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Author Topic: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?  (Read 11379 times)


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Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:07:48 pm »
HI, I've been reading a ton here, still trying to learn.

I'm in the midst of a remodel so that my roofdeck can support a spa. I have to crane in one, so I'm looking for reliability obviously.
It's also a tight space.  I have width only 100" so, would probably want something no wider than 91" just to give a little wiggle room. It's a U, so the back would also be against a wall. Length I'm not concerned about as we have a few more feet but I'd want it as close to the back wall as possible.

I live at the beach have 3 kids, so a few things I'm thinking of needing.

1. Something that can handle sandy feet, filtering it etc. obviously I'll have a foot washing station before they step in, but coming from the beach, there might be sand in their swim trunks hair etc.

2. 2 kids of eczema, so what's the best water filtration system these days? chemical or no chemical? UV?

3. do I need panel access to the  side or back of the unit for repairs? which one where I just need the front panel and worst case back panel? (I could empty it and slide it fwd) for maintenance.

4. Cover that pivots backwards and stands up I think would be the best? do they all have covers easily removed like that?

5. Wifi- would prefer something I can on my phone turn up the heat walking back from the beach or on the way home.

Much of the use is kids sitting in there, playing, probably 95 degrees, but after they leave, want to crank it up to 103 etc for the adults.
Strong jets at the shoulders, scapula, lower back, lower glutes is why I'm getting it. Which has strong jets there? and deep (I'm 5 11") would love to sit chin deep.

I've researched & looks like the Jacuzzi 585 is a nice one (no wifi though) 91x91 445 gallons
the Hotspring grandee NXT 91 x 100"  450 gallons
Bullfrog A8L 91x91
Marquis signature series

Does anyone believe in the Marquis - Microsilk thing?

thanks in advance! I'll be hopefully checking out the top 2 recommendations with wet tests on local dealers. I'm in LA, hope they are all local.

Hot Tub Forum

Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:07:48 pm »


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2018, 07:47:52 am »
Welcome to the forum.   Sounds like your first accessory might be some kind of spa vacuum to get the sand off the bottom of the tub. I have no experience with this, but would think it would settle on the bottom.  There is a device that is about 4 foot long with a canister at one end. You put your thumb over the hole on the other of the handle until you get it over the grit, move your finger and it sucks the grit into the canister. There is a small hand held bulb version, but for the most part it is a piece of Chinese made crap that falls apart quick.

I don't know anything about eczema, but do they use a topical cream for this? Creams and lotions are notorious for gunking up filters.   Check with your Sundance dealer, they may have a Wifi add on.
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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2018, 09:34:46 am »
All the brands you listed are reputable, top-tier brands.

To answer some of your questions.  You should only need side or back access if there is an in foam leak or a LED light fails.  In foam leaks are rare on premium brands, but they can happen.  LED lights are probably more common, but you could own a hot tub for 10 years and have no issues or have a light fail in the first 6 months.  As long as you can at least slide out the hot tub, you should be fine.

No hot tub will appreciate sand.  Have a foot bath outside and also invest in a spa vac or something to suck out whatever sand accumulates on the bottom.

WiFi.  I wouldn't make it a priority.  Hot Spring Connextion I do kind of like, but it has a higher cost than anything else due to the subscription fee that also sends notifications to your dealer if there is an issue.  The Balboa WiFi that would be on Marquis and Bullfrog, unless it has changed in the last year, I think it is awful.  I sold Marquis from 2014-2017 and the few I sold had a lot of connectivity issues.  I had issues connecting to my floor model.

No such thing as no chemical.  Regardless of whether you have ozone, UV, mineral,  or whatever, you still need some chlorine or bromine.  Anyone who says differently is lying.  All of your premium manufacturers will have an adequate filter system that will do an acceptable job, regardless of their method of circulation.  Hot Spring Highlife Collection with the no-bypass is the only one that filters all the water all the time.  Do I think it is better than others, yes, but everything you listed will do a fine job.

MicroSilk.  I don't know how much scientific data there is, but I did like it.  It helped my wife's skin when we would sit in the floor model at work.  Just remember MicroSilk cannot run when the other pumps do.  In 3 years, I think I sold 7-8 spas with it, all happy customers, but not a highly demanded feature.

Jet power is important, but I would not base my decision on that.  How the jet(s) actually feel to you is what matters.  I have sat in some hot tubs where there is so much power, it actually hurts and that is not therapeutic. 

I mentioned earlier that I used to sell Marquis.  The Euphoria is a great hot tub and one that I would definitely consider.  I now sell Hot Spring and Caldera.  The Grandee is a great choice but I would also look at the Caldera Niagara and Salina as well as the Limelight Pulse.

