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Author Topic: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)  (Read 39315 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2017, 03:41:52 pm »
  He seems to be avoiding my questions to him in the other thread.   Perhaps the guys been made? 

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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2017, 03:41:52 pm »


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2017, 04:01:26 pm »
  He seems to be avoiding my questions to him in the other thread.   Perhaps the guys been made?

Yeah I noticed. If that’s him his little infomercials he does are the farthest thing from the truth I’ve watched.


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2017, 04:18:25 pm »
Personally I wouldn't buy a spa, but I'm just a nice guy, and hopefully I can save someone else some trouble for being able to keep one working for them.  I'll probably skip the full foam.

I wound't let full foam scare you. Non fully insulated cost more to operate. If it cost 10-20 bucks more a month to heat a non full foam tub and you have a leak 15 years down the road that cost 1500 bucks to repair in the foamed tub you still spent 50% less. And your carbon foot print was lighter.


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2017, 06:32:52 pm »
Speaking of slime, some of you guys never seem to stop foaming at the mouth, lol.  What... is it really your fantasy that I'm some kind of salesman too? That's like the lamest fetish I've ever heard of.  Well, I don't want to talk about it either, just sayin' (I'm not sure if you're actually selling anything here, but I don't think you're doing a very good job of it if you are—being so full of it, or trying to blame me for that).  I could appreciate the comments that were on topic otherwise, but they were mostly too few and far between.  I'm sure there are other discussions on the matter anyway, so that's alright. But if you're not "hi", maybe some of you went crazy keeping track of your own rhetoric. Either way I have to wonder, was it too much of a good thing? Get well soon. :) 

Personally I'm fine with drawing my own conclusions based on experience in general, or other points of reference in particular, no problem. Carry on... I just thought it was funny that they werre pretending I was someone else and talking about them behind my back. Call me Santa then, and I'll wish ya' Happy Holidays all over again. :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 10:29:04 pm by wondertubs »


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2017, 12:08:30 pm »
Speaking of slime, some of you guys never seem to stop foaming at the mouth, lol.  What... is it really your fantasy that I'm some kind of salesman too? That's like the lamest fetish I've ever heard of.  Well, I don't want to talk about it either, just sayin' (I'm not sure if you're actually selling anything here, but I don't think you're doing a very good job of it if you are—being so full of it, or trying to blame me for that).  I could appreciate the comments that were on topic otherwise, but they were mostly too few and far between.  I'm sure there are other discussions on the matter anyway, so that's alright. But if you're not "hi", maybe some of you went crazy keeping track of your own rhetoric. Either way I have to wonder, was it too much of a good thing? Get well soon. :) 

Personally I'm fine with drawing my own conclusions based on experience in general, or other points of reference in particular, no problem. Carry on... I just thought it was funny that they werre pretending I was someone else and talking about them behind my back. Call me Santa then, and I'll wish ya' Happy Holidays all over again. :)

I don't have a problem with your questions. I see the same thing I see with everyone doing research. You seem to get steered to one truth that suits you. Just like the guys who used to sell "we use the heat from the pump to help heat the water" They used less insulation and didn't spray foam on the shell. In theory they are correct but they are using the heat from the pump to heat the cavity between the shell and the skirting. This actually creates a higher R-Factor that just insulation. A lot of people bought that theory. They were absolutely positive it was a better way to insulate a hot tub.

Then it was pointed out to them that the tub only needs to filter for 4 hours a day. What about the other 20 hours that the pumps aren't running. Or should they run the pumps extra to create the R-Factor? Seems kinda counter to the original though.


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2017, 12:41:03 pm »
Kind of not sure I want to post in this thread but what the heck.

My tub has a dense pack fiber insulation called Fibercor. The study I did on this stuff tended to prove out the claims the dealer made about it. It is as good or better than sprayed foam in its insulating abilities. If a leak was to happen the moisture drains thru it and goes straight down making finding the leak easy. when the side panel is removed you just pull it out by the handful and put it in a box or bag. Once the repair is made you pack it back in by hand and replace the cover. My tub also has the heater on a different GFCI breaker than the rest of the tub. It doesn’t help with power failure in cold weather but around here power goes out for less than a day 99.999% of the time most of the time it is a couple hours is all. The most common loss of heat to the tub is a heater failure and in those cases my tub still has power to the pumps it recognizes heater loss and throws an alert and then puts the tub in survival mode, circulating water very slowly to use the stored heat in the water to keep the plumbing from freezing.

