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Author Topic: Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?  (Read 5177 times)


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Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« on: September 02, 2017, 05:56:32 pm »
We wet-tested a VectorV94L and the Signature Resort today, along with sitting in a dry Spirit. My wife is 6'1" and I'm 5'9" and both of us liked their Adorondack chairs better than the "lounge" seating. Primarily it'll be the two of us in the tub, with -- occasionally my 6'4" son. Conceivably a bunch of my other kids and their spouses might join us about 2-3 times a year (impossible in the Spirit, which would fit the three of us, MAYBE). The prices we were given ranged from $7,799 (Spirit) to $10,900 for the Epic. We looked for every model that has Adorondack chairs instead of loungers. Then it occurred to me, what about the E435? I know there are differences in warranty and what comes standard; upgrading the E435 to a second pump, in-line sanitation, full foam and ozone brings it to $7,800...and we didn't get to sit in a E435 at all...just taking their word it is very similar and we'd like it.

1) Anyone have a two-pump E435? What can you say about it?
2) Is it worth just biting the bullet and going full-on Epic?
3) Should I rule out the Spirit entirely, or is it more than just "cute and intimate"?

We plan to make good, happy use of it for 12 years or so and we live in the cold Hudson Valley. Advice/experiences are welcome. (P.S. the dealership seems on the up-and-up and has been exclusively Marquis for 20 years.).

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Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« on: September 02, 2017, 05:56:32 pm »


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Re: Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 06:32:48 pm »
I'm in Albany . Have the v94L great size and therapy. Got mine for 7500 no ozone only inline sanitizing came with it. So far so good lots of room. With great seats. Any questions feel free


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Re: Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2017, 07:25:17 pm »
We have the Spirit and it's just the two of us.  I'm 5'6 and spouse is 5'8.  We fit just fine and could fit in a 3rd (would have to be careful when moving!).  Oftentimes it's just myself.  It does provide excellent therapy - it can pack a punch.  I use every seat and I like the jets on low with the air on.  For my legs and feet or if I'm sore from doing physical work I like it on high.  You can adjust each to your liking.  I also like the whirlpool feature. Since you and your family are tall and you plan to entertain other family members it might be worth it to get a bigger model.  I have only owned Signature and wet tested Vector series.  I have only seen the e series.  I would recommend to wet test.  Perhaps your dealer would be willing to fill the Spirit?  We really like ours and Marquis is a good reputable brand.  I think they put a lot of thought into detail, the fit and finish.  I also like the HK jets.  Mine also has the MicroSilk option.  It's an expensive option but it was worth it to me as I have skin issues.  If they have a filled spa with MicroSilk I would recommend to at least try it.


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Re: Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 10:52:29 pm »
The Spirit is one of the few Marquis' I never had the opportunity to wet test so I cannot comment on the feel.  I saw Spirits running with both the MP160 and HP120 pump and the larger pump is definitely the way to go.

As for the e435, I don't own a Marquis but used to sell them.  The 2-pump version had a ton of power and in my opinion the most powerful Marquis.  There were no diverters, all jets got power at the same time.  The 1-pump version had a diverter.  It had a lot of power to the jets it was supplying at the time, but you had to choose between full power to certain jets with no power to others or reduced power to all jets.  I brought in one of the 1-pump versions and everything after that was 2-pump.  2-pump 435 was my best seller two of the three years I sold Marquis.

Epic is a great spa, but I personally preferred the Resort.  Depending on the options included, the pricing on the Spirit and 435 is in line with what I sold for and the Epic is lower, I was around $11,500.  Keep in mind that the therapy is superior in the Epic than the 435.  You cannot replicate those HK40 jets.  If I can afford it and justify it, I would go Epic otherwise I would go 435.  Spirit is too small for my liking.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Down to a choice of three...all Marquis. Your experiences?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 10:52:29 pm »


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