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Author Topic: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results  (Read 7978 times)


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LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« on: August 12, 2004, 12:02:03 pm »
Well, we just got back from our wet test and we are pleasently surprised.  This was the first tub that we Both fit in.  It has a deep lounger which my wife liked alot; unfortunately I floated a bit in it but I had room to stretch out my legs and I am 6ft 3 (this is the only tub I could do that in).  The jets had plenty of power for our liking, the seats were quite comfortable and layed out well.  The waterfall seemed pretty gimmicky and not of much use.  The radio sounded good even with all the jets on full and the radio on low but 1000-1300 is a bit much for a CD player IMO.  The controls were easy to operate and we loved the LED light versus the fiber optics they were a bit to bright for us.  The neck jets were intense to say the least and can be turned off if needed, but they are a nice feature.  Footwell was laid out well and roomy enough for my size 16's and 4 other peoples.  All in all it was our best experience to date.

Not too familar with the brand so any owners?? or knowledge of them would be appreciated. ;D ;D

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LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« on: August 12, 2004, 12:02:03 pm »


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 12:33:45 pm »
I have an LA Spas Esteem.  I've only had it for a month and I think it's the greatest thing I've purchased since beer.  I did little research on hot tubs before buying.  I basically just shopped the 2 local stores and decided on LA due to price and the dealership.

I haven't had any problems, of course, it's only a month old.  I looked at the HEET and thought it was a little too much tub for what I wanted, but you should go for it if it's the size you need.

After I bought the LA Spa, I got a little worried because I couldn't find much information at all on the internet on the brand.  That scared me at first, but I'm past that now.  As long as it does what it's supposed to with little problems, I'm good.


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 12:50:24 pm »
Well, we just got back from our wet test and we are pleasently surprised.  This was the first tub that we Both fit in.  It has a deep lounger which my wife liked alot; unfortunately I floated a bit in it but I had room to stretch out my legs and I am 6ft 3 (this is the only tub I could do that in).  The jets had plenty of power for our liking, the seats were quite comfortable and layed out well.  The waterfall seemed pretty gimmicky and not of much use.  The radio sounded good even with all the jets on full and the radio on low but 1000-1300 is a bit much for a CD player IMO.  The controls were easy to operate and we loved the LED light versus the fiber optics they were a bit to bright for us.  The neck jets were intense to say the least and can be turned off if needed, but they are a nice feature.  Footwell was laid out well and roomy enough for my size 16's and 4 other peoples.

The closest  LA spas dealer was 80 miles or I would have definitely given it more consideration.  Last night the neck jets paid off big time for me in my spa.  All day I had a tension headache that felt like I was being led around by someone grasping the back of my neck and pinching.    After an entire day of 2 ibuprofen every 4 hours, the neck jets were the cure!    You say they are intense but can be turned off.  Can they be varied?  Mine on full blast were perfect last night.  The heet looks like a great model.  This model is similar to what I ended up buying. However it is one of the few that have jets in the lounger above the knee (hamstring area) I think I would love that, though the jet would have to be variable, which I think it would be in your case.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 01:00:07 pm by wmccall »
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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2004, 01:00:29 pm »
Yes they can be varied and turned off I think most of them can because I sat in the upright seat and they turned off the top row of jets along with the neck jets for me ; becuase I was spraying water all over the showroom But they felt wonderful!!!

They are by far and away the best dealer here in town as my options were severly limited.


What colors and options did you get if I may ask we are looking at the brochure and trying to decide
??? ???


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2004, 02:03:09 pm »
Hey Okspacpl, we bought ours with little options.  We bought the 24/7 circulation pump(Ultimate Water Management System).  We bought the model with 77 jets.  I think the color is called Ponderosa Pine.  (dark green).  The skirt is coastal gray, not the normal redwood.

That's it.  No fancy waterfalls, lighting package, stereo's.  But I'm really happy with it.  To me, less options meant less to go wrong, less maintenance.  

If I were to buy another spa tomorrow, I doubt I'd change anything.  I may look harder at the lighting package next time.  We got the lounge seat model and I'm glad we did.  No one that's been in it has floated yet.  We use the lounger a lot.

Email me and I'll show you some pictures.


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2004, 02:35:52 pm »
Hey, glad to hear you tested the HEET.  I also tested it, and it was a bit big for me!

The LA Spa Fiji was my second choice.  It was a real toss up between it and the Vanguard.  My husband liked the looks of the Vanguard better, but what did he know?  He wouldn't test any models with me!  Anyway, I think you will be very happy with the HEET.  If it is the one that fit!

Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2004, 11:53:30 am »
I have had my HEET now for almost six months and except for a leaky coupling that had to be fixed (likely caused by the delivery) it has worked perfectly.  I did not get the UWMS but did get the Ozone.  No stereo, mood lighting or other gadgets.  After I get the kids to bed I need the peace and quite.  With nearly all the jets adjustable my wife and I can get it just how we like them.  In fact I switched the jets from one of the middle seats with the lounger jets to make it more to my liking.  The seating is versatile for people of all heights (or in Lori's case, lack of ;D), even my 6 and 3 year old like to get in and sit on the cool down seat.  If I had it to do over again I would not change a thing.  For the money and value it is hard to beat and our dealer has been great.  We have the version with the max amount of jets in Ponderosa Pine as well, but with the redwood siding (not real wood).  It is truly heaven on Earth.  Oh, you probably wont float if you are not wearing a suit ;)


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2004, 12:42:05 pm »
Hey Chaz,

Is the Ozone thing a standard feature?  I never asked for it but the red light stays on indicating that I have it.  I did specifically ask for the UWMS.  Do these two features interact with each other?


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2004, 01:09:45 pm »
 Oh, you probably wont float if you are not wearing a suit ;)

There, I'm not the only one to say that now! ;D
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2004, 01:38:03 pm »

Well in the showroom I had no choice but to wear one; might've caused a stir otherwise!!.  I am glad to hear you haven't had problems and enjoy the spa;  I think today I will put a deposit on it and begin the waiting game :(:( but it won't take long I hope plus its been raining here for the last couple weeks anyways.  I think we are leaning toward the pearl glossy finish (harder to maintain) but we dont have any kids and it shows nice with the LED light IMO.  I think the grey siding is what she wants with the cover lift grey also ; Im not sure if we have the UWMS or not that wasn't even mentioned to us so probably not;  the ozone I think is pretty much standard as we didn't ask for it and thats written on the estimate.   Thanks for all the great responses  we are feeling alot better about our future purchase !! ;D ;D


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2004, 01:39:01 pm »
...I did specifically ask for the UWMS.

Is that the Under Water Misting System?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2004, 01:40:44 pm by empolgation »


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2004, 10:55:28 pm »
we passed on this tub because of the "new bag filter" arrangment.

The pleated filters offered by other suppliers are superior. (efficiency and resistance to clogging), and that is not an opinion, it is a fact, as I work with filters for a living.  

we were told the they would offer a "back retrofit" soon to accept pleated filters, but without in hand, we passed.


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Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2004, 01:18:12 pm »
The ozone is pretty much standard on these as far as I know.  I have yet to run acrossed anyone who doesn't have it on their LASpa.

WM-Knew I had heard that somewhere before ;)

As far as the filtration, I am definately no expert on the subject, but I was mine at least once a week and the water has remained very clear.  I suppose I'lll ask my dealer about whether a retrofit is available and if he advises it.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: LA Spa HEET Wet Test results
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2004, 01:18:12 pm »


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