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Aw come on. Now I agree that the TV is a bit of overkill but I love the builtin stereo, waterfall, and yes, icechest that mine comes with. Â Not that I use them everytime, I usually just plop in, turn 1 pump on low or not at all, and I'm happy.But sometimes at night, I turn on our classical music station, the waterfall on low, and of course the LED lights, and let me tell ya, the icecold beer never tasted better! Â
Who needs a microwave? Â I could just pop a panel open and place the food in my thermopane for a couple of minutes! Â It's just radiating with heat down there. Â
Who needs a microwave? I could just pop a panel open and place the food in my thermopane for a couple of minutes! It's just radiating with heat down there
I hope your kidding and it's not that hot down there! That would be pretty detrimental to your electronics and Plastic Parts over time!?
Oh come on now Stuart, your just jealous because you can't cook dinner in your f.f. spa.