I wanted to get your opinion on this everyone. I have been dealing with someone who has developed this new product and he approached me a few months ago at the store (when I was still at Beachcomber) to carry this. When I saw what it was and the function of it, I ordered a case (75) and I was sold out within 6 weeks.
The product is a Cover Saver and it prevents the entire weight of the cover from sitting on the center seam of the cover.
People love them and they are very inexpensive. There is good margins and it really cuts down on cover repairs and warranty issues from a dealer/manufacturer prospective. Anyone owning a hot tub with a cover lifter will benefit from it.
It's brilliant really and when I left Beachcomber, he approached me to form a company to promote these on a worldwide basis. We now have the patent for Canada and the US. I am going directly to spa manufacturers but I wanted to get your opinions as well. I can sell directly to anyone who is interested as well. Anyone from here who is interested can let me know and I'll get some great "who's the best" pricing!

If anyone is interested in the details, send me an e-mail at
srsb@shaw.ca and I'll forward the cover letter and product details (pdf and .doc formats that are a total of about 140kb) to you.
Look forward to hearing from you,