Living in a very cold place where we get winter temps down in the –30f range I liked both of these features and along with a tub we liked overall it helped us make our selection. The funny part was the sales guy quite experienced talked up the insulation up a lot and when I asked him why the tub had two GFCI’s didn’t have a clue. Going to the manufactures page didn’t explain it also and I had to dig on the internet to find out the reason.   


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2017, 09:20:03 am »
My tub has a dense pack fiber insulation called Fibercor.

That's funny, it looks like snow!  Right, you see... we use the "igloo principle" of insulating your hot tub: Snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator.

Then it was pointed out to them that the tub only needs to filter for 4 hours a day. What about the other 20 hours that the pumps aren't running. Or should they run the pumps extra to create the R-Factor? Seems kinda counter to the original though.
Maybe it depends, some spas use reflective panels which could trap air pockets like that too, and I'd put the (small) tub inside an insulated room anyway—it isn't heated but there's no wind chill factor indoors there.  I guess if the room doesn't feel warmer around a covered tub, I'll know that's insulated well enough (or at least it would double as a space heater, which might be nice sometimes). Not to say it is as good or better than full foam, but if snow can be kept relatively warm inside, like an igloo (with body heat alone), then whatever, as long as my insulation doesn't turn into a sponge bath. Most of the topics I've read where someone was looking to replace a hot tub were to do with it leaking eventually, and the foam insulation complicated that or was not worth repairing (and in other videos they say you might not even know it leaked until you noticed a difference in energy consumption, but by then it's soaked). Whether one is a better value over-all seems to depend, it could go either way (yet I'd rather not encounter that particular issue if it leaked, especially if I don't have it outside in an extreme climate).

« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 11:33:43 am by wondertubs »


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2017, 11:30:37 am »
LOL, Wonderboy is still trying to pretend to be a consumer?
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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2017, 11:39:47 am »
LOL, Wonderboy is still trying to pretend to be a consumer?
As long as you change the subject, it's all good. I'll admit it is a boring conversation either way (except for the visuals, or hot tubbing that is).  As if I'd be offended for not being recognized as a "consumer": go eat more foam, why don't you... uh, no thanks.

Did you eat any foam by the way, paint maybe? Yeah, it's a rhetorical question, but I'd recommend using a dust mask in the future...
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 12:48:19 pm by wondertubs »


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2017, 12:07:37 pm »
The subject of full foam has been gone through so much that it resides in the beating a dead horse section, which is where this one is headed for I imagine.


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2017, 12:13:20 pm »
it resides in the beating a dead horse section
That reminds me of a scene from star wars, where they used a dead animal as a sleeping bag. Talk about slime... or can you really beat a dead horse, with full foam? Perverts.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 12:27:01 pm by wondertubs »


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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2017, 12:44:48 pm »
it resides in the beating a dead horse section
That reminds me of a scene from star wars, where they used a dead animal as a sleeping bag. Talk about slime... or can you really beat a dead horse, with full foam? Perverts.

Now its just getting strange!
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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2017, 04:10:03 pm »
My tub has a dense pack fiber insulation called Fibercor.

That's funny, it looks like snow!  Right, you see... we use the "igloo principle" of insulating your hot tub: Snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator.

Then it was pointed out to them that the tub only needs to filter for 4 hours a day. What about the other 20 hours that the pumps aren't running. Or should they run the pumps extra to create the R-Factor? Seems kinda counter to the original though.
Maybe it depends, some spas use reflective panels which could trap air pockets like that too, and I'd put the (small) tub inside an insulated room anyway—it isn't heated but there's no wind chill factor indoors there.  I guess if the room doesn't feel warmer around a covered tub, I'll know that's insulated well enough (or at least it would double as a space heater, which might be nice sometimes). Not to say it is as good or better than full foam, but if snow can be kept relatively warm inside, like an igloo (with body heat alone), then whatever, as long as my insulation doesn't turn into a sponge bath. Most of the topics I've read where someone was looking to replace a hot tub were to do with it leaking eventually, and the foam insulation complicated that or was not worth repairing (and in other videos they say you might not even know it leaked until you noticed a difference in energy consumption, but by then it's soaked). Whether one is a better value over-all seems to depend, it could go either way (yet I'd rather not encounter that particular issue if it leaked, especially if I don't have it outside in an extreme climate).

Big problem with using snow for insulation. Heat transfer from hot to cold. Which is slowed by small air pockets in insulation. Even though air is the worst insulator besides snow.

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Re: I've been slimed (with full foam insulation)
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2017, 04:10:03 pm »


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