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Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
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Topic: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain? (Read 6323 times)
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Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
August 18, 2004, 08:59:13 am »
Greetings all.
As Calico, doodoo and others have commented in a recent thread re: their first water change, so am I planning my first change this Sat. I'm planning to "Swirl Away" since I let the installers do their thing without my intervention on 7/11. The water looks ok now--no scum line--though the color is not as blue as originally. Clarity is still fine. Looking forward to the new water.
I would like some thoughts on this: I'm planning to buy a Shop-Vac in order to pick up the leftover water after the drain as well as possibly using it during routine filter cleanings to clean the filter compartment instead of the hose siphoning I currently employ. Has anyone tried a Shop-Vac in this manner? I'm thinking a 6-10 gallon unit with a 1.25" hose would suffice. Any thoughts about a 2.5" hose unit as opposed to a 1.25"? Obviously, the larger hose would allow for pickup of larger articles when not using it to clean the tub but since I've lived w/o a Shop-Vac for this long, I'm not so sure that would be a deal maker/breaker. Also, the smaller hose my be easier to deal with. Anyway, I'd appreciate any and all opinions/observations.
Thanks and happy tubbin'!
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Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
August 18, 2004, 08:59:13 am »
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #1 on:
August 18, 2004, 09:04:35 am »
Smaller bore hoses are much easier to manage on shop vacs. The smaller hose will probably work better for water vacuming. You'll be able to get it into tighter spots. You could get a vac that is compatible with both hose sizes.
Go for one with a bottom tank drain. Not sure if they all have them now or not. Mine doesn't and I wish it did. I can't remember exactly how much water weighs per gallon but a 10 gallon vac full of water will weigh in excess of 70 pounds, so you may want to take that into account.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #2 on:
August 18, 2004, 10:17:43 am »
:DIf you get a 6 or 10 gallon Wet Vac the body of the 6 gal. and probably the 10 also is just the right size to soak your filters without having to turn them over, a 6 gallon vac body holds 2 gallons of water, how they figure the 6 gal. I don't know. You will have to use more filter cleaner, enough for the 2 gallons.
I use an old 6 gal. vac body that I kept after it gave up the ghost, it makes a great bucket on wheels and now I have another use for it.
And my wife said to throw that thing away, so keep all your junk, someday it may come in handy.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #3 on:
August 18, 2004, 10:26:30 am »
One feature I found by accident is a hose that snaps into place with some sort of retainer clip. On my old unit I could tug the hose out of the vac, and it would then dump it's soggy contents on my floor, my feet or both.
This also makes it possible to drag the unit along behind you as you move from corner to corner by simply pulling on the hose.
The last couple I bought also had removable power units which can be used as yard blowers.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #4 on:
August 18, 2004, 10:41:01 am »
Brewman, Oskar, Chas:
Great ideas! Thanks much for the thoughts. I'll definitely get the smaller hose and the bottom drain(thanks, Brewman). Since my tub is on an 8' high deck, I plan to dump the water where the unit sits so I won't have to worry about transporting it at all, thank goodness--at most, wheeling it to the edge of the deck. Oskar, great idea for the filter soaking receptacle--hadn't considered that at all. Chas, those I've seen so far have either a clip or threads to attach the hose--a must have as you suggested. Saw one with the blower too--not a deal maker/breaker but maybe a nice accessory to compliment my other blower.
I'm just glad to see that my thoughts about using one for this application are sound. Lowe's/Home Depot/Ace Hardware here I come!
Thanks again!
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #5 on:
August 18, 2004, 12:37:37 pm »
Just remember to be safe when handling electrical devices. I know it's common sense but don't be tempted to stand in the tub while you're vaccuming. The shop vac can fall in and poof. If you're lucky you'll end up looking like Don King and if you're not.....
bub b
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #6 on:
August 18, 2004, 12:43:14 pm »
Definitly should be plugged in to gfci receptacle and still use caution.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #7 on:
August 18, 2004, 12:45:22 pm »
Definitly should be plugged in to gfci receptacle and still use caution.
OOOH! Goooood point! Thanks.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #8 on:
August 18, 2004, 01:37:02 pm »
Got the gfi receptacle ready and, since the unit will be standing on the deck beside my spa which is surface mounted on the deck, I don't think there's much of chance of it falling in. 8' of hose with a couple of 3' extensions sould be enough to reach well into the spa. Thanks so much for the guys/gals are great!
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #9 on:
August 18, 2004, 01:58:45 pm »
Definitly should be plugged in to gfci receptacle and still use caution.
Probably one reason why the NEC currently requires a gfi protected outlet between 10 and 20 feet from the spa.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #10 on:
August 18, 2004, 02:42:05 pm »
My hubby gave me a 10 gallon for Christmas (it was what I asked for). I get into the tub, while he stands outside with the canister part and when it gets full, he wheels it to the side of the patio to dump (Brewman, I never thought about the bottom drain :-/ but of course, neither did my hubby when he bought it
The squeegee attachment is great!!! I can get every last drop out of the bottom (and the seats) and give it a thorough cleaning!!!
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #11 on:
August 18, 2004, 03:53:29 pm »
Great Lori! sound easy to shop for!
I'm glad to hear I'm on the right path....don't think I'll wait for Christmas, though. Thanks!
We, the unwilling, led by the unqualified, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful...
Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #12 on:
August 18, 2004, 04:05:45 pm »
Question - I have an Optima. Do I really need a shop-vac to remove the rest of the water? A large towel won't do? How much water can't get through the drain?
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #13 on:
August 18, 2004, 04:25:18 pm »
I have emptied out the remnants of our spa (optima) with a small plastic bucket. As the tub drains, the seats will hold some water, I just push that down onto the floor, and scoop out the floor water.
I've also tried using a hose to siphon it out.
You could use a large towel, but I think that you'd have to wring it out a few times. If I recall, we have maybe a gallon or two left once the drain quits. Sometimes I don't even remove that water, it's a small quantity compared to the 500 gallons or so that the spa holds.
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Re: Shop-Vac for leftovers after drain?
Reply #13 on:
August 18, 2004, 04:25:18 pm »
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