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Author Topic: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7  (Read 10920 times)


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2017, 10:07:24 am »
First post here as well as my first tub purchase, I can't wait.  I have been reading this site for a while now trying to gather as much information as possible, what a great resource this is. 

I have visited a couple of local dealers so far (northeast region, PA) and seem to be drawn to either the Caldera Marino or the Bullfrog X7 based on price.  I'm really trying to keep the out of the door final price to about 7K and based on my estimates so far these seem to fit the bill.

The first dealer gave me an offer of 6500 all inclusive for the Caldera Marino (Vanto as well); tub, steps, cover lift, chemicals, delivery, hookup of electric to tub (electrician to run line), and tax included as well. 

Second dealer was the Bullfrog, I did not expect to like the looks as much as I did.  Same 6500 price for this, but no electrical hookup.

From reading around here I can see that the Caldera may be the better of the tubs, but since it is the entry level model is it really still?  It seems that the jets in the Marino are basically all the same with the exception of 3 of them.  I really do not want to make a bad purchase and think there may be wiggle room on price on both of these as well, how does the price look to you?

If you have any other suggestions on tubs to look at that may be able to be had for around 7000 all in I would appreciate that as well.  I still have not wet tested these yet but plan to once I narrow down my options based on price.

Thanks for your help!!!!

Understand that so far every opinion you have received is from BF dealers, BF owners and future owners. The fact that the Caldera is made in Mexico has absolutely nothing to do with how it's built versus the BF. Wet test to be sure.

Caldera is a solid brand with a great reputation for energy efficiency, comfort and longevity.

Nobody moves a manufacturing facility from the USA to Mexico to make a better hot tub.  They do it to make a cheaper hot tub and avoid regulations.  Bullfrog construction is as good as it gets in our industry and most people who've been to the factory agree.  I've been to many major manufacturers over the years, even the Jacuzzi one in Mexico.  I'll also add that this is merely my opinion.  An opinion informed by 22 years in the industry working with many different manufacturers from sales to service to deliveries to management.

Now I'm not saying Bullfrog is perfect, or even that they are the best hot tub available.  I think they most things extremely well and can improve on just a couple of small things.  Some of which were addressed and just announced at the industry EXPO.  When my friends ask me about what hot tub to buy, I tell them to look at Bullfrog, Artesian, Marquis as my favorites but to also add in Arctic, hot spring, and jacuzzi sundance if they have the ability.  I tell them to specifically avoid Cal Spa, Master, Clearwater, and big box stores.

Caldera and Marquis dealer here.  You can say that nobody makes a the move to Mexico to make a better tub all you want but the fact is there is zero difference in warranty calls between the 2.  I used to sell Clearwater which was made in the USA and it seemed like every other tub I sold I had to go fix something on.  So I think the made in USA thing is great but doesn't mean something is built better.  Bullfrog has come on strong over the last few years but Watkins has been making a great tub for the last 20 years.  Wet test both and buy the one that you are most comfortable with and from the dealer who will service you the best

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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2017, 10:07:24 am »


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2017, 12:27:44 pm »

Nobody moves a manufacturing facility from the USA to Mexico to make a better hot tub.  They do it to make a cheaper hot tub and avoid regulations.  Bullfrog construction is as good as it gets in our industry and most people who've been to the factory agree.  I've been to many major manufacturers over the years, even the Jacuzzi one in Mexico.  I'll also add that this is merely my opinion.  An opinion informed by 22 years in the industry working with many different manufacturers from sales to service to deliveries to management.

Now I'm not saying Bullfrog is perfect, or even that they are the best hot tub available.  I think they most things extremely well and can improve on just a couple of small things.  Some of which were addressed and just announced at the industry EXPO.  When my friends ask me about what hot tub to buy, I tell them to look at Bullfrog, Artesian, Marquis as my favorites but to also add in Arctic, hot spring, and jacuzzi sundance if they have the ability.  I tell them to specifically avoid Cal Spa, Master, Clearwater, and big box stores.

No one said they moved to Mexico to make a better tub. But someone did imply that they moved there to make a worse tub. And it wasn't me. And thats not true. Lets keep that straight. Caldera is a better tub than BF in my opinion. But my opinion from 30 years of seeing a hundred brands is worthless because I don't sell any brand.

