 kids and 2 grandkids (so far).
--We are going back and forth about lounges - and I have noted with interest that first-time buyers want them and experienced spa-owners may or may not - depending on the person.
--I sincerely doubt I could talk my wife into a wet test at a spa dealer.
--What we do want is to sit/lounge in the spa facing the same direction and watch TV --- but it looks like 2 corner seats would work just fine for this -- and that opens the market up a LOT because their are very few tubs that have two loungers facing the same way.
Thanks for helping out us noobs!