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Author Topic: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370  (Read 5777 times)


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Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:00:44 pm »
I haven't been on here in quite some time but have started noticing that my 2003 Jacuzzi J-370 is acting up.  It appears that some type of temperature sensor may be starting to fail.

I noticed the water was cool to the touch (likely around 80 degrees) yet the read out on the control panel showed 101.  Turning up the temp did not cause the heater indicator to turn on.  Same turning it down.  I then reset the circuit breaker and all appeared OK as the heater comes on and heats the tub in what appeared to have been a normal manner so I set it to 102.  However, about a day later I am now observing that the water temp is super hot and I am seeing an OH (Overheat) on the control panel so it looks like the heater & the control panel is OK as well so I am assuming it's some type of temperature sensor.  Anyone here know what or WHERE on the unit I should be looking to replace to reconcile this issue?
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Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:00:44 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 08:00:19 pm »
  It's inside the filter area, little octagon shaped doohickey.  6600-166 part # if I remember right.  You can use a crescent wrench and unthread it from the shell of the spa.  Pull the wire out cut and splice the new one on like speaker wire.   Screw it back in and away you go.     Sounds like the problem though.   

  Other route you can take is open the front.  Thin grey wires on the left, one is a flow switch, one is high limit, other is temp sensor. Splice the one in and toss the sensor end in the spa run for a few days to confirm that's the problem.   If so, go up to previous instructions.   


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Re: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2017, 09:21:15 pm »
  It's inside the filter area, little octagon shaped doohickey.  6600-166 part # if I remember right.  You can use a crescent wrench and unthread it from the shell of the spa.  Pull the wire out cut and splice the new one on like speaker wire.   Screw it back in and away you go.     Sounds like the problem though.   

  Other route you can take is open the front.  Thin grey wires on the left, one is a flow switch, one is high limit, other is temp sensor. Splice the one in and toss the sensor end in the spa run for a few days to confirm that's the problem.   If so, go up to previous instructions.

Thanks JJ!  You have always been a great resource.  Looks like the HL sensor for mine is 6600-168.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 09:23:02 pm by ndabunka »
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2017, 11:10:46 pm »
  It's inside the filter area, little octagon shaped doohickey.  6600-166 part # if I remember right.  You can use a crescent wrench and unthread it from the shell of the spa.  Pull the wire out cut and splice the new one on like speaker wire.   Screw it back in and away you go.     Sounds like the problem though.   

  Other route you can take is open the front.  Thin grey wires on the left, one is a flow switch, one is high limit, other is temp sensor. Splice the one in and toss the sensor end in the spa run for a few days to confirm that's the problem.   If so, go up to previous instructions.

Thanks JJ!  You have always been a great resource.  Looks like the HL sensor for mine is 6600-168.

  No worries, and I should have said hope all is well life wise and welcome back it's been awhile!   

   I don't remember the part# for the HL, doubt it's the problem rarely is in Jacuzzi's. 

 Good luck on the fix, it's pretty easy.  Let us know how it works out. 


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Re: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 02:49:27 pm »
No worries, and I should have said hope all is well life wise and welcome back it's been awhile!   
I don't remember the part# for the HL, doubt it's the problem rarely is in Jacuzzi's. 
Good luck on the fix, it's pretty easy.  Let us know how it works out.

Health and family are still doing well.  Reason for my absence was simply due to other interests.  Back in the mid 2000s I was considering picking up the Jacuzzi dealership from a local dealer who was retiring.  I was between gigs in my "normal" skill set (VoIP) and was considering a change to running a small dealership so that was when I was most active on here.  However, before I could contract for the storefront space in a new, modern location I was pulled back into my "normal" career.  The durability of these Jacuzzi units is phenomenal as this is the first real issue I have had with it since purchase in 2003

From 2004 through 2013 I helped AT&T design, develop & implement the "voice" portion AT&Ts U-Verse solution and then moved over to the development of "Small Cell" technology for AT&T that you might remember from this commercial a few years back.

I have been working for British Telecom for the past 4 years.  One of these days I'll hang this up and play more golf!
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Help needed: Temp Sensor/Readout errors on Jacuzzi J-370
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 02:49:27 pm »


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