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Author Topic: Usage question from new owner  (Read 9517 times)


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2004, 07:55:46 am »
Outside of Concord and I see you are a football fan.....my middle son plays jr. high football and he really wanted the spa for when practice starts next week!!

I can only imagine how nice that would be. I was a cross country runner in high school.  My parents did provide us a good home with some luxuries, but the hot tub for all those sore nights sure would have been wonderful.
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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2004, 07:55:46 am »


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2004, 09:44:59 am »
Our spa was delivered yesterday, it seems to have taken months, although it was only June when we started looking.  The two main reasons we took the plunge were 1) for me, as I have seemingly come down with insomnia and look forward to a nice soak to help me sleep.  But more importantly for my wife's and my relationship with each other.  I work a lot of hours, getting home late every night, my wife is back in school full time to obtain her RN license.  We have two teenaged daughters and all the pressures and general stress involved with daily living, elder parents etc.  We realized one day that we never seemed to have time to simply talk with each other, "reconnect" as someone posted here.  Seems silly that after 23 years of the most terrific marraige I could have dreamed for that this would happen, but it did.   So, as if by design, after a night out with another couple, we were invited back for a soak and a night cap.  What a remarkable feeling, not just the warm water etc., but the entire experience.  Stars, spa lights, the warm weightless feeling, bumping feet (kind of awkward at first but you get over it pretty quick and in and of itself is kind of a bonding sensation) a chilled Drambuie and some of the best conversation we ever had with these two friends.  We knew that night that this was something remarkable.  So, a home finance review, a look at our waterlogged yard and the decision was made.  Expensive yes, most certainly.  But can I place a dollar value on my marriage?  I think not.  I looked and found this forum, received some terrific advice from Chas, Doodoo, Brewman and Dazed (buy a spa already) and Confused to name a few, but many others as well, and here we are.  The electrician comes tomorrow and then I should be able to answer the question intelligently.  I hope to use it often, otherwise I would not have spent the money.  Afterall, I am still an accountant, just a much happier one now.  Cheers


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2004, 10:09:30 am »
MMMM..........Drambuie.   :)

 Gad, it's been ages since I've had any of that stuff.  
I think that would make an excellent spa beverage.
My favorite mixed drink is the rusty nail, scotch and Drambuie.  
I think I need to make a stop on the way home from work.  Good thing it's payday!


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2004, 12:13:19 pm »
There is something about soaking in a spa that makes people open up and express their true feelings.  It's kind of like Wonder Woman's magic lasso, the truth comes out in a wave.  Back when my son was in his puberty years and things were bothering him, we could tell but you couldn't get a word out of him about what it was.  We would order him into the spa and in a few minutes he would let it all out.  It's an amazing thing.  Same goes for my girlfriend and myself.  We have conversations and relate things that we never would out of the spa.  
So add that as another value of these very expensive spas.  Worth every penny.


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2004, 01:16:08 pm »
 The two main reasons we took the plunge were 1) for me, as I have seemingly come down with insomnia and look forward to a nice soak to help me sleep.  But more importantly for my wife's and my relationship with each other.  I work a lot of hours, getting home late every night, my wife is back in school full time to obtain her RN license.  We have two teenaged daughters and all the pressures and general stress involved with daily living, elder parents etc.  We realized one day that we never seemed to have time to simply talk with each other, "reconnect" as someone posted here.  Seems silly that after 23 years of the most terrific marraige I could have dreamed for that this would happen, but it did.  


That was kind of eerie to read. I was developing insomnia as well and the spa has helped a lot. And as I have posted in a couple of threads, the spa is the best time we have to get caught up with each other's day (including our 20 year old daughter who works and goes to school)  And by the way, we have been married 23 years also.  

After the spa, our next big purchase is going to be a cruise for our 25th anniversary. I am putting the deposit down next week for a trip leaving 4/29/06  ;D  We will be in St Thomas 3 days later for our 25th anniversary.
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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2004, 05:32:28 pm »
Must be the over 20 year marriage itch= buying a hot tub! lol We will be married 25 years this October and this is a perfect gift for both of us. Sleep does become elusive for both of us during times of stress. As a new teacher, I find Sunday nights to be the worse for me, so I am really looking forward to getting the tub up and running.
I know that our 3 sons will enjoy it just as much, but look forward to times without them......in the tub..lol.
Rusty nails are a Friday night staple here for my husband!! Too funny to also read that ;) .
Electrician was by yesterday to measure and determine what supplies to bring. A "yankee" can't be rushed...so I am trying to be very patient.
Maybe the Hokey Pokey is what's all about?


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2004, 09:40:53 pm »
Wife & I just finished a 1/2hour soak before a late dinner (baked chicken, roasted potatos, glass of wine.)  We've been once a day minimum.  Our tub is only a week old but I'm convinced we will be pretty consistent - it's fantastic for all of the above reasons.  I too have been in a major insomnia cycle, wife has neck problems, and the conversation is superb.

Our two highschoolers have been in every night since marching band practice started this week.  We have a pretty agressive band program - they do maching/playing drills 6 hours min/per day from now until the first game in 2 weeks.  Our band has been first in state for the last 23 yrs.  The kids have loved having the tub to come home to this year.


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2004, 10:57:47 pm »
about 5 times a week.


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2004, 02:47:53 am »
Married just about 18 years no kids buy choice. We purchase our first spa and was delivered on May 25th. I was worried that it would be an item that would be just sitting in the yard. But now I don't  think so. We are in it 4 to 5 times a week. The first words out of my wife's and my mouth is AAHHH. And we mean it. The best part is getting in 102 degree water.

We also have a great pleasure boat and after work some evenings we go out on the lake and if it is really hot we put life vest on and jump in. Now we just go for a ride.  With our wonderful spa I have cought myself becoming fussy about the lake vs spa. Spa win's 8 out of 10.

I have two guy's I grew up with come up and are spending the weekend with us. So they know the old drill. Pile in the boat maybe some skiing or tubing some putt pitting around the lake, then just float aroung the boat for an hour or so to relax after a fun day on the lake.

Not this time the spa was on everyones mind. After about 10 minutes the comment of "nowI understand now why you don't jump in the lake as much as you use to". "This is awsome!"

We have also noticed when we see neighbors out and about and invite them in for coffee or a beer sometimes yes sometimes oh we would love to but. They have never yet turn down and invite to the spa. And that is fine we want to share our spa and yes it does make for great conversation. Now if i could just get my wife to stop talking about work when we are in the spa.


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2004, 12:32:30 am »
2 Times a day, tho today is the 1st day we used our new spa  LOL

BTW I lived in Manchester NH  for the last 5 years until about a month ago....Im not going to miss the snow :)


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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2004, 06:51:10 am »
A couple times a week, but less this time of year than in the fall, winter, spring. Ours is a little over 2 years old now.

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Re: Usage question from new owner
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2004, 06:51:10 am »


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