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Author Topic: Ease inline smartchlor  (Read 16993 times)


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2017, 09:52:41 pm »
Looks like the same stuff any idea where you can buy it

Happens to also be the active ingredients in a product called 2000 Flushes   8)


I did send a note off to Lonza and ask for a list of distributors/resellers. Will post their reply
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 09:55:19 pm by buba »

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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2017, 09:52:41 pm »

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2017, 11:00:29 am »
Kinda missing the point on @ease:  The FREE chlorine (it is a di-chlor but an entirely different type of di-chlor than what most people are accustomed to) is supposed to be low:  0.5-1.0ppm.  The TOTAL chlorine is supposed to be 10-15ppm.  Thus- it is meant to be able to handle small or large bather loads.  The nature of the di-chlor is to release one atom into the water as free, and one in reserve, whereas di-chlor releases both. 

If you're adding bleach, etc, with regularity, you are defeating the purpose of @ease.  I am not for/against bleach method, but the poster asked specifically about @ease.  If you're more comfortable dosing daily- do that and nix the @ease.  But if you do not want to deal with it on a daily basis, stick to the script.

The key w/@ease, and this is where everyone goes wrong, is pH:  It has to stay between 7.4-7.8.  Keep it there, and you'll be fine, inasmuch as you keep your tub at 94F or hotter.  Most people allow the pH to slip, then fall into the old habit of adding di-chlor.  With *that much* reserve chlorine, clearing the unit up is easy if you rebalance the pH/alkalinity.

I have found that the JUMP START (which is essentially a traditional di-chlor) is helpful if used once a week vs. once a month.

Hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward. 


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2017, 01:23:58 pm »
Kinda missing the point on @ease:  The FREE chlorine (it is a di-chlor but an entirely different type of di-chlor than what most people are accustomed to) is supposed to be low:  0.5-1.0ppm.  The TOTAL chlorine is supposed to be 10-15ppm.  Thus- it is meant to be able to handle small or large bather loads.  The nature of the di-chlor is to release one atom into the water as free, and one in reserve, whereas di-chlor releases both. 

If you're adding bleach, etc, with regularity, you are defeating the purpose of @ease.  I am not for/against bleach method, but the poster asked specifically about @ease.  If you're more comfortable dosing daily- do that and nix the @ease.  But if you do not want to deal with it on a daily basis, stick to the script.

The key w/@ease, and this is where everyone goes wrong, is pH:  It has to stay between 7.4-7.8.  Keep it there, and you'll be fine, inasmuch as you keep your tub at 94F or hotter.  Most people allow the pH to slip, then fall into the old habit of adding di-chlor.  With *that much* reserve chlorine, clearing the unit up is easy if you rebalance the pH/alkalinity.

I have found that the JUMP START (which is essentially a traditional di-chlor) is helpful if used once a week vs. once a month.

Hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

Thank you,  I also have been adding a shock once per week instead of once a month as recommended by the folks at Frog. Your note indicates a di-chlor shock would be better than MPS in the @ease system?

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2017, 12:49:36 pm »
The JUMP START is essentially another form of di-chlor so yes. 


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2017, 02:42:44 pm »
I'm adding dichlor twice a week. But we have been using a lot since tub is new

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2017, 11:52:45 am »
Depends on what you are using as your main sanitizer:  If it is just di-chlor then that is common.  More information is required to answer that question. 


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2017, 12:08:24 pm »
I think they are using the @ease and supplementing with dichlor.

I was doing something similar in the beginning only with the frog bromine cartridges. My thoughts were the automatic system isn’t really automatic if you have to measure it regularly and then tweak it by adding something. If I have to add a teaspoon here and there I might as well just give it a tablespoon or a few shots of Clorox and be done. 

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2017, 05:41:42 pm »
*if* they are using @ease (and this thread isn't completely clear as to them being on it or considering it) there really is no need for di-chlor supplementation as as often as they've noted as the baseline is supposed to be 0.5-1.0ppm.  If you're having issues with cloudiness, you've yet to consistently keep the pH in line, between 7.4-7.8. 

Though I have found that the JUMP START is more ideal once a week vs monthly, so to totally be fai,r adding di-chlor isn't a bad play.  But- It shouldn't be a thing you do regularly unless you've checked off all the boxes (is the temp 94F or higher? Is the pH set?  Is the @ease cartridge on the right setting based on gallonage?  so on so forth) or if you're usage habits are considered HEAVY.

@ease is no different than other niche products out there (SilkBalance, BaquaSpa, et al) in that it has its own process and it should be adhered too.  Too often people take general approaches that work on a more traditional water chemistry system and try to apply it to the niched system.  That is usually not recommended. . .


