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Author Topic: NATURE2 start-up question  (Read 2836 times)

bub b

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NATURE2 start-up question
« on: August 18, 2004, 12:39:33 pm »
Just converted to N2 yesterday and checked the tub today.Ph is off the scale,alkalinity-200ppm,chlorine-.3.

On the start-up added only 2 teasps. of dichlor per N2 "spa recipe".Today added 2 tablesps of mps.

N2 states that adding mps may cause a lowering of ph and alkalinity so I'll check the water later on this afternoon.

Should I use dichlor or mps before we use the tub tonite or nothing since the readings are so high?Also N2 wants the pump to operate at least 4 hours a day,seems like alot to me ,currently the pump runs a total of 2 hours per 24 hours.

Hot Tub Forum

NATURE2 start-up question
« on: August 18, 2004, 12:39:33 pm »


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Re: NATURE2 start-up question
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 01:27:42 pm »
Should I use dichlor or mps before we use the tub tonite or nothing since the readings are so high?Also N2 wants the pump to operate at least 4 hours a day,seems like alot to me ,currently the pump runs a total of 2 hours per 24 hours.

With N2, some people use MPS before soaking, some prefer dichlor after soaking. For me I choose the dichlor route as I have no aversion to chlorine and know how well it works. If you haven't gone in since you added the 2 TSP of dichlor you stated you'd put in then you should be fine to go in without adding anything more. I'd add a good-sized TSP of Dichlor after each use. It'll get your chlorine reading up and do its job, it'll then largely dissipate before your next day's soak but you'll have good water and then after the next soak add another TSP of dichlor and so on. Shock once per week, watch those Ph/Alk levels and clean the filter(s) at least monthly (clean it thoroughly).

As far as the filtering goes, I set up people who have a 2-speed pump on 4 hrs per day minimum so I certainly don't see that amount as excessive.
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bub b

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Re: NATURE2 start-up question
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 01:56:55 pm »
Thanks Spatech.I thought it would be okay and I'll set the the pumo up to run 4 hours.What are your thoughts on ozinators ???I don't have one and frankly I don't like what I hear about them.


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Re: NATURE2 start-up question
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 04:48:28 pm »
I am a definite ozone fan. Certainly some will argue that the return on investment is not there but that's not the point. Its not that they allow you to save greatly on amount of chemicals used. It’s about making life easier when it comes to keeping the water clean/clear and to me it’s worth it when you see the frustration some have with maintaining their tub. In my unscientific experiences I am convinced ozone makes maintaining the water easier as I see tubs each way and I've also seen quite a few spas with ozone and bad water only to find a kinked ozone hose. JMO and I'm sticking to it.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: NATURE2 start-up question
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 04:48:28 pm »


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