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Author Topic: Can anyone help me with the KL8-3 control panel (Chinese Hot Tub control panel)  (Read 9234 times)


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Hi all,

I purchased a used tub last year and it has a chinese system in it (KL8-3 - see pic attached)

From what I remember it seemed to work ok last year but if I am honest I have a stapled together manual that just doesn't make sense and I don't know if it was ever set up properly.

Anyway, since filling the tub up again recently I set it to preheat to 37 degrees in which it done fine

I then set what I thought was constant heat making it heat to a degree or 2 over and cool to 2 degrees under before kicking in again

However it seems to run for a hell of a long time and sometimes it takes me to turn heat on and off again just to ensure it stops running unnecessarily.

I am pretty sure it isn't faulty in any way, I just don't think I have it set up right

I did try to set it to preheat but the problem is being in the UK the whether doesn't help the tub stay warm very well, 1 preheat a day just doesn't seem to be enough.

If anyone can help me and explain it a little more I would be so greatful!

Thanks in advance

« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 05:20:33 pm by liamsmedley »

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Kev B

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 American and Canadian made controllers have a standard mode which allows the tub to filter each day for designated times and come on and off according to heat demand. Or economy mode which sets it up to heat and filter on designated times cycles only. But we are talking Chinese here and I have never seen this controller before, but I do not want to have to preheat my tub before I get in because I do not want to wait when the urge to soak hits me.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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There is a 9 page owners manual for this control panel.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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I just posted here on the very same control board,, I have no clue how to get this thing to run right..  do you find out?  I have the book on it, but as you stated it's worthless.


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And the reply here are worthless


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I hardly think the replies were worthless 802..... you were asked specific questions which I don't believe you answered, how do you expect help?


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Hi, Im having the same issue, the hot tub heater seems to kick in about 15 minutes in every hour when set up the same as you, (heating to 1C above the target temperature then being allowed to cool to 1C under before heating again).

Any help on this would be much appreciated.


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Hi all,

I posted this a long time ago now, however I have simply persevered to the point where I am now fed up haha

Does anyone have some more info on this control panel

I have again tried the scheduling of preheat and circulation but it just seems to fail and continue to heat constantly

Basically I am leaving the tub power switched on constantly and it runs quite a lot, surely someone has had some more joy with this control panel than I have!

I saw there is an 8 page manual available, I missed this message and have never managed to find one so if I could even just be pointed in the direction of this manual I would be very grateful



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Just a quick update, I found the said manual as stated above and it told you at least in a there abouts way what to do

I think I was pressing the wrong button for preheating!

Anyway, if anyone else needs help the link below to the manual I used is about the best I found

If anyone else has this panel (in the uk) and uses the preheat function please let me know as id love to know if it benefits financially and how long you run it for etc



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It's hard for us to help with Chinese hot tubs. They don't meet the highest of standards so aren't real prevalent in the states. Matter of fact they have been know to be down right unsafe electrically. Water and electricity don't play well together when humans are around.

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