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Author Topic: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000  (Read 3181 times)


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Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:07:40 am »

Any guidance on concrete pad that is 8' x 8' with rebar at a price point of $2K.

Seems high to me but don't have much to go on.  In fairness there is a tree stump (not huge) that has to be dug out as well.

Thanks for any feedback.

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Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:07:40 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 12:43:17 am »
 Um yeah, unless it is huge ass tree trunk, get another bid.  Or put the spa some place else .


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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2017, 06:42:59 am »
Just paid $2,000 for a 25x10 slab.  4" thick, reenforced with extra Rebar throughout for the tub...  That was the lowest of the quotes, I got some all the way up to $3,000 being the highest.  So yes, your's is quite a bit smaller and I would think it should be less even with the stump removal.  I'm sure it depends on your location, this is Dallas, TX for reference.


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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2017, 10:19:16 am »
That’s less than a yard of concrete so figure 100 material another 100 mesh reinforcing another 100 forms and then the trucking cost. They charge the same for 1 yard as 10. Labor to get out stump and remove top soil and then a gravel base. If it is in back yard all material has to be brought around by hand. Then the cost to finish and clean up.

This type of job is a nuisance job for a concrete guy as it is too small to do for the expense of getting people and machines out for just a few minutes work. So they put a good price on it and if they get it great they can make a 1000 bucks and if not that’s ok also.

If you find a handy man type guy willing to do it with his little mixer you might get it done for half your quote. Location as mention above widely changes price also. 


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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2017, 02:21:20 pm »
That’s less than a yard of concrete so figure 100 material another 100 mesh reinforcing another 100 forms and then the trucking cost. They charge the same for 1 yard as 10. Labor to get out stump and remove top soil and then a gravel base. If it is in back yard all material has to be brought around by hand. Then the cost to finish and clean up.

This type of job is a nuisance job for a concrete guy as it is too small to do for the expense of getting people and machines out for just a few minutes work. So they put a good price on it and if they get it great they can make a 1000 bucks and if not that’s ok also.

If you find a handy man type guy willing to do it with his little mixer you might get it done for half your quote. Location as mention above widely changes price also.

x2...ain't worth the time for a concrete company to come out for a little $1,000 job so they price accordingly so they can make it worth their time, best thing you can do is source a semi/retired guy who does handyman work for reasonable rates just like mentioned above...Good Luck!


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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 12:56:10 pm »
The price is a bit about overhead.
As I stated in another thread, I used to run a family septic and excavation business. (my x and I)
We had several employees, a gravel pit and some major insurance requirements for the commercial and municipal work we did.
My dad owned a similar business but he was a one man operation.
For residential jobs, he could do something like this 8X8 pad for a lot less $$ than what I and my former husband could.

Some of your excess cost may be due to the stump you mentioned, and the size of the stump. Depending on the type of tree the stump is from, there is occasionally an issue with getting all of it so that the roots of the stump don't sprout and make new trees near your fresh new concrete pad.
Some of your excess cost may be due to the type of soil (rock, sand, clay?) and whether or not extra excavation has to be done to prevent frost heaving (not sure if frost is an issue where you are).

Your best bet is to find a small reputable operation that has little overhead.


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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2017, 05:48:04 pm »
8X8 isn't very big, don't you want an area to walk on when you're getting in/out? Or were you going to use pavers or something along those lines?

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Re: Concrete Pad 8x8' $2,000
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2017, 05:48:04 pm »


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