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Used Tub..... Has some issues
« on: September 19, 2017, 01:50:11 pm »
Friend gave me a hot tub that he's had for some years. Hasn't been used in over a year. Luckily I had a pad and electrical already at the house so hook up was pretty easy.

Powered up the tub and filled it with some water. It had a few minor leaks that were easily addressed. Went to throw the switch and the main pump is locked up. Shaft won't spin and the pump seal is dripping. Also the blower wont come on. The control panel has some wires that appear to have the insulation burned around the main fuses for pump 1.

The tub appears to be an 04 and I think but not certain that it's a gulf coast based on the control panel.

So...... do I fix this thing or toss it? I have $18 and 6hrs tied up into it now.

I was looking at maybe a Spa Pack for $800-1100 and just replace everything...then I think I would have a nice working tub for a few years.

What spa packs are good priced and good value? any suggestions here? I've never had a tub before.


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Used Tub..... Has some issues
« on: September 19, 2017, 01:50:11 pm »


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2017, 12:10:59 am »
I'd give it a whirl. I would encourage you to go to youtube and watch some of the Spaguy's videos (the spa guy). Very helpful overall. He's got a segment where he addresses burned contacts at the fuse on the board. It's not uncommon and pretty easily addressed if it's the same thing. He also goes through pump rebuilds and a whole bunch of other things. Pumps are pretty easy to rebuild, but you might want to see what pumps you have (need) and give craigslist a scan. Serviceable used and like-new pumps show up all the time, usually between $50 and $75. What often happens with pumps is the seal goes and it can leak back and seize up the front bearing. I guess I don't know how mechanically inclined you are, but if you are, you can handle a rebuild. But if you can find a used one for $75, that's a better way to go. If you only need one pump and you get the board situation resolved, then it might make sense to just buy a new one and never have to worry about it.

Good luck,


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2017, 12:19:22 am »
Oh by the way, if after re-soldering the contacts on your control board ...if it doesn't work, well, rather than buy the $800 controller, you can buy a whole new, modern, and much simpler hot tub control system with a new heater and everything you need ...on ebay, for like $350 and up. I'd be looking in that direction personally.  Just type in "universal hot tub controller' or 'digital hot tub controller'.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 12:23:44 am by JacuzziJack »


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2017, 12:22:37 am »

[duplicate post]


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2017, 08:39:27 am »
Thanks for the advice. I am quite mechanically inclined and have been in the hvac industry for 10+ years. So pumps, heaters, controls are in my life everyday.

I played around with some things last night. The main pump is locked up and tripping on internal overload. The shaft is very corroded and rusted up and the shaft seal is leaking. The second pump seems to run okay but makes a bit of a racket. Blower has 120v going to it but no action (assuming motor is burned up) I dont know if the heater works yet since I can't currently get flow, suppose i could jump it out.

If i'm going to keep this thing I dont want to be screwing around fixing things all the time. I also want to build a deck around it which would make it more difficult to service.

I'm looking at a easypak 2000 flex fit. does 2 pumps, blower, ozone, and new control pad. All new parts i'm looking at about $1200


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2017, 07:59:25 pm »
Thanks for the advice. I am quite mechanically inclined and have been in the hvac industry for 10+ years. So pumps, heaters, controls are in my life everyday.

I played around with some things last night. The main pump is locked up and tripping on internal overload. The shaft is very corroded and rusted up and the shaft seal is leaking. The second pump seems to run okay but makes a bit of a racket. Blower has 120v going to it but no action (assuming motor is burned up) I dont know if the heater works yet since I can't currently get flow, suppose i could jump it out.

If i'm going to keep this thing I dont want to be screwing around fixing things all the time. I also want to build a deck around it which would make it more difficult to service.

I'm looking at a easypak 2000 flex fit. does 2 pumps, blower, ozone, and new control pad. All new parts i'm looking at about $1200

Does 1200 include the pump that you need, which caused all the problems with the pac? Disconnect the blower, you won't miss it.


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2017, 09:04:57 am »
Well given your situation, you should find a h/t easy to work on (I was in the HVAC Ind too!). I probably wouldn't waste time trying to fix your pump then. You're going to find that the shaft is terribly corroded and you'll need to break off the old impeller to get it apart. Even then, the shaft will probably be corroded beyond repair I suspect.  For the cost of the parts/time, there are lots of places that sell brand new ones on the internet ...and maybe even locally in the $150-$300 range, depending on the HP and number of speeds. But I would probably look at the remaining pumps and either proactively rebuild them or replace. The good news is besides the pumps, the only other thing would be the heater, but you'll probably get a new one with your new control system.

If you are going to build around your H/T, give consideration to servicing it. At least make a panel in the floor you can unscrew to get at it. Are you in the N. where freezing could be a problem?


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2017, 01:37:53 pm »
The $1200 was including:
- EasyPak 2000 new control panel and heater
- 2 new pumps (one 2-speed and one single speed 240v)
- new blower
- new o-rings and gaskets
- new filter
- new ozone

I am in the northeast so freezing could potentially be an issue. I had considered building a modular type deck/platform that could be relatively simple to disconnect or move out of the way for servicing.

Are there any other control panel recommendations? The easypak seems to be very similar to what I have now and looks to be a good upgrade without much modification.


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 08:05:24 pm »
The $1200 was including:
- EasyPak 2000 new control panel and heater
- 2 new pumps (one 2-speed and one single speed 240v)
- new blower
- new o-rings and gaskets
- new filter
- new ozone

I am in the northeast so freezing could potentially be an issue. I had considered building a modular type deck/platform that could be relatively simple to disconnect or move out of the way for servicing.

Are there any other control panel recommendations? The easypak seems to be very similar to what I have now and looks to be a good upgrade without much modification.

That's not a bad deal and you should have a reliable tub for a few years after.


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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2017, 11:38:30 pm »
Yeah, that's just about everything you need. If the board is similar to yours, that'll make it an easier installation.

With all that new stuff, should be pretty reliable for a while.

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Re: Used Tub..... Has some issues
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2017, 11:38:30 pm »


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