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Author Topic: I have had new cantabria for 6 days now my bromine is low I use it 3 times a day  (Read 1826 times)


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I changed bromine from 4 to 5 with frog system cause bromine was low ,  I use my hot tub a lot so should I clean things more frequently and what .. Filter starting to look dirty, Im getting lots of white bubbles, their clean though.  water is a little cloudy..  Any suggestions ..  I use hot tub 3 times a day for 30 minutes at a time.  I love it .. thanks

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Yes, using a tub that often will require cleaning more often and higher doses of bromine. Cloudiness could be due to ph and/or hardness levels so double check those. If your filter is already dirty it may be that you want to start hosing yourself off before you get in the tub. Sweat, dirt, excess shampoo and lotions can cause both cloudiness and foaming. It may also be that dirt is getting into your tub because you have the cover off of it several times a day. Honestly I wouldn't worry about the look of the of the filter unless it starts to reduce the flow. Good luck.


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Yes, increasing the bromine which you already did by upping the cartridge from 4 to 5.  If you still get low reading up it once more.  Keep in mind if your habits change where you don't use the spa as much you may need to lower it as you do not want too much sanitizer.  You might also want to consider to shock the spa.  If you are getting foam they do have products to add to get rid of that.  I would echo danthespaman316 recommendation of showering before you go into the spa and checking your PH/Alk/Calcium levels. 


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What type of filtering system do you have. Circulation pump or low speed as couple times,a,day?


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Cleaning the filter more wont hurt a thing. If at all possible get a needle jet for your hose and hook your hose to very hot water. Think about when you are trying to get sticky grease out of a pan and you hit it with cold water it gets harder to cut it. Filters are the same way and the grime on them comes loose so much better with hot. In our Geneva quite similar to your Cantabria we have had the same filter for two years and it looks like new nice and white. They say once a month I do mine every two weeks with very hot water. Use your non chlorine shock every week based on your usage and your water will be crystal clear. You are having better luck than I had with the inline frog and the bromine. Don’t be afraid to get it a little high. Much better than coming out and it is zero and the water smells and is murky. Swim suits rinsed well and pre showers is important. Swimsuits optional when appropriate is even better for the water.        :)


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Which bromine cartridges are you using, the purple Caldera ones or the standard yellow ones?  If yellow, get the purple ones.  They have more bromine than the yellow and for reasons unknown I have always had issues with the yellow ones providing enough bromine, whether it was in a Caldera or Marquis.  The Cantabria is a big spa, you may have to keep the bromine cartridge wide open at 6, just due to the size of the Cantabria.


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Thanks everyone all your information was very helpful  :)

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