If the OP wants my reasoning on why they can PM me to prevent pissed of BF dealers and owners. Which there are a ton of hanging around this board. And I get it, social media campaigns are the rage these days.


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2017, 11:30:09 pm »
The X-Series looks to be the better tub. Much larger jets, no diverter valves and far less plumbing. They don't show it in their X-series brochure, however, Bullfrog does not utilize as many hoses as you will find in Caldera.

The A- and R-Series are better tubs, but on your budget, if you wet test and like the X, at the price you've been quoted, that's a great deal.

I'm not a Bullfrog dealer and perhaps more, smaller jets, diverter valves, thinner cover insulation, more plumbing and foreign made may suit you best. That's for you to decide.

The wet test will let you know what works best for you and yours...


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2017, 07:58:47 am »
Someone humor me.  How does a Bullfrog X Series utilize less plumbing than the Caldera Marino?  There are 2 less jets, so please don't tell me 2 less hoses  ;).  Neither has diverter valves, but having or not having them doesn't necessarily make something better or worse.  And how thick is Bullfrog's cover and what is the foam density?  I sold Sunstar covers for 16 years and I'll take their 3.5"-2.5" cover with 1.5lb foam anyday over a 6"-4" cover with .75lb density foam.  I dealt with and saw enough junk covers from companies like Prestige and Cal Cover to know that a thicker cover is not always a better cover.

I'm not bashing Bullfrog here, I think they make a good hot tub, but it amazes me how many people make them out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Yes I currently sell Hot Spring and Caldera, but have sold a lot of other brands too.  Bullfrog was never mentioned on here before about 5 years ago so besides changing their shell molds, what has gotten so much better that made them a player in the industry now?  Also, how does anyone know their longevity since even though they have existed since I believe 1996, I have never seen a older Bullfrog?

And before we "bash" something made in Mexico, which then means that Caldera, some Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi, and D1 are all lesser quality, but there are a lot of low quality hot tubs made proudly in the USA. 


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2017, 08:17:40 am »
Someone humor me.  How does a Bullfrog X Series utilize less plumbing than the Caldera Marino?  There are 2 less jets, so please don't tell me 2 less hoses  ;).  Neither has diverter valves, but having or not having them doesn't necessarily make something better or worse.  And how thick is Bullfrog's cover and what is the foam density?  I sold Sunstar covers for 16 years and I'll take their 3.5"-2.5" cover with 1.5lb foam anyday over a 6"-4" cover with .75lb density foam.  I dealt with and saw enough junk covers from companies like Prestige and Cal Cover to know that a thicker cover is not always a better cover.

I'm not bashing Bullfrog here, I think they make a good hot tub, but it amazes me how many people make them out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Yes I currently sell Hot Spring and Caldera, but have sold a lot of other brands too.  Bullfrog was never mentioned on here before about 5 years ago so besides changing their shell molds, what has gotten so much better that made them a player in the industry now?  Also, how does anyone know their longevity since even though they have existed since I believe 1996, I have never seen a older Bullfrog?

And before we "bash" something made in Mexico, which then means that Caldera, some Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi, and D1 are all lesser quality, but there are a lot of low quality hot tubs made proudly in the USA.

Someone humor me how does less plumbing (if this is true) have anything to do with how a tub feels? And I want diverter valves, you get much more adjustability.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 04:56:29 pm by Tman122 »


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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2017, 02:09:28 pm »
I'm not a Bullfrog dealer and perhaps more, smaller jets, diverter valves, thinner cover insulation, more plumbing and foreign made may suit you best. That's for you to decide.

Did you type this on your foreign, sweat shop made iPhone Mr. High and Mighty?  lol!  Not very PC of you.  Besides, I'm fairly certain the cover insulation is exactly the same, so your comment is misleading.

If we are getting to specifics in energy efficiency.  It may be worth noting the Bullfrog is sitting at 241 standby watts in listing with the CEC vs. the Marino at 215. 

Honestly to the OP, they are both great.  I have customers with either.  As long as the dealer is great, they'll standby the product.  Get in, try it out.  And start hot tubbing. 
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 02:49:39 pm by d00nut »

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Re: Caldera Marino or Bullfrog X7
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2017, 02:09:28 pm »


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