This is an investment.  You already have a good start with the brands you listed.  Check out the local dealers too because they are your point of contact and the ones that should be there for you after the sale for the next however many years.  A bad dealer can make for a poor ownership experience, regardless of brand.  Dry test all interested models.  You can learn a lot about the seating positions and what is comfortable for you.  Then wet test. 


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2018, 02:32:09 pm »
I've personally sold a lot of Marquis with MicroSilk to people with eczema.  I think meriflower on the forum here switched from a Bullfrog to a Marquis Spirit in order to get the MicroSilk feature.  All positive feedback to everyone I've sold the system to.

One other positive thing about Marquis at the beach is the DuraWood cabinet, which is similar to Trex-decking material with special UV inhibitors.  A lot of the synthetic cabinets will weather from the salty air, the DuraWood material tends to do particularly well at the beach.


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2018, 08:30:03 pm »
Welcome to the forum.   Sounds like your first accessory might be some kind of spa vacuum to get the sand off the bottom of the tub. I have no experience with this, but would think it would settle on the bottom.  There is a device that is about 4 foot long with a canister at one end. You put your thumb over the hole on the other of the handle until you get it over the grit, move your finger and it sucks the grit into the canister. There is a small hand held bulb version, but for the most part it is a piece of Chinese made crap that falls apart quick.

I don't know anything about eczema, but do they use a topical cream for this? Creams and lotions are notorious for gunking up filters.   Check with your Sundance dealer, they may have a Wifi add on.

great advice on the vacuum, i'll probably build an enclosure to have one up there plugged in to use. I'll also build out a footwashing station.


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2018, 08:34:26 pm »
All the brands you listed are reputable, top-tier brands.

To answer some of your questions.  You should only need side or back access if there is an in foam leak or a LED light fails.  In foam leaks are rare on premium brands, but they can happen.  LED lights are probably more common, but you could own a hot tub for 10 years and have no issues or have a light fail in the first 6 months.  As long as you can at least slide out the hot tub, you should be fine.

No hot tub will appreciate sand.  Have a foot bath outside and also invest in a spa vac or something to suck out whatever sand accumulates on the bottom.

WiFi.  I wouldn't make it a priority.  Hot Spring Connextion I do kind of like, but it has a higher cost than anything else due to the subscription fee that also sends notifications to your dealer if there is an issue.  The Balboa WiFi that would be on Marquis and Bullfrog, unless it has changed in the last year, I think it is awful.  I sold Marquis from 2014-2017 and the few I sold had a lot of connectivity issues.  I had issues connecting to my floor model.

No such thing as no chemical.  Regardless of whether you have ozone, UV, mineral,  or whatever, you still need some chlorine or bromine.  Anyone who says differently is lying.  All of your premium manufacturers will have an adequate filter system that will do an acceptable job, regardless of their method of circulation.  Hot Spring Highlife Collection with the no-bypass is the only one that filters all the water all the time.  Do I think it is better than others, yes, but everything you listed will do a fine job.

MicroSilk.  I don't know how much scientific data there is, but I did like it.  It helped my wife's skin when we would sit in the floor model at work.  Just remember MicroSilk cannot run when the other pumps do.  In 3 years, I think I sold 7-8 spas with it, all happy customers, but not a highly demanded feature.

Jet power is important, but I would not base my decision on that.  How the jet(s) actually feel to you is what matters.  I have sat in some hot tubs where there is so much power, it actually hurts and that is not therapeutic. 

I mentioned earlier that I used to sell Marquis.  The Euphoria is a great hot tub and one that I would definitely consider.  I now sell Hot Spring and Caldera.  The Grandee is a great choice but I would also look at the Caldera Niagara and Salina as well as the Limelight Pulse.

This is an investment.  You already have a good start with the brands you listed.  Check out the local dealers too because they are your point of contact and the ones that should be there for you after the sale for the next however many years.  A bad dealer can make for a poor ownership experience, regardless of brand.  Dry test all interested models.  You can learn a lot about the seating positions and what is comfortable for you.  Then wet test.

has anyone tried this https://www.phin.co/hot-tub/  ? how often do you have to drain? do you have a "pool guy" come by?
do any of the spas do something like this where it tells you where the pH and chemical needs are? Best to go with bromine?

Really disappointed to hear none of the are great wifi, it's not that hard.. even my bbq has it :)  just want to check temp and water quality. Although maybe the phin can give me the water quality.

How fast do these things generally heat up? what temp are you keeping yours at? I live in manhattan beach so weather is pretty consistent, coldest is maybe 55 outside, usually 60 at night.  I was hoping for wifi, just to be able to turn on the heat rather than walk all the way to roof deck then back down and wait 30 min.


