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Jonathan,I am assuming that the new dealer would be competent. Its survival of the fitest. If he goes out of business, fine another will open and do business.
As someone else posted, you can take your water sample, buy chemicals, etc at ANY dealer regardless if its SD, HS, etc. Not to pick on you or any specific for that matter, but it both sickens and angers me when I hear dealers trying to brainwash people by saying YOU mUST COME to me! Gag! This is the 21st century! Hello!
To address your technician quality question - Spa technicians are a dime a dozen. Really! Anyone who can obtain training from the manufacturer or technical school can fix spas. It's not rocket science.
Again, I am not picking on you. IN general I wish the general spa buying public would smarten and possibly end the silly games/tactics dealers play.D/C
D&C, I am in an IT related job and can tell you that my 20 years experienceand knowledge in the IT industry far outweighs anything any new graduate from the local PC repair school has to offer. I can diagnose a problem over the phone in 3 minutes after a local tech struggles for hours with it. Experience does count for something in my book, with IT , with law, with tax accounting, and probably with hot tub repair. Again my newbie .02¢!Jonathan