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Author Topic: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs  (Read 6167 times)


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Re: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2017, 06:27:17 pm »
I guess if your budget is $5k, then a 1-3 yr old hot tub might be a good option for you. I personally wouldn't be afraid to go used. I talked to several H/T owners and everyone I talked to ...who I went and looked at their tub, was honest with what they had ...insofar as they what they knew. Some guys knew every detail and each item that was replaced and what was good and bad about their tub. Everyone also knew exactly what they liked/didn't like about their hot tub ...and the 'BEST' seat in the tub too. Other owners didn't know hardly anything other than it was fun at first, but then it got expensive to fix ...they replaced the same pump twice and when it crapped out the last time they're saying "the heck with it" and really don't know what's wrong with their tub now --it just doesn't work.
Yeah, I think trusting the person you are buying from is key.  The used tub we have in our back pocket is owned by friends/acquaintances who love the tub, but have four kids and want to sell it so they can have some cash for stuff for their kids.  They're not actively shopping it so much as putting the word out that it's available at the right price.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2017, 06:27:17 pm »


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Re: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2017, 06:30:31 pm »
In many ways buying a new spa off a website really isn't too much different from buying a used spa, you're pretty much in charge of everything either way.

In your original post you stated your friend has a 4 year old Hydropool for a decent price and if you can see that running then that's not a bad option when you're looking to stay under $4k which is tough to do with a new spa from a dealer. In that case you might want to see if there is a local spa mover that will disconnect and move the spa and maybe they even can recommend an electrician for reconnect.
It seems, at least right now, that's the route we're going to go.  That said, we have until spring -- as others mentioned -- to really make a move, as our concrete slab won't be poured until mid-October or later, and I really don't want the tub around while construction is happening on the addition.  Since construction won't end until December or later, it's probably best to wait until winter breaks.


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Re: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2017, 07:19:52 am »
We live up in the Erie / Meadville area so we are aware of how cold your winters will be as well. We use our tub all 12 months and seldom say it is too cold to open the tub. –30F had me saying not tonight though.

In these extreme climate IMO it is important to have a high quality tub and a well insulated tub. You will also want your tub installed for the weather it will be seeing so you can enjoy it year round. We went way over our budget once we started looking into whet we needed.

That being said I find a lot of people fall in love with the idea of a tub and after getting it and finding they don’t use it that much or don’t like the maintenance etc. after a couple years give up and sell it. That’s the used tub you want to get. Take the winter and study up on tubs and go around to everyplace you can and wet test tubs. You will be surprised they all don’t suit everyone equally. When you find a used one then or you see you need to up the budget or save up a little longer you will know what you want when it comes along.

We started out saying 6k is the most we will spend. We ended up spending 12k. I’m glad every time I get in it we waited and got what we did.     
We've got a $4,000 budget -- max.  Going over is not an option for us, since we're also adding a $97,000 addition with a rec. room that will need fully furnished.  Some might ask, "If you can afford the addition, what's an additional $4,000 on your hot tub budget?" but, really, we've already stretched ourselves much thinner with the addition than we had planned, and so we have to be very careful with the hot tub.

If your friends don’t mind waiting till spring, I think the used tub from them sounds like the best idea also. As long as when you test it you like it well enough. Things like is it deep enough can’t be changed. Things like are the jets located how they would be in say your perfect tub, well you can work around that. No one wants to move a tub twice if they don’t have to so leaving it where it is and letting them keep it up and running and maintained is better than having it sitting in your garage over the winter. If you like it and they are willing to do that I would pay them up front and let them enjoy it till it was time for the move. Unless you really have some special equipment hire the people they bought it from to move it for you. Ask the owners if you can remove the GFCI breaker panel and the rest of it also.

Enjoy your new addition and the tub it sounds really nice. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Seeking opinions on used vs. new, as well as specific tubs
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2017, 07:19:52 am »


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