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2018, 08:40:25 pm »

I mentioned earlier that I used to sell Marquis.  The Euphoria is a great hot tub and one that I would definitely consider.  I now sell Hot Spring and Caldera.  The Grandee is a great choice but I would also look at the Caldera Niagara and Salina as well as the Limelight Pulse.


I was looking at Caldera as well, I like that the Cantabria was 9' by 7'7" as I can go longer rectangle. I like the idea of maximizing water volume. I was just bummed no wifi. would love your thoughts on that one vs. the Grandee since you sell both. Living at the beach, want to make sure it lasts, since craning it is not convenient or cheap and mostly impossible after the front yard is complete. So once it's up there I need it to last a very long time.


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2018, 08:59:32 pm »
I've personally sold a lot of Marquis with MicroSilk to people with eczema.  I think meriflower on the forum here switched from a Bullfrog to a Marquis Spirit in order to get the MicroSilk feature.  All positive feedback to everyone I've sold the system to.

One other positive thing about Marquis at the beach is the DuraWood cabinet, which is similar to Trex-decking material with special UV inhibitors.  A lot of the synthetic cabinets will weather from the salty air, the DuraWood material tends to do particularly well at the beach.

That is correct.  I wasn’t planning to until I found that the MicroSilk helped my eczema.  I’m not saying it will help everyone nor is a cure.  I have had certain rough spots go away.  I will not have a spa without it!


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2018, 10:22:16 pm »

I mentioned earlier that I used to sell Marquis.  The Euphoria is a great hot tub and one that I would definitely consider.  I now sell Hot Spring and Caldera.  The Grandee is a great choice but I would also look at the Caldera Niagara and Salina as well as the Limelight Pulse.


I was looking at Caldera as well, I like that the Cantabria was 9' by 7'7" as I can go longer rectangle. I like the idea of maximizing water volume. I was just bummed no wifi. would love your thoughts on that one vs. the Grandee since you sell both. Living at the beach, want to make sure it lasts, since craning it is not convenient or cheap and mostly impossible after the front yard is complete. So once it's up there I need it to last a very long time.

I just actually had a chance to sit in the Cantabria for the first time this past weekend.  I liked it and my wife loved it.  My only reason for not loving it was that I floated a bit in the lounge, which I didn't when I sat in a Caldera Geneva.  My wife didn't float at all.  The sequencer in the lounge felt great, there is therapy everywhere, and I fit well in all the seats (I'm 5'9").  The Grandee I loved, my wife only liked.  I'm a fan of the Moto-Massage and I had no issue with floating or being pushed out of any seat.  My wife said the lounge in the Cantabria along with the jets everywhere is why she likes the Cantabria better.  As a reference, we have sat in the Caldera Cantabria, Geneva, Salina and Martinique and Hot Spring Grandee, Envoy, Vanguard, and Jetsetter.

Quality and longevity wise, I think you will see similar results from either hot tub.  There are some identical components and others are similar.  To me, the decision between the two would come down to personal preference.  If you like the moto-massage, open concept no-bypass filtration, and ACE compatibility, then it is Hot Spring.  If you like more contoured seating, higher jet count, and in-line sanitation system, then it is Caldera.  I sell the brands as being equal because while there are exclusive features for each, I do feel the component quality is equal and it is the same company supporting both brands.

You can get Connextion for either the Caldera or Hot Spring.  I have no issues with how it functions and think it does so pretty well.  The gripe I get from potential customers is that there is an annual subscription fee.  The fee is due to a 3rd party host providing the service which alerts you and the dealer if there is an issue.  Hot Spring or Caldera can also access any alerts or alarms to assist in troubleshooting an issue if there was one.  The other WiFi modules, like the Balboa one, do not have the monitoring service, which results in a lower ongoing cost. 


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2018, 12:49:31 am »
I've personally sold a lot of Marquis with MicroSilk to people with eczema.  I think meriflower on the forum here switched from a Bullfrog to a Marquis Spirit in order to get the MicroSilk feature.  All positive feedback to everyone I've sold the system to.

One other positive thing about Marquis at the beach is the DuraWood cabinet, which is similar to Trex-decking material with special UV inhibitors.  A lot of the synthetic cabinets will weather from the salty air, the DuraWood material tends to do particularly well at the beach.

That is correct.  I wasn’t planning to until I found that the MicroSilk helped my eczema.  I’m not saying it will help everyone nor is a cure.  I have had certain rough spots go away.  I will not have a spa without it!

thanks just spent a few hours trying to read up on the microsilk. I think this could be a huge winner, looks like Marquis is the only high end brand that integrates it well? Coast Spas and Artesian is the others but they don't seem to have much love here on the forums?


