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Author Topic: Maax 480 vs arctic summit  (Read 3094 times)


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Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« on: August 04, 2017, 05:18:38 pm »
Hi I've been doing lots of reading on this forum and haven't come across much on these two brands.  I live in Manitoba Canada where the temp drops down to -30. I know allot of ppl like the full foam tubs but I'm leaning towards the non full foam for the sake of repairs in the future.

     From what I've read maax uses balboa controls and waterway jets. Plus they have two 2 speed pumps vs arctic uses there own make of controls and jets and one 2 speed pump and one 1 speed pump. Any input would be great!  I have not wet tested either tub as of yet but definitely will.

Hot Tub Forum

Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« on: August 04, 2017, 05:18:38 pm »


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Re: Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2017, 02:29:39 pm »
You live in Canada, I highly recommend looking at all spas that are well insulated.  It's not a question of which one is better, full foam is 100% a better way to insulate if you care about energy efficiency.

However, if you are stuck on perimeter insulation, I'd look at Artic far ahead of MAAX.  I believe Artic's insulation would do a far greater job of keeping the heat you generate close and within the hot tub. 

Regarding what controls each one uses and jets/jet pumps.  It comes down to how the jets feel.  If you have poor water chemistry, the jets will fail, regardless if they are waterway or not.  Balboa makes a great pack, but I'm sure Artic's is every bit as reliable, and probably functions just as good if not better since it is made for their spa.  I mean shoot, my freeflow spas have gecko packs or balboa packs depending on the year, but that is hardly a selling feature.  who cares?  As long as it works!


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Re: Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2017, 08:59:40 pm »
Your likely going to find that the Maxx is a lot less money than the Arctic. It should be, it's a lot less tub.


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Re: Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2017, 11:35:13 pm »
Thanks for advice.  Just find it hard to pay 3g more for an arctic. That equals to being able to pay $25 a month more on hydro for 10 years.   Why do you say maax is allot less tub?  We don't have allot of options here in Manitoba. We did look at master spa but the dealer wasn't great.  Looked at coast as well. Open to suggestions thanks


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Re: Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2017, 07:21:05 am »
Thanks for advice.  Just find it hard to pay 3g more for an arctic. That equals to being able to pay $25 a month more on hydro for 10 years.   Why do you say maax is allot less tub?  We don't have allot of options here in Manitoba. We did look at master spa but the dealer wasn't great.  Looked at coast as well. Open to suggestions thanks

Have the dealers open the equipment bay and you will see the 3g's. The metal frame on the Maxx is cheap, they are noisy, the fit and finish of each is a lot different. While the Arctic will be less to operate that has nothing to do with my assessment.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Maax 480 vs arctic summit
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2017, 07:21:05 am »


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