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2019, 03:00:02 pm »
Just found this thread, reviving it because I am curious about snmartchlor replacements.  If this 2000 flush product has the exact same label, which it does...can I not use it to replace the insides of these cartridge?  I use to use the bromine ones and I opened them up to put bromine tabs in them.  The smartchlor things are so damn expensive.  Basically equates to $15 a month just in chlorine...

I may be willing to buy it and try it, not that I would really know how to tell if its working or not..


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2019, 09:45:39 am »
Just found this thread, reviving it because I am curious about snmartchlor replacements.  If this 2000 flush product has the exact same label, which it does...can I not use it to replace the insides of these cartridge?  I use to use the bromine ones and I opened them up to put bromine tabs in them.  The smartchlor things are so damn expensive.  Basically equates to $15 a month just in chlorine...

I may be willing to buy it and try it, not that I would really know how to tell if its working or not..

If you use your tub everyday or even every other day I find it really simple to just toss in a tablespoon of dichlor when I get out I hit clean close the tub and forget it. There is no reason to test it every day. But about once a week I do a test strip and then make any adjustments needed. Once I hit my mark of 30-50ppm on stabilizer I switch from a tablespoon of dichlor to 1/3 cup of bleach.

This method is as cheap as I have found and the best for the tub as I’m always keeping an eye on things. The only drawback I found is it doesn’t provide protection when we are away for a week or more. Anything under a week I just hit it hard right before we leave with a shock dose of dichlor or bleach. Over a week I pop in an @ease cartridge that I load with just enough @ease to last for as long as we will be away. The other method is to have a neighbor come over.


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2019, 08:56:14 pm »
I dont use the tub much nor do i want to deal with it everyday. Reslly just curious if this stuff that i linked is what is in the smartchlor cartridge.  Seems to be..


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2019, 03:57:56 pm »
Just found this thread, reviving it because I am curious about snmartchlor replacements.  If this 2000 flush product has the exact same label, which it does...can I not use it to replace the insides of these cartridge?  I use to use the bromine ones and I opened them up to put bromine tabs in them.  The smartchlor things are so damn expensive.  Basically equates to $15 a month just in chlorine...

I may be willing to buy it and try it, not that I would really know how to tell if its working or not..

If you use your tub everyday or even every other day I find it really simple to just toss in a tablespoon of dichlor when I get out I hit clean close the tub and forget it. There is no reason to test it every day. But about once a week I do a test strip and then make any adjustments needed. Once I hit my mark of 30-50ppm on stabilizer I switch from a tablespoon of dichlor to 1/3 cup of bleach.

This method is as cheap as I have found and the best for the tub as I’m always keeping an eye on things. The only drawback I found is it doesn’t provide protection when we are away for a week or more. Anything under a week I just hit it hard right before we leave with a shock dose of dichlor or bleach. Over a week I pop in an @ease cartridge that I load with just enough @ease to last for as long as we will be away. The other method is to have a neighbor come over.

Honestly, this is probably the best method I've seen.  Bang for buck you can't beat it and it's pretty easy too.


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2019, 07:46:52 pm »
Just got a brand new Artesian Isla Margarita Elite, with @ease inlin. Now since it's new, we are using it 1-2 times/day for 30 min each, but the smartchlor cartridge was empty at 2 weeks... no way on paying $30/month JUST for those catridges...  granular chlorine is like 1/5 that cost.. $40 for 6 month supply. Mainly following people here and throwing 1/2 or so in after each use and water seems great.


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2019, 08:00:32 pm »
Just found this thread, reviving it because I am curious about snmartchlor replacements.  If this 2000 flush product has the exact same label, which it does...can I not use it to replace the insides of these cartridge?  I use to use the bromine ones and I opened them up to put bromine tabs in them.  The smartchlor things are so damn expensive.  Basically equates to $15 a month just in chlorine...

I may be willing to buy it and try it, not that I would really know how to tell if its working or not..

The test strips that come with the startup pack of @ease have a spot to see if smartchlor needs replaced. I'd be pretty interested in this as well, could easily crush them up and refill cartidges.


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Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2019, 08:24:20 pm »
Just got a brand new Artesian Isla Margarita Elite, with @ease inlin. Now since it's new, we are using it 1-2 times/day for 30 min each, but the smartchlor cartridge was empty at 2 weeks... no way on paying $30/month JUST for those catridges...  granular chlorine is like 1/5 that cost.. $40 for 6 month supply. Mainly following people here and throwing 1/2 or so in after each use and water seems great.

Did you put it in at fillup or wait until the water was up to temp?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ease inline smartchlor
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2019, 08:24:20 pm »


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