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2018, 12:52:35 am »

I mentioned earlier that I used to sell Marquis.  The Euphoria is a great hot tub and one that I would definitely consider.  I now sell Hot Spring and Caldera.  The Grandee is a great choice but I would also look at the Caldera Niagara and Salina as well as the Limelight Pulse.


I was looking at Caldera as well, I like that the Cantabria was 9' by 7'7" as I can go longer rectangle. I like the idea of maximizing water volume. I was just bummed no wifi. would love your thoughts on that one vs. the Grandee since you sell both. Living at the beach, want to make sure it lasts, since craning it is not convenient or cheap and mostly impossible after the front yard is complete. So once it's up there I need it to last a very long time.

I just actually had a chance to sit in the Cantabria for the first time this past weekend.  I liked it and my wife loved it.  My only reason for not loving it was that I floated a bit in the lounge, which I didn't when I sat in a Caldera Geneva.  My wife didn't float at all.  The sequencer in the lounge felt great, there is therapy everywhere, and I fit well in all the seats (I'm 5'9").  The Grandee I loved, my wife only liked.  I'm a fan of the Moto-Massage and I had no issue with floating or being pushed out of any seat.  My wife said the lounge in the Cantabria along with the jets everywhere is why she likes the Cantabria better.  As a reference, we have sat in the Caldera Cantabria, Geneva, Salina and Martinique and Hot Spring Grandee, Envoy, Vanguard, and Jetsetter.

Quality and longevity wise, I think you will see similar results from either hot tub.  There are some identical components and others are similar.  To me, the decision between the two would come down to personal preference.  If you like the moto-massage, open concept no-bypass filtration, and ACE compatibility, then it is Hot Spring.  If you like more contoured seating, higher jet count, and in-line sanitation system, then it is Caldera.  I sell the brands as being equal because while there are exclusive features for each, I do feel the component quality is equal and it is the same company supporting both brands.

You can get Connextion for either the Caldera or Hot Spring.  I have no issues with how it functions and think it does so pretty well.  The gripe I get from potential customers is that there is an annual subscription fee.  The fee is due to a 3rd party host providing the service which alerts you and the dealer if there is an issue.  Hot Spring or Caldera can also access any alerts or alarms to assist in troubleshooting an issue if there was one.  The other WiFi modules, like the Balboa one, do not have the monitoring service, which results in a lower ongoing cost.

wow, reading this a few times over!! thank you so much!! I think I found a short list. But the microsilk on the marquis "the show"(since it's the biggest) also looks great. I'll have to research moto massage, ACE etc terminology you used. and clearly wet test these. Did you like the Marquis as much since you used to sell those?


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2018, 07:56:46 am »
Marquis makes a quality hot tub.  I never saw or sat in a Show, so I cannot comment on that model.  The Euphoria and Resort were my favorites followed by the Epic.  From a therapy standpoint, my only gripe was that any lounge or adirondack chair that had the low back H.O.T. Zone therapy, I would get pushed and float out of that seat when the HOT Zone therapy was on. 

Microsilk is owned by Balboa electronics so only manufacturers that use Balboa can have Microsilk.  I think Marquis implements it the best.  I would wet test a Marquis with Microsilk and make a decision after whether you think you need it and if so, that is your brand.   


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 10:50:59 am »
Just to clarify something from your first post. You have had a structural engineer do the design work for the upgrades to your roof deck in anticipation of adding another 6,000 to 8,000 pounds to your roof structure? Tub and water and then another 1,000 pounds of people plus the added weight of the deck structure.

Building permits have all passed and are approved?


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2018, 03:58:29 pm »
gadgetfreak:  MicroSilk isn't available on "The Show" model.  You can get MicroSilk on the following Marquis models: Epic, Euphoria, Resort, Promise, Spirit, V94, V94L, V84, V84L, V77L, V65L.  The reason it's not available on some models is because the MicroSilk pump and plumbing requires room underneath the hood that some models can't accommodate.  Good luck in your search.


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Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2018, 12:03:48 pm »
I would recommend wet testing for sure in this scenario since you are spending extra time & money in doing a rooftop install.  Bullfrog & Marquis imo both have better jetting than Hot Spring and Jacuzzi so a wet test will be important if you are looking for a premium jet experience...as far as skin issues I would def. look into MicroSilk and/or a Salt System...I sell Bullfrog with Balboa equipment but at this point they do not offer Microsilk but we do sell a lot of salt water systems which can be as beneficial to the overall soaking experience especially when doing with extreme skin issues/skin sensitivity...Good Luck!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Crane in Spa, tight space, which to get? Hotspring? Jacuzzi?
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2018, 12:03:48 pm »


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